The Llewellyn Practical Guide to The Development of PSYCHIC POWERS.pdf

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The Llewellyn Practical Guide to
The Development of
Denning & Phillips
"This book is an excellent primer for those who desire to begin
the greatest journey of their life - the journey into the realm of
psychic development. Denning and Phillips knowledgeably
point you in the right direction, and then they provide sound
exercises to start you on your journey. How far you go is up to
you, but this is the book to get you started."
- William Hew i tt
Beyond Hypnosis
"Down to earth and easy to understand, this book removes
psychic energies from the realms of mysticism and places
them within the lap of the individual. It truly is a book for the
New Age as more and more people are drawn toward meta-
physics. It bursts the age-old bubble of psychic energies being
dangerous, rare or unreliable. It awakens and restores that
which is everyone's heritage, and it shows how the claiming of
that heritage can be filled with joy, wonder and, most of
all, success!"
- Ted Andrews
Simplified Magic
"A classic ... Denning and Phillips provide a comprehensive
guide for awakening non-physical perception. Their clear,
concise writing allows the reader to utilize as yet untapped
powers of the mind. Must reading."
- Scott Cunningham
Earth Power
Because they are a natural, and fundamental, part of
you: without them, you lack certain abilities that
contribute to your success and fulfillment in life.
The program of development described in this book is
both enjoyable and practical. Following it, you will
gain in health and vitality, emotional and mental
strength, greater success in your daily pursuits, and a
new understanding of your Inner Self and the World in
which we all live.
You will learn techniques of relaxation and restoration
for the Body, Psyche and Mind. You will also learn two
special meditation programs: the Tabor Formulation and
the Reflection on the Psycho-physical Unity, and you
will learn the value of new attitudes to all the things
you do - including Imaginative Enthusiasm, the secret to
a happy and well-balanced life.
In developing your psychic powers - those of ESP, Tele-
kinesis, Astral Vision, Divination, Psychometry, Dows-
ing, etc. - you will open new doors to knowledge and
adventure that will enrich your life in all dimensions.
And in developing your own psychic powers, and in un-
derstanding the description of the psyche given in this
book, you will gain new insight into the natural develop-
ment of the child and immensely improve your ability
as a parent or teacher to help children grow into more
complete human beings.
Fun! Many of the "exercises" in this development pro-
gram are GAMES that can be played by all ages for en-
joyment as well as the growth of the skills involved.
Why develop your Psychic Powers? Because you are
missing out on so much without them!
About the Authors
Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips are internationally-recognized
authorities on the mainstream Western Mysteries and the foremost liv-
ing exponents of the Ogdoadic Tradition, that premier Hermetic school
whose keywords are Knowledge and Regeneration, whose symbols are the
Eight-rayed Star and the Fivefold Pattern of the Temple, and whose
influence and works are historically traceable for the past one thousand
The authors received their major esoteric training in the magical Order
Aurum Solis, a society which was founded in 1897 and which has con-
tinued in active existence to the present day. On July 8,1987, the authors,
then heads of Aurum solis, retired from the Order; but on June 23,1988,
at the unanimous request of the members, they resumed office. Currently,
Melita Denning is Grand Master of the Order and Osborne Phillips is
Melita has traveled extensively in Europe and the Middle East. She has
studied Jungian psychology under the direction of the late Buntie Wills, a
disciple of Carl G. Jung's friend and colleague Toni Sussmann. Buntie,
called "the Blonde Sphinx" by the French novelist Colette, of whose
Paris circle she was a member, was a spiritual mentor to both Melita and
Osborne, and her profound wisdom and gentle guidance inspired the
writing of The Magical Philosophy series of books.
Over and above their extensive knowledge and experience in occult mat-
ters, Denning and Phillips owe their high reputation as writers to three
special qualities: their loyalty to traditional standards of magical learning
and practice, the forthright clarity with which they present true magical
knowledge, and their manifest desire to guide students of High Magick
honestly, safely and thoroughly in the development of insight and power.
Denning and Phillips have lived and worked in USA for ten years, pro-
ducing many successful books and tapes in close collaboration with
Llewellyn Publications. In 1989 they are moving to Europe, to embark
upon new adventures, to explore new avenues of research and endeavor,
and to refresh and delight their souls in the magical ambience of the Isle
of Albion.
To Write to the Publisher
The publisher does appreciate hearing from readers, learning of your
enjoyment and benefit from this book. Llewellyn also publishes a bimonthly
news magazine with news and reviews of practical esoteric studies and
articles helpful to the student, and some readers' questions and com-
ments to the authors may be answered through this magazine's columns
if permission to do is included in the original letter. The authors and their
advanced students sometimes participate in seminars and workshops,
and dates and places are announced in The Llewellyn New Times. To ask a
question, write to the editor of The Llewellyn New Times:
P.O. Box 64383-191, St. Paul, MN 55164-0383, U.S.A.
About The Llewellyn Practical Guides
to Personal Power
PRACTICAL: available, usable, and valuable in actions applied
to useful purposes, contributing toward a better
That's what we mean when we say these books are "practical."
The knowledge is communicated in a manner that makes it im-
mediately available and usable to the reader: it's not speculative
or abstract knowledge, nor merely informative or entertaining.
And it is valuable! Here are techniques that will help you to a
better life, will help you attain things that you want, will help
you in your personal growth and development. More than that,
these books can change your life, dynamically, positively.
Success against all obstacles! Miracles of healing! Powers
of ESP, psycho-kinesis, out-of-body travel! Clairvoyance
and divination of the future! Amazing powers of mind and
body! Attainment of all desires! Communication with non-
physical beings! Knowledge by non-material means!
We've always known of things like this... seemingly supernormal
achievements, often by quite ordinary people. Are these things
really possible? Can such powers be ours? Can we actually take
control of our own lives?
Yes, we know that many things are possible, and yet we so rarely
achieve all that we desire. We are told that we use only 10% of
our mental capacity, that faith can move mountains, that love
heals all hurt. We believe, but we lack practical knowledge.
All things that you will ever want must have their start in
your mind. In these books you are given practical knowledge
and progressive exercises to develop your inner powers. You
are given specific techniques for the application of these
powers. These abilities will eventually belong to everybody
through natural evolution: you can attain them now through
self-directed programs of development and training.
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