Frenzy 0.3 - Software List.txt

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Frenzy 0.3 - Software List

Operating system: FreeBSD 5.2.1 
Graphical shell:  XFree86 4.3.99
                  GTK 1.2.10, GTK 2.4.0, QT 3.3.1, wxGTK2 2.4.3,
                  Open Motif 2.2.2, xforms 1.0

Packages built not from port collection, marked with "*" sign.

1.  Programming
2.  File management
3.  Text viewers, editors and convertors
4.  Logfile tools
5.  Archivers

6.  System tools
7.  File tools
8.  File recovery tools
9.  Filesystem tools
10. Hardware information, setup and monitoring
11. Benchmarks and tests
12. Antivirus and intrusion detect
13. Password and crypto tools

14. Network tools
15. Modem tools and dial-up networking
16. VPN tools
17. Wireless tools

18. WWW/Mail/News
19. Instant messaging, chat
20. File transfer (HTTP, FTP)

21. Network calculation
22. Traffic monitoring
23. Proxy, redirect, wrappers
24. Remote control
25. Database and Radius tools
26. SMB tools
27. DNS tools
28. LDAP tools
29. SNMP tools
30. DHCP tools
31. ICMP tools
32. ARP tools
33. IP packets tools

34. Port scanners
35. Network scanners
36. Network services scanners, fingerprinting
37. Security scanners
38. Sniffers
39. Intrusion detect

40. XFree86 tools
41. Multimedia and games


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programming 
gcc		GNU C Compiler, v. 3.3.3
nasm		General-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
perl		Practical Extraction and Report Language
python		An interpreted object-oriented programming language

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File management 
deco		Demos Commander 3.8.2e, build for FreeBSD.
mc		Midnight Commander, a free Norton Commander Clone
xnc		File manager for X Window

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Text viewers, editors and convertors 
antiword	An application to display Microsoft(tm) Word files
catdoc		Convert MS Word/Excel documents to plain ASCII or TeX
recode		Converts files between character sets and usages
ru-d1489	Cp866<->koi8-r<->cp1251 decoders (RFC1489)
biew		Binary vIEWer + editor with dis-asm modes
joe*		Joe's Own Editor
nano		Nano's ANOther editor, an enhanced free Pico clone
jed		A SLang-based text editor
vim		Vi "workalike", with many additional features
gnotepad+	Simple GTK-based text/HTML editork
AbiWord2	An open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
djvulibre	DjVu viewers, encoders, browser plugin, and utilities
xchm		Windows HTML Help (.chm) viewer for UNIX
xpdf		Display PDF files, and convert them to other formats
rtfm		A FreeBSD documentation search mechanism
pinfo		Ncurses based, lynx style info documentation browser

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Logfile tools 
abck		Manage intrusion attemps recorded in the system log
ccze		Fast log colorizer
logmon		An ncurses-based split window log monitoring program
logtool		Parse ASCII logfiles into ANSI, CSV, HTML formats
multitail	Tail multiple files on console with ncurses
slst*		Stats listing from /var/log/messages

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Archivers 
arc		Create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
arj		Open-source ARJ
cabextract	A program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
ha		The HA archiver using the HSC compression method
lha		Archive files using LZSS and Huffman compression
rar		File archiver (binary port)
unace		Extract, view & test ACE archives
unarj		Allows files to be extracted from ARJ archives
unlzx		Extracts .lzx archives from Amiga systems
unrar		Extract, view & test RAR archives
unzip		List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
zip		Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip
zoo		Manipulate archives of files in compressed form


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System tools 
gpkgdep		Shows package dependencies in tree views
gtkfind		GTK frontend for find(1)
muse		Shows memory usage data
pkill		Find or signal processes matching criteria
pslist		View or send signals to processes with all their children
pstree		List processes as a tree
pwd_unmkdb	Recover a master.passwd from the hashed database
screen		A multi-screen window manager
skill		Kill or renice processes by pid, name, tty or uid
thefish		Gtk+/ncurses rc.conf editor/management tool
birda		Bohlin's IrDA utilities, ported from NetBSD's pkgsrc
cups-base	The Common UNIX Printing System: headers, libs, & daemons
lsof		Lists information about open files (similar to fstat(1))
glsof*		GTK frontend for lsof
cdialog		An enhanced version of 'dialog' to work with ncurses
xdialog		Replacement for the "dialog" or "cdialog" programs

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File tools 
file		File - determine file type
finfo		Finfo displays potentially useful information about a file
bchunk		Converts .bin/.cue files to .iso/audio
bsdiff		Generates and applies patches to binary files
gzrecover*	Gzip archives recovery
remendeko*	File corruption detection and correction program
regutils*	Tools for MS Windows registry manipulation
rpm2cpio	Convert .rpm files for extraction with /usr/bin/cpio
sdd		Faster and improved version of dd
nnfs*		Non Networked File System for synchronising data

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File recovery tools 
fatback*	Undelete files from FAT directories
fatundel*	Restore files from FAT16
magicrescue*	Extract known file types from block device
recover*	Undelete files from Ext2 partitions
scrounge-ntfs*	File recovery program for NTFS file systems

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filesystem tools 
mtools		A collection of tools for manipulating MSDOS files
mtoolsfm	A graphical frontend to mtools
mkisofs		Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems
di		Disk Information Utility
disktype	Disk formatting type autodetector
e2fsprogs	Utilities to manipulate an ext2 or ext3 filesystem
gpart		Tries to recover lost partition tables and file systems
linuxfdisk	Fdisk, a partition tables manipulator, from util-linux
ntfsprogs*	Tools for NTFS file systems
scan_ffs	Scan_ffs recovers lost disklabel
stat		Print inode contents
testdisk	Tool to check and undelete partitions

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware information, setup and monitoring 
gkrellm		A GTK based system monitor
xosview		A graphical performance meter
consolehm	Console based hardware monitor for FreeBSD
cpuid		CPU identification utility
dmidecode	A tool for dumping DMI (SMBIOS) contents
lmmon		Display information from MB power management controller
pciutils	PCI configuration utilities
udesc_dump	udesc_dump, showes USB descriptors
x86info		Display information about the systems x86 processor(s)
xmbmon		Motherboard monitor
xsysinfo	A system information display tool
ataidle		Utility to set spindown timeout for ATA drives
sformat		Formatting/partitioning/analysis/repairing of SCSI disks
smartmontools	S.M.A.R.T. disk monitoring tools
screentest*	Test quality of CRT screens

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmarks and tests 
bonnie++	Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bonnie		Performance Test of Filesystem I/O
bytebench	The BYTE magazine benchmark suite
cpuburn		CPU/memory stress testing utilities
crashme		A tool to test an operating system's robustness
dbench		A simulation of the Ziff-Davis netbench benchmark
dt		Data Test Program - disk/tape error diagnostic tool
forkbomb	System stress testing tool
iozone		Performance Test of Sequential File I/O
lmbench		A system performance measurement tool
memtest		Utility to test for faulty memory subsystem
nbench		BYTE Magazine's native benchmarks
pipebench	Pipebench shows throughput/amount of data through a pipe
postal		Benchmark SMTP/POP servers
postmark	NetApps file system benchmark
scimark2c	An ANSI C version of the SciMark2 benchmark
smemtest*	Simple memory test
ubench		Unix Benchmark Utility for CPU(s) and memory
webbench	Simple forking web benchmark

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Antivirus and intrusion detect 
clamav		Command line virus scanner written entirely in C
drweb		Dr. Web antivirus daemon and scanner.
chkrootkit	A tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
cops		A system secureness checker
sleuthkit	The @stake Sleuth Kit for forensic analysis
autopsy		The Autopsy Forensic Browser is a GUI for Sleuthkit

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Password and crypto tools 
apg		An automated password generator
gpasman		A password manager, stores passwords encrypted
john		Featureful Unix password cracker
l0phtcrack	Cracks SAMBA or Windows NT passwords
pwl9x*		PWL password cracker
openssl		SSL and crypto library
gnupg		The GNU Privacy Guard
gpa		A graphical frontend for the GNU Privacy Guard


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network tools 
nvnet		Driver for NVIDIA MCP Ethernet adapter
ncplib		Client for Novell NetWare servers
gnetcat		GPL'ed re-write of the well known networking tool netcat
lcrzoex		Contains over 300 functiona...
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