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Today the people of the world realize that they
were deceived about the true reasons behind the
war on Iraq. Those politicians who started this
illegal war have lost all credibility. Yet some
heads of states are already compromising with
those who continue to escalate the internationl
crisis. By doing this, they act against the will of
their own citizens.
Once people around the world recognize the
organized deception underlying the pharma-
ceutical industry, they will demand to put an
end to such a business and hold its directors,
investors and political supporters accountable.
In order to prevent this from happening, this
multi-trillion dollar investment business needs
worldwide emergency legislation and protection
laws, which could never be passed in peace-
times. For this very reason its political stake-
holders are organizing a second battlefield:
being openly implemented now and escalated on
a global scale.
The strategic aim of these special interests
around the Rockefeller investment group and
their political stakeholders is to escalate the
current international crisis to a level where
weapons of mass destruction are used.
Over the past weeks I have informed the people
in America and the rest of the world about the
hidden agenda behind the war against Iraq.
There are at least two battlefields:
The use of weapons of mass destruction would
immediately cause a global psycological paraly-
sis. Such a situation is the only scenario in which
it would be possible to curtail civil rights and
establish the required protection laws not only
in one country - but worldwide.
This is the psychological, political and military
escalation of crisis and war at a global scale. The
main purpose of this strategy is to divert atten-
tion from the ‘Battlefield No. 1’, create a global
psychological state of fear as a precondition for
abandoning civil rights and implementing pro-
tection laws to win the main battle. It is precise-
ly for that reason that this second battlefield is
This is the struggle of the pharmaceutical
investment industry for the survival of its ‘busi-
ness with disease’. This battle is not immediate-
ly recognizable for everyone. At stake are not
millions or billions of dollars - but in the long
term hundreds of trillions of dollars.
This is why we do not live in post -war but in
pre - war times. And this is why the people of the
world need to unite in order to prevent this from
happening. The time has come to start building
a new world of peace, health and justice.
Matthias Rath, M.D.
Constitution for a New World of Peace, Health and Social Justice
At the beginning of the third millennium
mankind stands at the crossroads. On the one
hand are the interests of six billion people cur-
rently inhabiting our planet - and of all future
generations - who wish to live a dignified and
healthy life in a peaceful world. On the other
hand is a small corporate interest group deny-
ing the whole of mankind these basic human
rights for one reason only - financial greed.
As our fundamental rights we proclaim:
THE RIGHT TO HEALTH. We, the people
of the world, are determined to defend our
right to health with all means available. We
will make sure that the pharmaceutical 'busi-
ness with disease' the deliberate promotion of
diseases for corporate gain, is outlawed
worldwide. We will hold responsible those
who deliberately promote diseases and those
who withhold live-saving information on nat-
ural, non-patentable therapies. In providing
health to our communities and in implement-
ing national health care programs we will
focus on effective and safe, natural health
approaches. The primary goal of any health
care strategy is prevention and eradication of
We recognize that as a precondition to estab-
lish these important human rights those inter-
est groups promoting war and disease need to
be brought to justice in international courts
for sacrificing the lives of millions of people
and for committing other crimes against
THE RIGHT TO PEACE. We, the people
of the world, are determined to defend our
right to peace with all means available. In
the age of weapons of mass destruction
war is no longer an option for solving
international conflicts. We will make sure
that those who conduct wars without an
explicit mandate by international law will
be held responsible and will be brought to
justice. We will not rest until this is
accomplished because we recognize that
this is the only way to protect our planet
from destruction.
This will remove the last obstacle for the peo-
ple of the world to terminate the 'Dark Ages
of Disease, War and Injustice' and start build-
ing a 'New World of Peace, Health and Social
In this situation, we, the people of the world,
have the choice: we either continue accepting
the yoke of those investment industries forc-
ing wars and diseases upon us or we liberate
ourselves from these burdens and start build-
ing a world determined by the principles of
peace, health and social justice.
On behalf of the people of the world -
THE RIGHT TO LIFE. We, the people of
the world, are determined to defend our
right to life with all peaceful means avail-
able. We will not rest until all factors
shortening the life span of people on our
planet are eliminated. We will fight
hunger, malnutrition and other factors
already killing millions of inhabitants of
our planet each year including infants and
children. We will also terminate the
'investment business with disease' as the
result of which more people have died pre-
maturely from preventable diseases than in
all wars of mankind put together.
the people of the world, are determined to
defend our right to social justice with all
peaceful means available. We no longer accept
that two out of three inhabitants of our planet
live in poverty and illiteracy. We will make
sure that the resources of the world are redis-
tributed in a way that provides education and a
dignified life for every citizen of our planet. To
finance this redistribution we will use the
financial resources liberated from terminating
the multi-trillion dollar 'business with disease'
and from decreasing military expenditure.
We, the people of the world, recognize that
never before in the course of history have we
been more united to preserve peace, to termi-
nate the investment 'business with disease' and to
bring to justice those who sacrifice peace and
health for corporate gain.
Therefore, we the people from East and West,
North and South, from rich and poor coun-
tries have decided to create a world of peace,
health and social justice for ourselves and
generations to come.
Matthias Rath, M.D.
More information how you can support this Constitution and
help disseminate it is available at www.dr-rath-foundation.org.
“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.“ Edmund Burke, Politician and Writer (1729-1797)
My Open Letters in the New York Times and
other leading international newspapers before
the Iraq war contributed to the accomplish-
ment of two goals. First, the public exposure of
the pharmaceutical agenda behind this war
helped to deny any mandate by international
law for this war. Secondly, I publicly warned
that any use of weapons of mass destruction
could be abused. If such a plan had ever exist-
ed, my warning exposed such intentions and
rendered them too risky to execute.
Because they did not reach their goals during
the Iraq war, these special interest groups and
their political stakeholders will continue to
escalate the international crisis.
Take Health Action:
The pharmaceutical industry promotes the
expansion of diseases - not their prevention.
For more and more diseases there are effec-
tive natural, non-patentable alternatives.
The People’s Agenda will be formally pre-
sented at an international conference in The
Hague, Netherlands on June 14 - 15, 2003.
The Hague is the city where the United
Nation’s International Criminal Court (ICC)
has been established.
However, because their ‘game plan’ is now
revealed, their next steps are predictable.
Most importantly, because we, the people,
now know these plans, we have a chance to
stop them. These plans include:
Every family, every doctor’s office, hospital
or health care system that applies natural
therapies helps to improve health and
decrease the dependency from the pharma-
ceutical investment business. Entire countries
are already refocusing their national health
care system on preventive measures includ-
ing natural and nutritional health.
• The war escalation - including the threat of
preemptive nuclear strikes - against Iran,
North Korea and other countries.
Moreover, only 11 days after my first Open
Letter was published in the New York Times on
February 2 this year, the Attorney General of
New York filed lawsuits against leading phar-
maceutical companies for fraudulent business
practices . On March 31, Europe’s leading week-
ly newspaper ‘Der Spiegel’ called the phar-
maceutical business an organized fraud scheme,
British TV aired ‘Dying for Drugs’ and on May
18 the New York Times published a ground-
breaking article ‘Trial Lawyers Are Now
Focusing on Lawsuits Against Drug Makers’.
• The escalation of collateral psychological
wars such as the ‘anti-terror war’ and the
global scare campaign on SARS.
With every dollar less, the ability of this inter-
est group to manipulate public opinion and to
buy political influence diminishes. Every dol-
lar less for the pharmaceutical cartel makes
the next war less likely.
• Efforts in the US-Congress to pass protection
laws for drug makers, including those pro-
viding immunity from drug liability law suits
under the umbrella of Homeland Security.
Take Political Action:
• Share this information with others.
Thus, while the Bush administration won a
war in Iraq militarily they lost their credibili-
ty and they are about to lose their main battle
that is being fought on behalf of the pharma-
ceutical cartel.
If the people in America allow these plans to
proceed, free and democratic elections in
November 2004 are threatened.
• Support the ‘People’s Agenda’ and start
implementing it in your community.
Dr. Rath in front of the ICC in The Hague
Until then, all peace talk has to be tested to see
whether it is genuine or just another deception.
• Demand from your political representa-
tives to implement the ‘People’s Agenda.’
This international conference is open to public
participation. For more information and pre-
registration please visit our website.
More information: www.dr-rath-foundation.org
Here you can also express your support for ‘The People’s Agenda’ and get lists to collect signatures in its support.
for a Healthy and Peaceful World
Matthias Rath, M.D.
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