Kesa Gatame (scarf hold):
Counters to Kesa Gatame: 1) bridge and lift 2) nose hook, hip turn and sit up
Kami Shiho Gatame (upper four direction hold):
Counter to Kami Shiho Gatame: forearm lift on neck, hook arm and turn
Katate Hazushi Ichi (single hand escape one): escape from outside wrist grasp.
Counter to Katate Hazushi Ichi: Make fist, turn palm down move out with forearm contact.
Katate Hazushi Ichi variation: circle arm ("wax on") (clockwise)
Kneeling Takedown One: From tie-up position, move knee back, pull into hole with both arms, and cover.
Counter to Kneeling Takedown Two: Knee Trap (opponent counters pull into hole by covering hole with knee, trap knee with hand, and drive opponent onto back with arm laying across their shoulder).
Nagashi Uke (parry straight punch): 1) Fundamental concepts include mental preparation, keep hands near face, wait for strike, do not push opponent's arm more than a couple inches.
Hadaka Jime (Naked Choke).
Counter to Hadaka Jime (from seated position): 1) Place chin on chest. 2) Yank partner's arm down w/both hands. 3) Drive partner to their back, centering your body on their torso. 4) Use both arms to pry their arm off. Distract with simulated strikes to face and groin. 2) Use finger lock to pry arm off neck.
Counter to Hadaka Jime from standing position: 1) Distract w/strikes to face and groin. Can also apply elbow strike to stomach. 2) Use your hips to break your posture, especially if he/she places their knee into your back. 3) Acquire finger lock to pry arm off your neck. 4) Duck under arm (don't turn). 5) Place hands on trapezius, pull back and down onto their buttocks as you retreat.
Finger Locks (from partner reaching to grasp your clothing). Tips: 1) Grasp one or two fingers. 2) Apply lock at joint connecting hand to fingers. 3) Partner reaches with their hand both palm up and palm down. Wrist Locks (from partner reaching to grasp your clothing): 1) Katate Tori Ichi (single hand hold one) 2) Katate Tori Ni (single hand hold two) 3) Katate Tori San (single hand hold three).
Escapes from Mount Position: 1) Arms Free: Your partner is striking at your head with both hands. 2) Arms Pinned: Your partner pins your wrists to the ground.
Leg Trap/Lift Turnover from tackle.
Counter to Two-Hand Frontal Choke: 1) Drop chin to chest to protect trachea. 2) Grasp partner's thumbs with fingers and pull downward. 3) Perform frontal snap kick to partner's groin. 4) Release one of the thumbs, and apply a finger lock to control partner.
Counter to Rear Bear Hug w/Finger Lock: 1) Use your hips to break your partner's posture. 2) Distract partner w/shin scrape followed by foot stomp. 3) Apply finger lock. 4) Duck under partner's arm. 5) Place hands on partner's trapezius, pull back and down to drop partner as you retreat.
Counter to Rear Bear Hug w/Yawara Stick: 1) Discuss reasoning for using mundane implements instead of weapons. In this case, your pen or pencil is used as a yawara stick. Demonstrate proper way to hold pen/pencil. 2) Demonstrate proper way to apply pressure on back of partner's hand. 3) Duck under partner's arm. 4) Insert pen/pencil into partner's trapezius, then pull back and down to drop partner as you retreat.