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South Park and Philosophy
The Blackwell Philosophy and PopCulture Series
Series editor William Irwin
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, and a healthy help-
ing of popular culture clears the cobwebs from Kant. Philosophy has
had a public relations problem for a few centuries now. This series
aims to change that, showing that philosophy is relevant to your life
– and not just for answering the big questions like “To be or not to
be?” but for answering the little questions: “To watch or not to watch
South Park ?” Thinking deeply about TV, movies, and music doesn’t
make you a “dummy” or a “complete idiot.” In fact it might make
you a philosopher, someone who believes the unexamined life is not
worth living and the unexamined cartoon is not worth watching.
South Park and Philosophy
Edited by Robert Arp
Metallica and Philosophy
Edited by William Irwin
Family Guy and Philosophy
Edited by Jeremy Wisnewski
The Daily Show and Philosophy
Edited by Jason Holt
Lost and Philosophy
Edited by Sharon Kaye
24 and Philosophy
Edited by Richard Davis, Jennifer Hart Weed, and Ronald Weed
The Office and Philosophy
Edited by Jeremy Wisnewski
South Park and Philosophy
You Know, I Learned
Something Today
Edited by Robert Arp
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© 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
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The right of Robert Arp to be identified as the Author of the Editorial Material
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First published 2007 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
South Park and philosophy : you know, I learned something today / edited by
Robert Arp.
p. cm. — (The Blackwell philosophy and PopCulture series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978 –1– 4051– 6160 –2 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1– 4051– 6160 – 4 (pbk. : alk. paper)
1. South Park (Television program)
I. Arp, Robert.
PN1992.77.S665S68 2006
A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.
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The Super Best Contributors
Sucking Balls and Fucking Off: An Introduction to
The Bothersome South Park and Philosophy
Robert Arp
Part One
Taking South Park Seriously . . . M’Kay
Flatulence and Philosophy: A Lot of Hot Air,
or the Corruption of Youth?
William W. Young III
Is It Okay to Laugh at South Park ?
Catherine Yu
Blasphemous Humor in South Park
Kevin J. Murtagh
The Chewbacca Defense: A South Park Logic Lesson
Robert Arp
Part Two
The Fab Four
You Know, I Learned Something Today: Stan Marsh
and the Ethics of Belief
Henry Jacoby
Respect My Authorita! Is Cartman “The Law,” and
Even If He Is, Why Should We Obey Him?
Mark D. White
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