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About the Author
Nicholas Finnegan sunk down to a really low point in his life and eventually
reached a stage of considering suicide. Upon reaching this point, he realized
that life itself is the most important thing in the world to him and now
cherishes it more than anything.
He has overcome massive emotional struggles and has changed his own life
for the better and is now set out to share the amazing discoveries learnt to
benefit all of our lives.
Nicholas has a deep love and passion for ‘life’ overall and is constantly
sharing new discoveries to benefit us in as many different areas of life as
possible. He has dedicated his own life to make our lives a continuous
growing experience in the areas we most need to improve in.
If Nicholas is not learning something new to improve our lives, he is putting
in time and energy to experience something new for the positive benefits of
Nicholas is always aiming to learn more to give more back and is a dedicated
life time learner in understanding how to create what is needed within us to
He makes his rest place in London England, contemplating on the future of
humankind; and studying martial arts and human development like a mad
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© Copyright 2007 Nicholas Finnegan.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
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Note for Librarians: A cataloguing record for this book is available from Library
and Archives Canada at www.collectionscanada.ca/amicus/index-e.html
Printed in Victoria, BC, Canada.
isbn: 978-1-4251-1470-1
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Growing to Become More of where You
Currently Are in Your Life
Nicholas Finnegan
Email the Author
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much you enjoyed this book and how it has helped you.
If you wish to contact the author or would like some more information about
this book, please do not hesitate to email Nicholas Finnegan at:
This Book is dedicated to every human on the earth that possesses the
wonderful gift of LIFE!
The boy lives a happy life, filled with laughter and joy. He is 17 years old and
enjoys going to school. He is not particularly clever and finds his lessons long
and boring. He cannot wait for lunch times to arrive, so he can enjoy the
company of his friends. He lives in the moment and everything is the way
how it should be, fun, joyous and playful as each day goes by. Months pass as
feelings begin to change. People act differently around him. Two faced friends
that now speak behind his back. A lack of love received from others and a
lacking of love for himself. A growing addiction to cannabis and alcohol as
this seems to be the only way to cope with his problems. As time goes by his
life becomes bitter. There is a loss of hope for this once joyous boy. His life is
now filled with loneliness, sadness, a lacking of self love and deep regret. Is
there any hope left in this world? Why is he alive? What is the reason for
being here? Months and months of loneliness go by as he feels worse day by
day. Should he take his own life? Is he willing to live the rest of his life feeling
this way? NO! He is not! He Screams at the top of his lungs, picks himself up
and begins searching for answers. The boy finally learns “We only have one
life and plenty of time to live each day to its maximum potential”. The boy
reads and studies obsessively, book after book and new experience after new
experience. He learns and widens his possibility outlook. Surely, new feelings
grow to become more than he has imagined possible. He obtains a wonderful
new hunger for knowledge and a new meaning for living. A year passes and
this once “low self esteemed boy” is now filled with more joy than ever
before. New friends are now made easily, once hard challenges are now far
more enjoyable and as these new emotions grow, he will never forget what
had happened to him and what he has learned due to an unpleasant
experience, long time ago.
- Anything is possible when we put ours mind to it.
The boy in this story is me, Nicholas Finnegan.
I have taken the time to write this book for those particular people that may
be feeling a lack of self esteem and/or self confidence. This book is also for
those who are pretty comfortable with themselves and their lives right now,
but really desire more and don’t know how to unlock their true potential. This
is also for the person that is already successful, and wanting to use their
success with more precision.
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