Think Yourself Thin.pdf

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Lose Weight Naturally Without Dieting
Think Yourself Thin
T hink - Y ourself - T hin . com
©Think Yourself Thin 2009
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Lose Weight Naturally Without Dieting
How To Quickly And Easily Lose Weight And
Keep It Off!
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©Think Yourself Thin 2009
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Lose Weight Naturally Without Dieting
Hello Fellow Dieter,
Howfantasticthatyou’rereading this report! Congratulate yourself – you accept that you
need to loseweightandyou’repreparedtotake action NOW.
found the answer to losing weight after many years of trying different diets andI’mnowfitter,
slimmer, healthier and happier than ever before. If I had had this info rmation sooner and
realizedit’snotjustaboutdietingbutacompletechangetomylifestyleIwouldnot have
spent years trying different ways to lose weight.
I took 4 months to achieve my goal of losing weight and dropping 2 dress sizes and because of
the way I went about it not only did I lose weight but I know that I will never gain it again. Not
only that but I know I will always be fitter, healthier and happier because the journey I took
changed my life FOREVER and I want to share with you how I did it
more a problem with your relationship with food and your thought processes in that area –
As well as needing to lose weight you may alsoneedtogetfitterDon’tworrywe’llworkon
this as well. In fact I want you get you fitter, healthier and happier than ever before but I need
your help here. You see I can tell you everything you need to do to get slimmer, fitter,
healthier and happier but you MUST take action and do these things. I will be there for you to
support you in your journey but you are the person in control of your own actions.
How to Succeed at Anything
To succeed in anything you do, you need to take responsibility for your own actions. That
means that everything you do from now on you will accept responsibility for. Stop blaming
anything or anyone else and realize that you have all of the power to make the necessary
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©Think Yourself Thin 2009
T hink - Y ourself - T hin . com
Lose Weight Naturally Without Dieting
changes in your life to accomplish anything you want to. That means you need to stop making
excuses for your situation – Forever – andyouneedtostopcomplainingaboutthings
NEW thoughts and the use of your Action Plan which will change these thoughts forever.
You have control over your life in three ways:
1. The thoughts you think
2. The images you have in your head
3. The actions that you take – your behavior
You have to change your negative thoughts into positive thoughts
You have to change the pictures in your head into happy, positive pictures
You have to take action and make changes to your habits in life
You see you really can think yourself thin by changing the words in your head, the pictu res
you see and the actions you take and all of these combined will make losing weight EASY IF
Unique Action Plan for Success :-
What I am going to show you in this report is how easy it is to become slimmer, fitter, healthier and
Mind Over Platter - Getting your mind to help you to achieve your weight goals and indeed
all of your life goals and visions
Eating the right food in the right quantity
Exercising for Life
Me time - De-stressing by taking time for yourself as a reward
– all of these together will contribute to a HEALTHY, HAPPY YOU and if you get all of these
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©Think Yourself Thin 2009
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Lose Weight Naturally Without Dieting
The Key to Your Success will be in the Action you take and the fact that you will be in Control
of your Life from now on.
YOUR ACTION BOOK which will contain your daily Action Plan will prove to be the key to your
success. When you write things down you are 11 TIMES MORE LIKELY TO SUCCEED !Solet’s
get started NOW on your ACTION BOOK for SUCCESS .
Get a small hardback notebook and pen (A5 size) - THIS WILL BE YOUR ACTION BOOK.
Get a picture of yourself when you were at a weight you were happy with. Ifyoudon’t
have a picture of yourself choose a picture from a magazine of someone who you think
has the kind of shape you would like to have
Stick your picture in your ACTION BOOK on the first page
Now I want you to take some time to think about what other things you want in your life.
Because you see not only do I want you to lose weight but I want you have a fantastic life –
So sit down with a pen and paper and just write down lots and lots of ideas about what sort of
What do you want to do in life?
Where do you want to go?
What things do you want to have?
Who do you want to spend your life with?
Find at least 30 things to write down - Where do you want to live, who do you want to be with,
what car do you want to drive, what places do you want to visit, what hobbies or interests do
you want to pursue, what job or business would you want to have, what things about your
current life do you want to change doyouwanttohelpotherpeopleBe very specific and
find pictures of these things.
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©Think Yourself Thin 2009
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