
(54 KB) Pobierz - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
00:00:52:At that time,|everybody was tall, thin and blond.
00:00:57:Everybody posed,|everybody gave you a look.
00:01:02:But Gia was different.
00:01:05:She was the first one who--|who moved.
00:01:09:They all try to do it now--|give you an attitude--
00:01:12:but she invented it.
00:01:15:She always followed her instincts...
00:01:17:no matter|where they took her.
00:01:20:lt was probably the best|and the worst thing about her.
00:01:25:With Gia, it was always|about the sex--
00:01:28:every look, every move,|every minute.
00:01:32:Every day.
00:01:37:They were jealous of her.|They still are.
00:01:40:That's why they say those things.
00:01:42:She would come on to everybody,|but it was really innocent.
00:01:46:l mean, nobody was ever|really offended by it.
00:01:50:l don't think it had anything|to do with sex.
00:01:54:Even when she was sleeping around,|sex was not the goal.
00:01:57:Sex wasn't really an issue.
00:01:59:Yeah, l knew about the drugs.
00:02:03:l was afraid of the drugs,|the way people used them.
00:02:07:lt all just happened so fast.
00:02:09:You know, all of a sudden,|her face was just everywhere.
00:02:11:Every model has a moment--|l mean, the ones who make it at all.
00:02:16:And being of the moment|is everything in fashion.
00:02:21:Fashion is not art.|Fashion isn't even culture.
00:02:26:Fashion is advertising...
00:02:28:and advertising is money.
00:02:31:And for every dollar you earn,|someone has to pay.
00:03:07:Once upon a time,|once upon a time.
00:03:14:lt was a fairy tale.
00:03:17:lt was.|lt was a fairy tale come true.
00:03:23:l had two boys, you know,|but boys you lose.
00:03:26:They go away, they marry other women.|They're gone.
00:03:30:A girl you have forever.
00:03:33:When Gia was born,|l said, ''This one is mine.
00:03:37:- Look at you.|- All mine.''
00:03:40:Look at me.
00:03:42:Look at us.
00:03:45:Look how pretty we are.
00:03:48:Do l be-- Do l be|the prettiest, prettiest girl?
00:03:52:You do.|You do be the prettiest. You do.
00:04:01:- Where the hell have you been?|- Out.
00:04:04:- Out? Out? Out where?|- Out.
00:04:08:Oh, Joe, don't start.
00:04:09:Don't tell me, ''Don't start.''|Out where? Tell me where you've been.
00:04:12:- Joe, lower your voice.|- Don't tell me to lower my voice.
00:04:14:- The kids know you were out all night.|- Cut it out!
00:04:16:- Tell them where you've been.|- l'm not in the mood for this tonight.
00:04:19:Not in the mood, huh?
00:04:22:- Just leave me alone.|- Who were you with Kathleen?
00:04:24:- lt's none of your business.|- Don't tell me that, you fucking whore.
00:04:27:- Get out of the kitchen.|- Let me see. Did he fuck you?
00:04:30:- Where? Let me feel!|- Pig! Get your hands off!
00:04:33:- Who else has been in there besides me?|- Get your hands off of me, jerk.
00:04:35:- Who else, huh?|- You know how you make me feel?
00:04:37:- You make me wanna die. You know that?|- You wanna die? No!
00:04:40:You don't die until l tell you|you can die. Do you hear me?
00:04:43:That's when you die!
00:04:57:Here, take this and put it in the car.|l'll keep this one.
00:05:14:Once upon a time...
00:05:17:in a kingdom far, far away...
00:05:19:there lived a young girl...
00:05:21:whose hair was made of gold.
00:05:24:When the people|in the village saw her, they said...
00:05:27:''Oh, how beautiful she is.''
00:05:30:One cheese steak, one meat ball,|one salami provolone.
00:05:33:l'll be back by 4:00.|Try not to burn the place down.
00:05:38:- Gia, you're in charge.|- All right, boss.
00:05:43:Hey, get the food.|Go, come on, get outta here.
00:05:46:- Get the cash register.|- l'm in charge!
00:05:51:- ls your name Gia?|- Yeah.
00:05:58:- Got a light?|- Stop screwing around.
00:06:00:l've seen you a few times|around the neighborhood...
00:06:03:- and--|- Are you nervous?
00:06:07:Am l making you nervous?
00:06:14:Well, good,|'cause that's the idea.
00:06:19:- What's that?|- You scare the shit out of people...
00:06:21:and then they don't see|how scared you are.
00:06:26:Are you scared?
00:06:31:What's your name?
00:06:34:T.J. Tom Junior...
00:06:36:but T.J. is what they call me.
00:06:43:T.J. and Gia.
00:06:47:l like that. Come on.
00:06:49:- l'm leaving.|- Wait a minute. Where you going?
00:06:52:l'm in charge, and l'm leaving.
00:06:59:- ls that the Byrds?|- They're so cool.
00:07:01:Oh, wow.|Ooh, rock my world.
00:07:05:Seventy-five cents?
00:07:08:lt's pretty. Pretty.|Very pretty.
00:07:12:Hello, ladies.
00:07:14:Can l have this?|Come on.
00:07:20:- Tattoo? You getting a tattoo now?|- Tattoos. Tattoo you.
00:07:24:No, tattoo you.
00:07:26:- l'm not getting a tattoo.|- Oh, come on. What?
00:07:29:Look at that hair.|lt's fabulous.
00:07:38:You want a tattoo now?
00:07:42:She'd be a lot of fun.
00:07:48:Who are you looking at,|him or me?
00:09:29:Oh, l can't talk about the sex.
00:09:32:l mean, how would l know?
00:09:35:lf you ask me,|she never really had sex with anybody.
00:09:42:But she did love to be photographed...
00:09:44:and people loved to take pictures of her|and do little things for her.
00:09:48:She hated being photographed.
00:09:50:You had to run after her|and tie her down.
00:09:55:Then you had to get past the clothes|and the stuff in her hair.
00:10:01:But she was special.
00:10:34:Let's go.
00:10:37:Coming, coming.
00:10:43:All right, let's go.
00:10:58:And they showed her|a beautiful house...
00:11:01:on the planet Mars.
00:11:04:And they said,|''Come and live here forever.''
00:11:08:And the young girl said...
00:11:10:''Oh, Mars is a planet|where life's different--
00:11:14:safe, clean and pretty.''
00:11:19:But-- But how do you get there?
00:11:22:Where do you find a taxi?|Which bus do you take?
00:11:26:Right? And how do you know|you're there when you're there?
00:11:31:Philadelphia was not ready for this.
00:11:36:But New York was.
00:11:44:lt was the right moment...
00:11:46:and being of the moment|is everything in fashion.
00:11:50:But of course,|the more you were of the moment...
00:11:54:the faster you become|of the past.
00:12:03:Okay, let's get this over with.
00:12:05:Just go in there|and try to be nice.
00:12:09:- Nice? Nice.|- Yeah.
00:12:12:Who knows?|Maybe they'll like you.
00:12:15:- You are a very likable girl.|- Fuck you.
00:12:31:l'm here to see Wilhelmina Cooper.
00:12:33:So's the rest of the world and the rest|of the world's way ahead of you, honey.
00:12:38:Take a seat.
00:12:40:l have an appointment.
00:12:43:Hold, please.
00:12:46:Of course you do.
00:12:48:11:00, Gia Marie Carangi.
00:12:51:G what?
00:13:06:There. Gia.|Just fuck the rest of it. Call me Gia.
00:13:10:Do you think you can remember that,|honey?
00:13:13:Yeah? Cool.|Now tell the bitch l'm here.
00:13:24:l've already seen the pictures, darling.|Maurice sent them.
00:13:28:l wanted to see the real thing.
00:13:30:Well, this is it.
00:13:31:lt certainly is.
00:13:34:You practically gave|my receptionist a coronary.
00:13:38:Yeah, well, look.
00:13:41:This was a free trip to New York...
00:13:43:and if l knew you were looking|for Marcia-fucking-Brady...
00:13:46:l would've stayed home.
00:13:47:How do you know|what l'm looking for?
00:13:57:- Look at me.|- l'm looking, l'm looking.
00:14:01:You know, dressing like|a motorcycle tramp...
00:14:04:is somewhat interesting|for a 17-year-old girl.
00:14:08:Talking like one is not.
00:14:11:ln fact, talking at all is not really|required in this profession...
00:14:16:or even encouraged.
00:14:18:Anything you might have to say|you say through the camera...
00:14:21:the image, huh...
00:14:23:and hopefully the product.
00:14:25:What comes out of your mouth|is totally irrelevant.
00:14:31:Yes, sir.
00:14:34:Now, this is a career.
00:14:38:This is a future.
00:14:40:This is a life...
00:14:43:if you want it.
00:14:45:Does that mean|you can get me a job?
00:14:51:l get you the interviews.
00:14:53:You get the job.
00:15:00:And l believe you will.
00:15:03:Dear Diary, this is my life.
00:15:06:Go see Young & Rubicom, 9:45.
00:15:10:Go see people at Revlon, 11:15.
00:15:13:Go see Demi Moore, Bob Stone,|Somebody Malowinksi...
00:15:17:and ''Get lost, honey.|You ain't what we're lookin' for.''
00:15:21:- Next!|- Thank you and fuck you. Bye.
00:15:25:Yeah, l go see, l go see.|Nobody sees me.
00:15:29:''Ah, piece of meat, come here.|Show me your bag.''
00:15:33:And they stick their finger in you.
00:15:36:''l just wanna taste your temperature.''
00:15:39:Go see, go see, go see,|go see somebody else.
00:15:42:l ain't no good at this.|l ain't no good at this at all.
00:15:46:But even if you are good at it,|what, exactly, are you good at?
00:15:52:- You can't leave now.|- l have to go.
00:15:55:What, what?|To Philadelphia?
00:15:58:- For what?|- l got stuff.
00:16:02:l have to go.
00:16:04:Well, somebody has to take care of me.|l'm just a kid.
00:16:19:What's in Philadelphia|that's more important than me?
00:16:24:- Do not do that.|- Do not do what?
00:16:28:Do not pretend you're gonna do something|when you know you're not.
00:16:31:What am l not gonna do?
00:16:48:What else?
00:17:21:- Know what l want?|- What?
00:17:48:How do they fit?
00:18:02:This turn you on?
00:18:07:- Kinda.|- All right.
00:18:09:Come here.
00:18:20:- Have you ever had sex with a man?|- Yeah.
00:18:29:And l could've done that|with a German shepherd.
00:18:41:Dear Book, this is|another ...
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