Bottle Nose Pig.doc

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Bottle Nose Pig

Bottle Nose Pig

Materials needed:

·         White, Pink, Brown and Black Felt or Foam Board 

·         1 16oz or 20oz Plastic Bottle

·         Glue 

·         Scissors 

·         Pen or pencil

1. Wash and dry plastic bottle.

2. Print out pattern.

3. Cut out the pattern pieces and trace them onto your felt or foam board.

4. Cut out the pieces of felt or foam board.

5. Glue the pieces to your plastic bottle in the appropriate position.  Use the example picture as a placement guide.

6. Glue the four pink feet on first.  Next glue the ears together.  Glue the smaller white piece on the larger pink.  Then glue your ears to the bottle.  Next glue on your eyes the same way.  Larger piece of white with smaller piece of brown on top.  Glue two black dots on for the nostrils.  Finally put your pink tail on the back end of the pig.  For an extra special tail, you may want to try pink curling ribbon.




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