Alcatraz [1x06] Paxton Petty.txt

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{35}{82}Previously on Alcatraz...
{87}{103}Meet the '63s.
{106}{195}The worst criminals this country|has ever known are coming back.
{198}{258}My grandfather wasn't a guard.|He was an inmate.
{295}{317}That's him.
{319}{387}Tommy Madsen,|he killed my partner.
{414}{459}So we have to find these '63s?
{462}{508}We need to find who took them.
{510}{556}I need you to watch them.
{558}{607}You know, they're not so bad.
{637}{663}Lucy, get down!
{703}{729}[bell ringing]
{731}{766}Welcome to Alcatraz...
{769}{801}Dr. Sengupta.
{803}{845}Thank you, Warden James.
{914}{943}[ship horn bellows]
{1171}{1215}I don't know, Hauser.
{1218}{1279}Maybe the pirate life|ain't for you.
{1289}{1338}All right, tie it off!
{1505}{1548}Now look alive.
{1865}{1888}Mr. Petty...
{1890}{1958}You arrive to us|with much fanfare.
{1960}{2007}I can assure you
{2009}{2079}most lags don't get the|benefit of a welcoming party.
{2081}{2153}But then you are a special case,|aren't you?
{2201}{2232}A smile.
{2263}{2294}On a child's face,
{2297}{2379}it reminds us of all that's|good and pure in this world.
{2384}{2409}But on yours,
{2432}{2486}it's all the company of Hades.
{2526}{2609}If you've left any more of your|mines on the mainland, son,
{2618}{2705}it will be our singular aim|to find out just where they are
{2708}{2770}before anyone else|is blown to kingdom come.
{2773}{2806}Take him.
{2894}{2939}Felicitations|to the good men and women
{2941}{2994}of the San Francisco|police department.
{3084}{3153}Does the lady need a ride|back to the mainland?
{3204}{3247}No, the lady does not.
{3252}{3296}But nice thought.|Thank you.
{3493}{3534}For your nausea.
{3757}{3804}Emerson Hauser.
{4692}{4790}She has good taste|in music, Mr. Hauser.
{4812}{4858}Any improvement?
{4932}{5006}I'm sorry.
{5027}{5074}And if she stays here?
{5146}{5213}Did she ever talk to you|about a DNR?
{5267}{5326}Are you saying she's dying?
{5655}{5699}[trolley bell rings]
{5760}{5792}[dog barks]
{5795}{5842}Guy, ready?
{6178}{6195}Oh, okay.
{6197}{6241}Hey, buddy.|How you doing?
{6244}{6268}Where'd you come from?
{6317}{6338}[people screaming]
{6340}{6386}Get back!
{6389}{6433}Move, move, get out of the way!
{6435}{6457}What's going on?
{6460}{6482}They're under the ground!
{6484}{6530}Look out!
{6532}{6557}They're under the ground!
{6573}{6612}[people screaming, groaning]
{6711}{6751}[helicopter blades whirring]
{6821}{6859}[female over radio]|All units, all units, be advised.
{6861}{6929}Air support en route|to Pine Street Park.
{6932}{7002}Multiple explosions reported|with severe casualties.
{7004}{7052}Bomb squad on scene.
{7064}{7097}[siren wails]
{7340}{7388}Oh, this does not look good.
{7441}{7485}You were actually near where...
{7488}{7510}Yeah, no,|it was just right there.
{7513}{7534}Was it over here?
{7537}{7558}- The south side.|- Okay.
{7561}{7606}It was just huge.
{7609}{7658}- You saw it yourself?|- Yes.
{7676}{7770}What kind of explosive|makes a crater like this?
{7789}{7861}Something small.|An I.E.D. maybe.
{7866}{7911}Looks like he used|the grass to hide them.
{7914}{7961}Land mines.
{7963}{7985}Holy crap...
{7987}{8035}It's Paxton Petty.
{8129}{8178}He did this before|in the early '60s.
{8181}{8245}In the past,|there were multiple occasions.
{8247}{8292}He's not finished yet.
{8295}{8316}So you know this case?
{8319}{8364}Three bombs went off.
{8366}{8389}He claimed there was a fourth,
{8391}{8436}but it was never found.
{8439}{8507}All right. So where do we start?
{8510}{8533}I'm gonna work|on the locations.
{8535}{8628}You're gonna work|on finding Petty.
{8630}{8676}Petty was a combat engineer|in the Korean War.
{8678}{8725}Something bad happened|in Wonju...
{8727}{8794}schoolchildren killed|by U.S. land mines.
{8797}{8818}Petty was the prime suspect.
{8821}{8844}Is that what sent him|into Alcatraz?
{8894}{8963}They reassigned him|to the Presidio graveyard detail
{8966}{8991}while they did|the investigation.
{9014}{9074}Eventually he was tried|and convicted.
{9076}{9117}After five years|in military prison,
{9120}{9187}he came back to the city|and started doing this.
{9795}{9843}All right!|Everybody down!
{9859}{9902}[people screaming]
{10053}{10102}Oh, my God.
{10588}{10658}On March 21, 1963,
{10660}{10739}Alcatraz officially closed.
{10803}{10883}All the prisoners were|transferred off the island...
{10924}{10986}Only that's not what happened.
{11020}{11063}Not at all.
{11103}{11163}ALCATRAZ|S01 Ep06 - Paxton Petty
{11190}{11274}Sync and corrected by dr.jackson|for
{11405}{11451}You're checking her|for TBI, right?
{11481}{11568}Honestly, I barely bumped my head.|Thanks.
{11577}{11670}A guy is walking around with|a backpack full of mines.
{11673}{11718}SFPD back in '60|thought he stole 'em
{11720}{11743}from the Presidio|while he was there.
{11745}{11791}The Presidio isn't a base|anymore,
{11794}{11848}so where is he|getting them now?
{11865}{11911}Maybe same guy|who bought Cobb his rifle,
{11913}{11961}Hastings and Sylvain|their guns.
{11973}{12015}Someone's helping these guys.
{12018}{12041}I mean, maybe unfreezing 'em.
{12043}{12129}It's like when captain America was|trapped in the Antarctic ice...
{12215}{12254}But there's always|a facilitator.
{12264}{12305}I mean, Lex Luthor.
{12308}{12354}Case in point.
{12357}{12403}Hey, psycho.
{12449}{12482}Hey, psycho.|What's up?
{12488}{12537}You switch to decaf yet?
{12559}{12575}Not a chance.
{12577}{12636}I got nine lives.|Haven't burned through half of 'em yet.
{12639}{12687}Oh, right.|Well, uh...
{12691}{12737}This is some ugly-looking shrapnel.
{12739}{12784}Ugly and old.
{12787}{12856}Like FDR old or Bush 41 old?
{12858}{12905}I'm thinking|somewhere in between.
{12907}{12952}But this puppy's been modified.
{12954}{13024}- Who are you?|- Soto.
{13026}{13066}Civilian authority.
{13100}{13144}Pulled that from a tree branch.
{13146}{13169}So he's putting something|in them.
{13171}{13217}Yeah, most of these whack jobs|add ball bearings,
{13220}{13264}nails, whatever's handy,
{13266}{13312}put 'em in the mines|to maximize carnage.
{13315}{13361}This doesn't look|like some random piece of metal.
{13364}{13385}You mind if I, uh...
{13388}{13456}- Knock yourself out.|- Thanks.
{13458}{13530}You want one of me too?
{13602}{13672}Recording bombing|victim number six.
{13674}{13720}Severe lower body trauma.
{13722}{13767}Powder burns extending|to mid-torso.
{13818}{13863}- Hey.|- Hey, how's it going?
{13865}{13888}I hear you went|to the dark side.
{13890}{13936}Federal task force.|Yeah.
{13938}{13983}I'm working|the Pine Street Bombings.
{13985}{14031}I'm her partner,
{14033}{14055}Dr. Diego Soto.
{14155}{14194}Golden age.
{14345}{14368}So what are you pulling out|of him?
{14371}{14420}Oh, why do I have the feeling
{14422}{14488}you already know the|answer to that?
{14490}{14538}- That one, please.|- Okay.
{14610}{14632}Is that a Laurel wreath design?
{14634}{14679}It looks like some sort of badge
{14682}{14727}or military medal.
{14730}{14776}Hey, did you see psycho there?
{14778}{14822}Oh, yeah.
{14825}{14895}I have a comic book shop|over on Columbus.
{14897}{14942}I have every issue of Sandman.
{14945}{14967}Mint condition.
{14969}{15014}You know,|if you're ever interested.
{15017}{15063}I thought you said|that you were her partner.
{15065}{15134}Oh, I am.|It's just, well,
{15137}{15209}I also kind of have, like,|a day job.
{15234}{15279}- Thanks, Nikki.|- Yeah.
{15281}{15325}Or secret identity.
{15328}{15398}- Doc!|- Right.
{16767}{16858}"Snow... Beard... Grace."
{17128}{17198}Where are the bombs, Petty?
{17342}{17389}Why don't you just hit him|with a sledgehammer?
{17392}{17460}If you're offended, Doctor,|by all means, wait outside.
{17463}{17509}Dueling sawbones.|Toe to toe.
{17511}{17556}Old school|versus the avant-garde.
{17559}{17603}If you'd like me|to stop, Warden...
{17606}{17652}Don't be sensitive, Milton.
{17654}{17700}Tell us where they are
{17702}{17749}and you'll have a wool|blanket with tea piping hot
{17751}{17844}in a ceramic bowl waiting|for your purple pruned hands.
{17846}{17905}We'll find out one way or another.
{17941}{17964}He'll break.
{17966}{18012}Never had a man|in this tub that didn't.
{18014}{18060}He's already broken,|Dr. Beauregard.
{18063}{18131}What we need to do|is put him back together again.
{18133}{18213}A prescription straight from|the pad of mother goose herself.
{18230}{18283}When you're ready to come|into the 20th century,
{18285}{18313}please let me know.
{18335}{18405}Dr. Sengupta.
{18452}{18509}Time for the talking cure.
{18511}{18555}Step aside, Milton.
{18608}{18676}Yes, ma'am, it's|a military medal, all right.
{18678}{18703}These etching lines?
{18705}{18774}They symbolize rays that|the Laurel wreath encircles,
{18776}{18847}in the center of which|would sit a silver star.
{18873}{18919}Was Petty awarded any medals|in Korea?
{18921}{18990}No. He thought|he deserved one, though.
{18992}{19038}Fired off a lot of angry letters|to uncle Sam
{19041}{19086}while he was,|you know, in jail.
{19088}{19111}Got denied every time.
{19113}{19159}So maybe this is payback.
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