Toast [2010] [english subtitles].txt

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{375}{428}Wishin' and hopin'
{431}{479}And thinkin' and prayin'
{482}{621}Plannin' and dreamin'|each night of his charms
{624}{719}That won't get you into his arms
{722}{824}So if you're lookin' to find love
{827}{936}You can share
{939}{981}All you've got to do is
{984}{1053}Hold him and kiss him and love him
{1056}{1180}And show him that you care
{1183}{1281}Show him that you care just for him
{1284}{1332}Do the things
{1335}{1399}He likes to do
{1402}{1506}Wear your hair just for him
{1552}{1589}You won't get him
{1592}{1668}Thinkin' and a-prayin'...
{1671}{1708}What about a pork pie, Mum?
{1711}{1773}Certainly not, Nigel.|Pork pies are common.
{1819}{1915}What about some fresh cheese?|Don't be silly,|you don't know where it's been.
{1918}{2002}I'll have some nice Dairylea slices.
{2005}{2028}Right you are.
{2031}{2105}'My mother was|always averse to fresh produce.
{2108}{2225}'I'm Nigel, I'm nine years old|and I've never had a vegetable|that didn't come in a tin.'
{2228}{2282}Thank you, Mrs Slater.|Come on, Nigel.
{2361}{2439}Come on! What on earth|have you been doing?
{2467}{2506}Oh, come on.
{2595}{2691}'It must have been|the lack of nutrients that|gave my father his fiery temper.
{2694}{2779}'He was not a sweet man,|despite a very sweet tooth.'
{2782}{2832}Not like that, man!
{2935}{3058}'My mother's sweet nature made up|for her inability to cook,|or even make a sandwich.
{3125}{3236}'When you're deprived of something,|it just makes you all|the more hungry for it.'
{3435}{3524}Can we make the cake, then?|If we have to.
{3656}{3690}HE GIGGLES
{3693}{3732}What does that say?
{3777}{3863}I can't even read this. Right, flour.
{3915}{3943}16 ounces.
{4006}{4054}I think that's enough.
{4057}{4090}Oh, yes, sieve it.
{4093}{4172}And some butter.
{4257}{4321}Oh, dear. Daddy will be pleased.
{4324}{4356}Mum, let me do it.
{4499}{4554}Shh, listen.
{4910}{4990}Don't worry, we'll cheer it up|with a little icing.
{5174}{5212}It's not too bad.
{5321}{5359}Mum, the dinner!
{5362}{5410}SHE SIGHS
{5413}{5471}They're all burnt.
{5474}{5536}I think I'd better make some toast.
{5835}{5950}'No matter how bad things get,|it's impossible not to love|someone who made you toast.
{5953}{6059}'Once you've bitten|through that crusty surface|to the soft dough underneath
{6062}{6139}'and tasted the warm, salty butter,|you're lost forever.'
{6291}{6322}More tea, anyone?
{7066}{7106}What you doing? Oh!
{7109}{7180}Nothing. Go to sleep, young man.
{7769}{7820}Right, I'm off.
{8058}{8135}You don't suppose there's anything|wrong with him, do you?
{8416}{8487}There you go.|And was it a pound of streaky bacon?
{8490}{8526}Yes, please.
{8624}{8720}There you go, Mrs Patten. Thank you.
{8746}{8804}Yes, Mr Salt?|A pound of Caerphilly, please.
{8922}{8955}Anything else I can get you?
{8958}{9025}Some raspberries, please.|Right you are.
{9495}{9531}Hi, Nige.
{10137}{10178}Let's get to work, then.
{10248}{10288}'What are you doing?'
{10291}{10338}Making compost.
{10389}{10423}What's compost?
{10456}{10559}Sort of nature's way of melting|everything together.
{10562}{10587}Come here.
{10618}{10666}Give us your hand.
{10669}{10784}Right, feel that. It's hot!|Cool, eh?
{10787}{10875}Everything breaking down|lets all the goodness out.
{10878}{10935}That's what I love about gardens.
{10978}{11047}They're alive.
{11050}{11112}How do you mean, alive? Come here.
{11115}{11149}NIGEL GIGGLES
{11152}{11276}Right now, there's|100,000 biological reactions|going on all around us.
{11279}{11335}Thousands of new things being born.
{11338}{11449}All these smells and tastes -|no wonder it's an assault|on the senses.
{11452}{11524}That's what nature's|all about, ain't it?
{11568}{11603}Get on.
{11699}{11738}Smell this.
{11741}{11781}Do you know what that's called?
{11846}{11885}NIGEL SNIFFS
{11888}{11930}Go on. Have a guess.
{11933}{12025}I don't know. Well,|what does it make you think of?
{12063}{12128}Parma Violets?
{12131}{12214}Pleasure. Pleasure? Yeah.
{12217}{12253}Cool, eh?
{12405}{12441}HE SNIFFS
{12665}{12743}Can you really eat them like that?|Aren't they dirty?
{12746}{12847}There's plenty of things|they'll tell you is dirty|that won't do you any harm.
{12850}{12933}In fact, most of them's good|for you in my opinion. Such as?
{13004}{13034}What do they taste like?
{13092}{13149}You don't know unless you try.
{13152}{13200}Please yourself.
{13203}{13250}DOOR OPENS|Nigel?
{13253}{13323}Nigel, come on.
{13395}{13433}'A tin of braised beef,'
{13436}{13510}a tin of sponge pudding|and a tin of mixed veg, please.
{13513}{13558}Can we have spaghetti bolognese?
{13588}{13667}I beg your pardon, Nigel?|Spaghetti bolognese.
{13670}{13749}It's from Italy.|The sauce comes in a tin.
{13752}{13834}I wouldn't know how|to cook such a thing.
{13837}{13868}I'll show you.
{13871}{13928}Are you sure this is a good idea?
{13959}{13998}You have to put it IN the pan.
{14194}{14221}What on earth's this?
{14224}{14310}It's spaghetti bolognese.|It's Italian. Italian?
{14350}{14433}What the hell's wrong with you,|Nigel? It's rock hard.
{14436}{14467}It isn't cooked yet.
{14548}{14601}Stupid idea if you ask me.
{14717}{14762}See, I told you it wouldn't fit.
{14875}{14936}What the hell's this? Cheese.
{14939}{15008}Percy Salt said you have to|put it on or it doesn't work.
{15011}{15043}HE SNIFFS
{15046}{15104}It smells like sick. Alan!
{15215}{15269}I don't think so.
{15481}{15539}Here goes.
{15711}{15777}Mmm, it's delicious.
{15803}{15848}You twiddle it round.
{16128}{16166}I think it's off.
{16366}{16427}Nigel, get Mum's bag.
{16463}{16498}Get Mum's bag!
{16620}{16671}Well, come on, Nigel!
{16738}{16790}Stupid boy! Come on.
{17651}{17714}I think I'd better make some toast.
{17747}{17785}'I think she's pregnant.'
{17814}{17856}It's to do with her breathing.
{17859}{17953}Breathlessness, nausea. I'm telling|you, it's the same as my mum.
{17956}{18029}Sick all the time for no reason,|picky with food.
{18032}{18075}Nine months later, hello!
{18078}{18122}Out pops our Julie.
{18125}{18179}How do you think she got pregnant?
{18182}{18217}For Pete's sake, Nigel.
{18220}{18279}I don't think they've had...|WHISPERS:
{18282}{18352}for years. You'd be surprised.
{18390}{18456}Oh, milk. I think|I'm going to throw up.
{18459}{18532}Hey, I'll have it if|you're not going to drink it.
{18535}{18613}What's it worth?|I'll show you me knickers.
{18616}{18653}I'd let you see my willy.
{18656}{18793}What? Then if you give me your|puddings, I'll give you a feel.
{18796}{18846}Well, actually,|I go home for dinners.
{18849}{18910}Well, just bear it in mind|for the future.
{19002}{19065}Here. You can have it for nowt.
{19068}{19104}The offer's there, Nigel.
{19179}{19248}'Josh, how can you tell|if someone's pregnant?'
{19251}{19359}Well, you ain't been messing|about with someone, have you?|Not me, my mam.
{19362}{19400}Your mam.
{19403}{19455}She keeps getting sick all the time.
{19495}{19552}Well, she doesn't|look very pregnant, Nige.
{19555}{19614}I hope not.
{19617}{19675}What's wrong with|being pregnant anyways?
{19678}{19716}I'm scared that...
{19758}{19872}..if she goes into hospital, I'll|have to be looked after by my dad.
{20012}{20074}RAIN PATTERS
{20099}{20146}Oh, no. I'd better go inside.
{20190}{20241}I love it when|it rains in the summer.
{20373}{20440}Anyway, what's|the matter with your dad?
{20443}{20487}I don't think he likes me.
{20490}{20554}Don't be daft, what's not to like?
{20557}{20622}I think he thinks there's|something wrong with me.
{20722}{20760}THUNDER CRASHES
{20763}{20813}BOTH LAUGH
{21071}{21137}You daft bugger! Come on.
{21140}{21171}Come on, Nige.
{21174}{21226}JOSH LAUGHS
{21543}{21592}Put that on till these dry.
{21764}{21812}There's nothing wrong|with you, Nigel.
{21815}{21880}Everything's going to be OK.
{22154}{22187}I love a pork pie, me.
{22348}{22396}Hurry up, Nigel!
{22399}{22460}Oh, come on, come on!
{22512}{22563}CAR ENGINE REVS
{22653}{22704}NIGEL YAWNS
{22782}{22832}ENGINE REVS AGAIN
{22967}{23072}Are we nearly there yet? Nigel, we|haven't even left Wolverhampton yet.
{23075}{23126}Do we have to go to Penarth?
{23129}{23201}It's very good for the air.
{23204}{23276}Just try to enjoy yourself, Nigel.
{23279}{23318}For your mother's sake.
{23411}{23452}There's nothing to do in Penarth.
{23496}{23578}It's the premier resort|on the Welsh coast.
{23648}{23683}It could be worse.
{23686}{23737}They say it's going|to pick up tomorrow.
{23740}{23783}Oh, struth.
{24075}{24136}Come on, Nigel. Nigel!
{24175}{24238}Sit up, Nigel. Tomato, anybody?
{24278}{24349}You don't have to have salad cream|if you don't want it.
{24430}{24509}Do I have to have ham? Course|you bloody well have to have ham.
{24512}{24565}You're on holiday.|Nigel, you like ham.
{24568}{24644}I know I like ham,|I just don't like the jelly.
{24647}{24767}Can't we go and get fish and chips?|Look, just eat, for God's sake.|For your mother.
{24889}{25012}Look at that! Absolutely disgusting.|Letting ...
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