Procrastinations 09 (november 2011).pdf

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Procrastinations 9
Procrastinations nine
Articles This Issue.
The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund by John Coxon
My Three Heroes by Christopher J. Garcia
Steve Jobs by John Coxon
Threesome by Jacqueline Monahan
Idylls or Idols: Inspiration in Retrospect by Kim Kofmel
Inspiration is a Great Place to Start by Warren Buff
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish by John Coxon
When Heroes Go Down by España Sheriff
Confessions of a Fanzine Editor, Part 2 by Dave Haddock
Letters of Comment
Chris Garcia
Lloyd Penney
John Teehan 29
Closing Remarks
ISSN: 2049-1859 (Print)
ISSN: 2049-1867 (Online)
The more observant amongst you will have noticed, no doubt, that
this is my first fanzine of the year. Some of you will know that my
last fanzine was released in March of 2010, making this a gap of over
eighteen months. This issue should really have been released at
Novacon 40, with Procrastinations #10 following at Illustrious, but
those plans were disrupted by a sinus infection and final year
examinations respectively. (Sinus infections are not in any way fun.)
Frankly, though, you don’t really care. You just want to read the
articles contained within – and who can blame you?
This marks the first time the editorial has been moved to the inside
page, rather than being on the front cover. This is as a result of the
formatting changes required for the transition to publishing in the
ePub format, alongside the paper and PDF copies that were already
offered – I’m still working out how best to offer both as I write this,
and it’s proving to be an enjoyable challenge. I talk more about first
times in my closing remarks, which, as ever, remain on the back
This issue’s theme is personal heroes, inspired by the death of Steve
Jobs in October, and I’ve asked fans to write about people who
inspired and influenced them, or to write about the concept of role
models and icons more generally. I am a huge fan of the articles that
I’ve received this time around, and I’m really rather proud of how
on-topic everyone is.
The contents this time around include contributions from the three
candidates to make the TAFF trip to Olympus 2012. I do hope you
will read their contributions and vote. I’ve expanded on this request
in our first article, with details about the current race, my TAFF trip
and a bit of talk about my TAFF report. It’s nice being back in the
editor’s chair for this issue. Enjoy!
Procrastinations is edited by John Coxon.
Issue #9 published on Saturday 12th November, 2011.
Address: 14 Chapel Lane, Peterborough, PE4 6RS, UK.
The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund.
John Coxon (editor, Procrastinations; 2011 TAFF delegate)
The Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund, or TAFF, was formed in the 1950s as a
method by which science fiction fans on either side of the Atlantic
Ocean could cross to the other side, courtesy of donations from
other fans. Obviously, back then, it was horrendously expensive to
travel from Europe to North America (or vice versa!), so this was
very useful indeed; nowadays, the fund exists to help those without
the means to travel get to conventions in other countries and
explore the world.
As you may or may not already be aware, I won the TAFF race
earlier this year. The results were announced just after Illustrious,
the Eastercon in Birmingham; I won by virtue of something called
the 20% rule, which I’m sure will be an interesting footnote in any
chronicles of the history of the fund written in the years from now. I
went to Renovation, the 2011 Worldcon in Reno, Nevada; I also
travelled to Toronto, Seattle and the San Francisco Bay Area as part
of my trip.
Since departing on my adventure to visit
our North American cousins, I have
written a lot. In fact, it’s somewhere over
the 24,000 word mark at this point (the
word count keeps changing as I edit, so a
more precise number would be
pointless). These adventures are being
published in a variety of fanzines, as
Banana Wings (edited by Claire Brialey & Mark Plummer)
Chunga (edited by Andy Hooper, Randy Byers & carl juarez)
The Drink Tank (edited by Christopher J. Garcia)
SF/SF (edited by Jean Martin, España Sheriff & Tom Becker)
The trip report will eventually be available as a compiled work. It
will consist of the text of the report (including several bits of pieces
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that will not appear anywhere other than in the finished product!).
Alongside that will be a variety of photographs and hopefully some
illustrations from awesome fan artists (if you would like to
contribute artwork, please do get in touch with me at the email
address on the front page!). I’ve also arranged for several awesome,
prominent fan writers to write articles about their experiences at
Worldcon, which will form a large part of the document and
hopefully give a really interesting and dynamic view of what
Renovation was really like!
The trip report will be published after the current race has
concluded, which leads me very neatly onto talking about the
current race! The candidates, announced in October, are Warren
Buff, Kim Kofmel and Jacqueline Monahan. Each of them has
contributed an article to this fanzine, so please do read them and
then vote! A ballot form is tucked handily inside the fanzine you
hold before you, and you can vote at Novacon or mail it to me using
the address written on the paper; there really is no excuse!
The 2012 TAFF trip will send whoever wins to Olympus 2012, which
will be held over the Easter weekend at the Radisson Edwardian at
Heathrow airport. More details are at, and if
you haven’t yet registered, you really should! The Guests of Honour
are George R.R. Martin and Paul Cornell, with Margaret Austin and
Martin Easterbrook appearing as the Fan Guests of Honour.
Of course, Eastercon will see fan fund-related programming,
whether it’s TAFF or GUFF (our sister fund, which sends Europeans
to Australasia). I will be doing some sort of panel related to my
TAFF trip and there will be fundraising, too. Hopefully, I will be
selling copies of a finished and printed trip report to the eager
masses whilst I’m there.
If it wasn’t for the generosity of the fans that donate to TAFF, I
wouldn’t have been able to attend Renovation, and countless other
fans would have been deprived of similar experiences. The funds
promote the sense of community that is so integral to fandom, so
please do vote in this TAFF race!
My Three Heroes.
Christopher J. Garcia (editor, The Drink Tank & Journey Planet)
It would make sense that a guy who has spent the majority of his life
involved in some form of writing would have at least one author on
his list of heroes. I do, but the truth is he’s the least of the influences
that have been cast on my life. There are, in fact, two others who
have been huge influences upon me and could well be called my
idols. Of these three, one was a newspaperman, who happened to be
the greatest fan writer the world will ever know. Another, a
showman of the greatest kind. The final one? Well, I’ll let that be a
Let’s start with the fan: Harry Warner. For more than six decades,
he read and wrote to just about every fanzine that was produced.
Harry, called the Hermit of Hagerstown, only attended a couple of
conventions in his life, including the one where he was the
Worldcon Guest of Honour. In many ways, he was the exact
opposite of me: a recluse who seldom visited folks, a guy who was an
incredible writer and tireless in his communications. All things that
I am decidedly not.
I grew up reading Harry Warner’s letters of comment. I loved them.
He had a way of making every one of them feel like it was special,
different, and considered. He was amazing, and when I finally read
his book, A Wealth of Fable , I was hooked. I’d read some of his
articles in the All Our Yesterdays line, but didn’t get around to
reading the book until much, much later. Harry was the
consummate historian – he detailed everything from the surviving
records, not from personal experience. That allowed him to make
connections, and since he was reading and corresponding with
everyone around the world, he had an unparalleled view of the field.
The second of my heroes, and this one is obvious, was Forrest J
Ackerman. The man was the FAN! He collected pulps, collected
memorabilia, gave tours of his home, wrote, edited and agented; all
to various degrees of success. He was beloved, and it was his tour of
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