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try. We want to direct our “blows,” or efforts,
wisely so that they will accomplish the most
good. How?
2 Go Where the People Are: Paul and
other first-century evangelizers preached
where they expected people to be. (Acts 5:
42; 16:13; 17:17) So if many in our territory
are at home in the evening, this may be the
best time to go from house to house. Is the
local bus or train station busy in the early
mornings and late afternoons when people
are going to work or returning home? When
are the shopping areas in the territory filled
with people? Street witnessing may be most
productive during these times.
3 Work the Territory Wisely: Care should
also be taken to direct our blows wisely in
the way we work our territory. For example,
instead of taking a very large group into the
same area, where much time and effort will
be required to keep the group organized and
busy, it may be better to divide the group.
Similarly, when working rural territory, we
will cover the territory faster and have more
opportunities to speak if car groups are not
too large. Could we obtain a personal territo-
ry near our home, which would reduce the
time needed for travel?
4 Jesus likened evangelizers to “fishers of
men.” (Mark 1:17) A fisherman’s objective is
not simply to fish but to catch fish. There-
fore, successful fishermen go where and
when they expect to find fish, and they be-
gin fishing without delay. Yes, they direct
their efforts wisely. May we show similar in-
dustr iousness in our ministry.—Heb. 6:11.
Song 53 and Prayer
Congregation Bible Study:
bt chap. 15 8-12, box on p. 118 (25 min.)
Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Isaiah 29-33 (10 min.)
No. 1: Isaiah 30:15-26 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Were Humans Made to Live Brief-
ly and Then Die?—rs p. 245 1–p. 246 2
(5 min.)
No. 3: How Can Imperfect Humans Sancti-
fy Jehovah’s Name?—Matt.6:9(5min.)
Q Service Meeting:
Song 61
10 min: Preach to Those Who Speak Anoth-
er Language. Talk based on page 2 of the
booklet Good News for People of All Nations.
Have a demonstration showing how to use
the booklet.
10 min: Evidence of the Bible’s Inspiration.
Discussion based on the Reasoning book,
page 60, paragraph 3, to page 64, para-
graph 3.
10 min: “Direct Your Blows Wisely.” Ques-
tions and answers. When considering para-
graph 2, briefly interview the service overseer
regarding where people can be found in the
local territory during various times of the day
and days of the week.
Song 115 and Prayer
Direct Your Blows Wisely
1 The apostle Paul wrote: “The way I am
running is not uncertainly; the way I am
directing my blows is so as not to be strik-
ing the air.” (1 Cor. 9:26) Paul was referring
to his single-mindedness and sharp focus in
pursuing spiritual goals. However, in prin-
ciple , these words also apply to the minis-
2. How can we imitate Paul and other first-
century evangelizers in selecting when and
where to preach?
3. How can we direct our blows wisely in the
way we work our territory?
4. What will help us to be successful “fishers of
1. First Corinthians 9:26 has what application
to the ministry?
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Vol. 55, No. 1
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Song 98 and Prayer
Song 89 and Prayer
Congregation Bible Study:
bt chap.15boxonp.121(25min.)
Congregation Bible Study:
bt chap. 15
13-20 (25 min.)
Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Isaiah 34-37 (10 min.)
No. 1: Isaiah 35:1-10 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: Jehovah Is Deserving of Our Trust—Ps.
25:1-5 (5 min.)
No. 3: On What Basis Can We Hope to Live For-
ever?—rs p. 246
Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Isaiah 38-42 (10 min.)
No. 1: Isaiah 39:1–40:5 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: How Will Prospects for Future Life Be
Realized?—rs p. 246
No. 3: The Superiority of Divine Education
—Phil. 3:8 (5 min.)
8–p. 247
Service Meeting:
Song 2
5min: Announcements.
15 min: Discern the Questioner’s Viewpoint.
Talk based on the Ministry School book, page 66,
paragraph 1, to page 68, paragraph 3. Have a
brief demonstration of a publisher soliloquizing
about the likely views and concerns of a house-
holder who has just asked a question; the pub-
lisher then gives a good reply.
15 min: Maintain Your Conduct Fine Among
the Nations. (1 Pet. 2:12) Discussion based on
the 2011 Yearbook, page 124, paragraphs 1-2,
and page 150, paragraphs 1-6. Invite audience
to comment on the lessons learned.
Song 97 and Prayer
Service Meeting:
Song 69
10 min: Announcements. Mention the litera-
ture offer for February, and have one or two pre-
sentations demonstrated.
10 min: What Do We Learn? Discussion. Have
Mark 10:17-30 read. Consider how these verses
15 min: “Preach to ‘People of All Sorts.’ ”
Questions and answers. Discuss the purpose of
each brochure shown in the supplement. Then
choose two brochures that may benefit people in
the territory. Discuss features of both brochures,
and demonstrate how each may be offered.
Song 112 and Prayer
Preach to “People of All Sorts”
feel someone would benefit, not just during
months when it is the literature offer. For ex-
ample, if the offer is the Bible Teach book
and we are preaching in a non-Christian land
where people have little interest in the Bible,
it may be beneficial to offer an appropriate
brochure and then introduce the Bible Teach
book after we have cultivated the person’s in-
3 The Scriptures speak well of those who are
skillful in their work. (Prov. 22:29) Certainly,
no work is more important today than “the
holy work of the good news.” (Rom. 15:16) In
order to be “a workman with nothing to be
ashamed of,” we will endeavor to become ad-
ept at using our tools.—2 Tim. 2:15.
1 A skilled craftsman has many tools, and
he knows when and how to use each one.
Similarly, we have various tools to help us
fulfill our work as evangelizers. For example,
brochures on a variety of subjects have been
produced to help us preach to “people of all
sorts.” (1 Cor. 9:22) The enclosed supplement
lists some of these brochures, explains whom
they were designed for, and suggests how the
brochures might be offered.
2 When to Use Brochures: A craftsman will
use a tool whenever it is beneficial. Simi-
larly, we may offer a brochure whenever we
1. How are effective evangelizers like skilled crafts-
2. When may we use brochures in the ministry?
3. Why should we become adept at using our wit-
nessing tools?
2012 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. All rights reserved. Our Kingdom Ministry (ISSN 1067-7259) is published monthly by Christian Congregation of
Jehovah’s Witnesses; C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid at Patterson, NY, and at
additional mailing o ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Kingdom Ministry, 1000 Red Mills Road, Wallkill, NY 12589-3299.
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Are You Using These Brochures?
Designed to appeal to those who know little about the Bible,
especially those in non-Christian religions
How to offer it: “We would like to get your opinion on what is stated
here in the Scriptures (or in this holy book). [Read Psalm 37:11, which
is referred to in section 11.] What do you think the earth will be like
when this prophecy is fulfilled? [Allow for response.] This is an exam-
ple of the hope and comfort that people of all cultures and faiths can
receive from the Bible.” Read the paragraph at the top of page 3, and
offer the brochure.
You might try this: If you are conducting a Bible study in the Bible
Te a ch book with a person from a non-Christian religion, take a few
minutes at the beginning or end of each study to consider one sec-
tion of this brochure to give him an overview of the Bible.
The Bible
Designed to appeal to educated people who know little about
the Bible
How to offer it: Read 2 Timothy 3:16, 17. Then say: “Do you agree with
this, that the Bible is inspired of God? Or do you think that it is sim-
ply a good book? [Allow for response.] Most people have an opinion
on this question, but we have found that few have actually exam-
ined the Bible for themselves. [Read the experience under the title on
page 3.] This interesting brochure outlines good reasons for people of
all backgrounds and faiths to consider what the Bible contains.”
You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “One
reason that many people think the Bible has little to offer is because
religion has misrepresented the Bible and its teachings. When I come
back, I’d like to give you an example.” When you return, consider
some of the information from pages 4-5.
Designed to appeal to those with limited education or reading
How to offer it: “Do you think it is possible for us to become friends
of God? [Allow for response. Then read James 2:23.] This brochure has
been designed to help us become God’s friend, as Abraham was.”
You might try this: Either on the initial call or the return visit, dem-
onstrate a Bible study by discussing together all or part of lesson 1.
2012 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
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Designed to appeal to those who are secular, nonreligious
How to offer it: “We are calling because many people would like to
find more satisfaction in life. All of us experience problems that can
bring unhappiness. When we do, we may look for advice from a trust-
ed relative or friend or use the library or the Internet. What have you
found to be a good resource for advice? [Allow for response.] Some
have been surprised to find practical advice in the Bible. Here is an
example. [Show the householder chapter 2, and read one of the quot-
ed texts.] This brochure is designed to explain how we can attain a
more satisfying life.”
You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “Many
have heard that the Bible is filled with inaccuracies. When I come
back, I would like to show you an example of the Bible’s scientific ac-
curacy that may intrigue you.” When you return consider paragraph 4
on page 12.
Designed for Christian youths who are being taught
evolution in school and is also helpful when reasoning with
evolutionists, agnostics, and atheists (This brochure is not
designed to be offered from house-to-house.)
How to use it when speaking to an evolutionist or an atheist: “Virtual-
ly all science textbooks today teach evolution. Do you believe that evo-
lution is a theory, or do you think that it has now been established
as fact? [Allow for response.] To make an informed decision, I’m sure
you will agree that we should examine both sides of a matter. This
brochure presents some of the evidence that has led many to believe
that life was created.”
You might try this: If you go to school, leave the brochure out on your
desk and see if it piques the curiosity of any classmates.
Designed to appeal to Hindus
How to offer it: “A well-known Indian prayer says: ‘From delusion lead
me to truth. From darkness lead me to light.’ Do you think it is im-
portant to worship God in love and truth? [Allow for response.] No-
tice what Jesus said about this.” Read John 4:24. Then read paragraph 4
on page 3 and offer the brochure.
You might try this: If the householder accepts the brochure, say: “Some
Hindu sages say that the truth is hidden in our hearts. Others say that
truth is found in sacred scripture. Next time, I would like to discuss a
question raised at the end of paragraph 3 on page 4: ‘Where should
we look to find divine truth?’ ”
Designed to appeal to Buddhists
How to offer it to an older person who is a Buddhist: “Perhaps you are
as concerned as I am about the current flood of degraded ideas and
the effect that these are having on our children. Why, do you think,
is there such an increase in immorality among young people? [Allow
for response.] Did you know that this was foretold in a book that start-
ed to be written long before the founding of the Christian, Hindu,
and Muslim religions? [Read 2 Timothy 3:1-3.] Note that these con-
ditions prevail despite continuous learning. [Read verse 7.] The infor-
mation in this publication helped me to understand truths that most
people never learn. Would you like to read it?”
You might try this: On a future return visit, after cultivating the house-
holder’s interest in the Bible, show him the questions on the back cov-
er, and point out the coupon for the Bible Teach book. Explain that
you brought along a copy if he wants to see it. Show him the book’s
table of contents, and consider a paragraph or two in the chapter of
his choosing.
Peace and
Designed to appeal to Hindus
How to offer it: “Many people whom we have talked to are distressed by
the wickedness they see in the world. Do you think that God will one
day rid this world of its problems? [Allow for response.] This prophe-
cy gives hope. [Read Psalm 37:11.] What I just read is from the Bible,
a book that has often been misunderstood and misused. You may be
surprised to know that the Bible is not a Western book; it does not
promote colonialism or the superiority of one race over another. But
it does give us hope that God will soon remove our problems. It also
contains principles that can help us manage our problems right now.
This brochure provides more information.”
You might try this: On a future return visit, after cultivating the house-
holder’s interest in the Bible, show him the pictures on pages 4-5 of
the Bible Teach book. Read at least one of the quoted scriptures and
offer the book.
Who Will Help Us
Solve Them?
Designed to appeal to Jews
How to offer it: “Throughout history humans have experienced much
suffering as a result of war. Why, do you think, do we continue to have
wars even though people say they want peace? [Allow for response.]
This prophecy from Isaiah gives hope. [Read Isaiah 2:4.] However, this
raises several questions: When and how will Isaiah’s prophecy be ful-
filled? Why can we trust the Scriptures to be a reliable source of hope?
This brochure answers these questions.”
You might try this: If the brochure is accepted, refer the householder
to pages 16-17 and say: “Many point to atrocities such as the Holo-
caust and ask, ‘If God exists, why does he permit suffering?’ We can
discuss this when I return.”
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