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Stage 4

Stage 4



I thought she was ill , so I went to see her, but, when I riched her house, I received the news that she was were again. The past is does they ate and drank a lot. This is the worst ball game I’ve ever played, but yesterday was the best. Last night was very worm and the moon was full, so I got up early, washed and dressed and walked in the heavy rain to the next town, where my friends daughter lives. Last summer was hot, so I went to live by the sea. I lifted it up at once.


1)    them

2)    help

3)    away

4)    turn

5)    earn

6)    death

7)    lay or like

8)    again

9)    to be pleased

10)           to be sorry

11)           perhaps

12)           sound

13)           had

14)           fail

15)           hold

16)           believe

17)           age

18)           sat

19)           everyge

20)           sine  III see

21)           hard

22)           to be angry

23)           pull

24)           push

25)           bore – nudny

26)           amount

27)           hole – dziura

28)           therefore

29)           swam  III forma swim

30)           lost

31)           each other

32)           known

33)           taken

34)           kept

35)           find

36)           great

37)           else

38)           fast

39)           done

40)           just














Yes / no

1)     Was there a ball in one of the corners of this room last lesson?

2)     Do most people prefer to die young?

3)     The young boys physically stronger than man?

4)     Are you quite sure you got two feet?

5)     The some students make a lot mistakes in their dictations?

6)     Do you eat when you feel thirsty?

7)     Do you bring any animals with you to school?

8)     Is generally easy to get people to keep their money away

9)     Is your pen worth  as much now as you bought it ?

10) Will it rain next year

11) Shall we be here in 3 years time

12) Do doctors generally suggest that people don’t smoking if they live a healthy life?

13) Do most people feel tired if they work a lot?

14) Could you live until you were 200 years old if you wanted to?

15) Will there be anybody in this room in two minutes time?

16) Are cities noisier places to live in than villages ?

17) A most people sorry when they must work very hard?

18) Could you walk quickly when you were a baby 13 years old?

19) Will the light be hanging from the sealing  next lesson

20) Has a pan any use?

21) Do people sometimes succeeded in great what they want if they try hard eunaf ?

22) Will you have to wait for lesson to beginning if you arrive to early at the school?

23) Are you completely beginner in English?

24) Is it right to say “I have spoken to him yesterday”?

25) If people eat too much do they sometimes become ill?

26) Is the peace of paper finer than the pen?

27) Is a room bigger than the table?

28) Do you agree that is bed for health to keep eating after our stomach is quite full?

29) Does one want to eat when one is hungry?

30) Have you ever been to the cinema?

31) ......... going to answer the next question?

32) Is it right to say  “ I have gone to Scotland this week”

33) Can you fly like a bird?

34) Do use the word “fin” for people and things?

35) Do the countries of the world play football against one another?

36) Have you been able speak English all your live?

37) Do you know whether  it’ll rain tomorrow or not?

38) If you went to bed early tonight would you feel tired tomorrow ?

39) If you swam in the sea in the middle of winter would you find watcher warm?

40) If you send a letter and forgot to put address on it would it arrive?




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