1 00:00:03,247 --> 00:00:05,841 。Ahhh! 2 00:00:06,567 --> 00:00:09,604 。Ahhh! 。Ahhh! 。Ahhh...! 3 00:00:16,287 --> 00:00:17,925 。Its only for today, damn it! 4 00:00:18,247 --> 00:00:21,444 Hey, what are you doing? 。You, stop moving so much! 5 00:00:21,647 --> 00:00:23,046 。Lets put a bag over his head! 6 00:00:23,207 --> 00:00:24,606 Before he starts to scream as they always do! 7 00:00:24,767 --> 00:00:26,200 Mmm mmm... 8 00:00:26,367 --> 00:00:28,927 That comes later! First we have to put a bag over his head! 9 00:00:29,287 --> 00:00:30,163 -He"s choking, 。eh! 10 00:00:30,247 --> 00:00:31,157 -He"s going to suffocate!! 11 00:00:31,327 --> 00:00:33,238 。I will strangle you, you fucking midget!! 12 00:00:33,407 --> 00:00:35,079 It fits perfectly. 13 00:00:35,247 --> 00:00:36,919 He"s moving less and less. 14 00:00:37,087 --> 00:00:39,396 。 He"s getting tired! 。 We"ve been on him for half an hour! 15 00:00:41,047 --> 00:00:42,446 I don"t think he can breathe... 16 00:00:42,607 --> 00:00:44,359 Because of the bag, and the fruit. 17 00:00:44,527 --> 00:00:46,836 。Shut up, you wimp! Like this is your first kidnapping! 18 00:00:47,007 --> 00:00:48,281 Move him a little M.A. 19 00:00:51,807 --> 00:00:54,367 Look at his condition, it"s not worth taking him. 20 00:00:54,527 --> 00:00:56,802 We won"t be able to cover our costs with the ransom. 21 00:00:57,527 --> 00:00:59,040 Alright, we"ll dump him. 22 00:00:59,527 --> 00:01:00,801 He"s dead isn"t he? 23 00:01:01,527 --> 00:01:03,404 Alright, let"s go. 24 00:01:05,247 --> 00:01:06,839 。Always the same story! 25 00:01:07,767 --> 00:01:09,166 。Let"s go, Let"s go! 26 00:01:13,527 --> 00:01:14,801 Come on! God damn it! 27 00:01:16,127 --> 00:01:19,085 Now we"re in a hurry huh? 。 Wait up! 28 00:01:28,967 --> 00:01:31,640 This morning, at 5 o"clock a.m., 29 00:01:31,807 --> 00:01:35,083 Matias Pons, the President of the National Cultural Federation , 30 00:01:35,247 --> 00:01:37,920 had been murdered in strange circumstances. 31 00:01:38,527 --> 00:01:41,200 It looks like this was an attempt of kidnapping.. 32 00:01:41,767 --> 00:01:45,157 The police think that the doers of these vile actions, 33 00:01:45,327 --> 00:01:48,524 are the known terrorist gang... Mutant Action. 34 00:02:05,927 --> 00:02:10,125 Theme. 35 00:02:11,407 --> 00:02:13,637 Acci, venganza, violencia, progreso. 36 00:02:13,807 --> 00:02:15,604 Armados a conciencia asumimos el reto. 37 00:02:15,767 --> 00:02:17,758 Vengaremos a las v兤timas del monte Taigeto. 38 00:02:19,167 --> 00:02:21,283 Justicia ciega, justicia en braille. 39 00:02:21,447 --> 00:02:23,278 Para feos y mutilados ha empezado ya este baile. 40 00:02:23,447 --> 00:02:25,165 Empalamos culturistas, quemamos gimnasios. 41 00:02:25,327 --> 00:02:27,318 En la sauna se cuecen: son gusanos. 42 00:02:27,487 --> 00:02:29,125 Somos peligrosos, somos guerrilleros, 43 00:02:29,287 --> 00:02:31,243 terroristas diletantes, tiembla mientras puedas, 44 00:02:31,407 --> 00:02:33,363 esto no es un juego: es Acci Mutante. 45 00:02:34,527 --> 00:02:37,883 Acci Mutante. Acci Mutante. 46 00:02:38,327 --> 00:02:41,763 Acci Mutante. Acci Mutante. 47 00:02:42,407 --> 00:02:46,036 Haz como Johnny y coge el fusil. Haz como Johnny y coge el fusil. 48 00:02:46,207 --> 00:02:48,323 Mataremos guaperas con o sin ti. 49 00:02:49,927 --> 00:02:52,077 Empu las armas, vivan los munes, 50 00:02:52,247 --> 00:02:54,283 presis en alto, m疽 amputaciones. 51 00:02:54,447 --> 00:02:55,402 iAy, qu・da! 52 00:02:55,607 --> 00:02:57,962 El Capit疣 Silver y Zarpa de Acero... 53 00:02:58,127 --> 00:02:59,606 iNo siento las piernas! 54 00:02:59,767 --> 00:03:01,917 ...nos ven orgullosos siguiendo sus pasos. 55 00:03:02,087 --> 00:03:03,315 iQue no, que no veo! 56 00:03:03,487 --> 00:03:05,637 Engrasa tu silla, afila tu muleta, 57 00:03:05,807 --> 00:03:07,638 cambia los cupones por la metralleta. 58 00:03:07,807 --> 00:03:09,399 Rompe tus cadenas, ya no hay rejas, 59 00:03:09,567 --> 00:03:11,444 es la hora del miedo y de la paraplejia. 60 00:03:15,007 --> 00:03:16,838 Somos peligrosos, somos guerrilleros. 61 00:03:17,007 --> 00:03:19,077 Terroristas diletantes, tiembla mientras puedas, 62 00:03:19,247 --> 00:03:21,363 esto no es un juego: es Acci Mutante. 63 00:03:22,487 --> 00:03:25,843 Acci Mutante. Acci Mutante. 64 00:03:26,287 --> 00:03:29,757 Acci Mutante. Acci Mutante. 65 00:03:30,167 --> 00:03:33,637 Acci Mutante. Acci Mutante. 66 00:03:33,967 --> 00:03:38,085 Acci Mutante. Acci Mutante. 67 00:03:46,967 --> 00:03:50,243 Since 10 years ago,when the terrorist group Mutant Action was formed, 68 00:03:50,607 --> 00:03:52,916 numerous assassinations were purportrated, 69 00:03:53,087 --> 00:03:54,645 by this group of criminals. 70 00:03:54,847 --> 00:03:56,803 So far, their targets were people renown for their good looks, establishments involved with public health and sperm banks. 71 00:03:57,087 --> 00:04:03,405 establishments involved with public health and sperm banks. 73 00:04:03,727 --> 00:04:08,482 And... one,two, one, two. 74 00:04:08,647 --> 00:04:10,922 And now, the most important thing. 75 00:04:13,127 --> 00:04:14,355 iSuckers! 76 00:04:16,807 --> 00:04:18,240 iGet them, Get them! 77 00:04:18,407 --> 00:04:19,601 iHa, ha, ha! 78 00:04:22,967 --> 00:04:25,481 The members are identified as 79 00:04:25,647 --> 00:04:28,719 Alex and Juan Abadie, siamesse twins, 80 00:04:28,887 --> 00:04:31,606 C駸ar Ravenstein, a.k.a Quimicefa, 81 00:04:31,887 --> 00:04:35,846 known in the world of criminal by always wearing 82 00:04:36,007 --> 00:04:37,565 5kg of explosives strapped around his waist. 83 00:04:37,727 --> 00:04:41,561 Jos・Oscar Teller僘, a.k.a Manitas, the groups engineer. 84 00:04:41,727 --> 00:04:44,366 He was arrested more than 50 times. 85 00:04:44,527 --> 00:04:46,119 We caught one of the arrests on tape. 86 00:04:50,887 --> 00:04:53,196 iFreeze! iPolice! iDrop those cases! 87 00:04:55,167 --> 00:04:56,885 You have the right to remain silent. 88 00:04:57,047 --> 00:04:59,561 Anything you say could and will be used against you in a court of law. 89 00:04:59,727 --> 00:05:01,046 You have the right to an attorney. 90 00:05:01,647 --> 00:05:05,526 Amancio Gonz疝ez, a.k.a M.A., deaf from birth 91 00:05:05,687 --> 00:05:08,804 with the lowest I.Q. on the planet 92 00:05:09,007 --> 00:05:10,998 and a man of extraordinary strenght. 93 00:05:11,287 --> 00:05:15,565 Y Jos・Montero, a.k.a Chepa, a hunchback midget, 94 00:05:15,727 --> 00:05:19,117 jew, freemason, comunist y aledgedly homosexual. 95 00:05:19,687 --> 00:05:22,247 The police sources are pointing out the relation 96 00:05:22,407 --> 00:05:25,319 between this last assassination and the eminent release 97 00:05:25,487 --> 00:05:29,366 of Ramon Yarritu, the leader and the brains behind Mutant Action, from prison 98 00:05:29,727 --> 00:05:32,002 after spending this last 5 years in prison. 99 00:05:32,167 --> 00:05:34,123 for illegal possession of firearms. 100 00:05:36,487 --> 00:05:39,559 tomorrow, the halls of the Orujo family, 101 00:05:39,727 --> 00:05:41,558 the owners of the world known, 102 00:05:41,727 --> 00:05:43,922 bakery Orujo, 103 00:05:44,087 --> 00:05:46,965 will be prepared to host the wedding 104 00:05:47,127 --> 00:05:50,358 of Patricia Orujo, the only daughter and heiress 105 00:05:50,527 --> 00:05:53,883 of the Orujo empire, with Luis Mar僘 de Ostolaza. 106 00:06:27,687 --> 00:06:30,155 。Yarritu! 。Get the fuck out of here! 107 00:07:10,527 --> 00:07:11,642 。Let"s go! 108 00:07:32,407 --> 00:07:35,160 It must have been tough, being locked up all this time, huh boss? 109 00:07:36,327 --> 00:07:38,761 Nah. The television is a lot of fun, 110 00:07:39,207 --> 00:07:41,277 especially the news. 111 00:08:10,007 --> 00:08:11,440 。Freeze! 。 Police! 112 00:08:12,527 --> 00:08:14,119 。Drop the spray! 113 00:08:14,847 --> 00:08:16,599 。Drop the spray! 114 00:09:34,727 --> 00:09:37,366 I wanted to clean up a little, but you know....with all the hurry... 115 00:09:38,487 --> 00:09:40,364 ソWhat"s up with the computer? 116 00:09:40,807 --> 00:09:43,196 The hard drive is fucked up, i don"t know what"s wrong with it. 117 00:09:43,367 --> 00:09:45,005 You couldn"t collect the laundry? 118 00:09:45,167 --> 00:09:46,680 -ソAnd my tuxedo? 119 00:09:46,807 --> 00:09:48,365 -In your room, Ram. lmpecable. 120 00:09:48,527 --> 00:09:49,516 -ソAnd the guns? 121 00:09:49,687 --> 00:09:50,756 -We just need to grease them up. 122 00:09:51,967 --> 00:09:53,400 ソThis is the cake? 123 00:09:53,567 --> 00:09:55,637 Yes, ok, without the cream and the cherries... 124 00:09:55,807 --> 00:09:56,637 We have to ..?.. it. 125 00:09:58,487 --> 00:10:02,116 We"ve got five minutes before we get out. I want this cake to be perfect!. 126 00:10:02,487 --> 00:10...