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Teacher’s Notes
Back to school
by Magdalena Kondro
Type of activity: group work
Focus: the second conditional, vocabulary connected
with different cultures; listening and speaking skills
Level: elementary – intermediate; lower secondary
Time: 30–40 minutes
Preparation: Make a copy of Student’s Worksheets
1–3 for each group of 3 students. Cut the worksheets
up into cards. Optional: Make a copy of Student’s
Worksheet 4 for each group of 4–8 students and cut
it up into cards.
4. Students A and C then repeat the game, discussing
about the questions meant for Student B, after
which Student B reveals his/her reactions. Once
they have fi nished, the game is repeated with
Student A and B talking about Student C. The
player with the most points at the end wins the
game. Congratulate him/her on his/her
psychological skills, i.e. the ability to predict his/
her classmates’ reactions.
Students use the cards to play another psychology-
based game. Divide students into groups of 4–8,
making sure no one works with the same partners as
before. Each group has one complete set of question
cards from Student’s Worksheets 1–3 and a set of
answer cards from Student’s Worksheet 4. Each
player is given three question cards, and the
remaining cards are placed face down. The answer
cards are also placed face down in a different pile.
Explain the rules:
- One player takes an answer card without showing
it to anyone. He/She decides which person is
likely to give that answer to one of his/her
questions. He/She then asks the question to the
chosen player.
- If this person’s answer matches the answer card,
the asking player gets rid of both the question
card and the answer card.
- If the answer does not match, the asking player
puts away the question and answer cards but must
take another question and answer from the face-
down piles. Then it is another person’s turn.
- The winner is the fi rst person to get rid of all his/
her question cards.
1. Play Hangman with the term challenge by writing
dashes for each letter on the board and getting
students to call out different letters . If the letter
is part of the target word, write it over the
appropriate dash. If it is not, draw the gallows,
etc. When students guess the term, elicit its
meaning, e.g. something diffi cult that needs a
lot of skill and determination, especially
something that you have never done before . Ask
students for examples of challenging situations
that travellers face on holidays abroad, e.g.
related to food, greetings, language, customs,
transportation. Find out if students have any fi rst-
hand experience of such challenging situations.
2. Explain that students are going to play a
psychology-based game connected with
challenging travel experiences. Pre-teach the
following words: cockroaches, available,
chopsticks, haggis, to hitchhike, hidden, ice cold,
security checkpoint, B.A.S.E. jumping, fjords.
Divide students into groups of three and ask the
members of each group to take the roles of
Student A, B and C. Give each group a copy of
Student’s Worksheets 1–3, cut and separated into
Student A’s, Student B’s and Student C’s cards.
3. Students B and C place Student A’s cards in a pile
face down. They take one card at a time, read
the question on it, and individually decide how
Student A would act in the given situation. They
need to choose a defi nite yes or no answer and
justify their opinions. When both have stated
their opinions, Student A reveals how he/she
would act in the situation. There is no point in
lying, as the Student A gets no points for revealing
his/her reactions. If Student B or C (or both)
guessed correctly, he/she gets a point. The game
continues until there are no cards left for
Student A.
© Macmillan Polska 2011
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