Earths Forbidden Secrets Part One Searching for The Past by Maxwell Igan.pdf

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Lovingly dedicated to:
my son Danie,
my mother Pauine
my father B.
Earths Forbidden History
Part One
Searching for the Past
Maxwell Igan
Authors Note
T he main goal of this book is to provide information to people, much of it that is sometimes
quite well hidden. It is my sincere hope that everyone who reads this work will be inspired to
question things; and to search out these, and other new truths and discoveries for themselves.
When I first started this book, it was my desire to cover a really huge variety of topics and put
a vast amount of ‘hard to get’ information all in one epic work. However, after several months of
work the word ‘epic’ began to take on a new meaning for me and the sheer volume and
intertwining nature of the text became far too cumbersome to be deemed in any way manageable
in a single book and, though the information herein is still quite vast, I was forced to remove
several chapters of work.
Due to the detailed nature of the topics I sacrificed in this ‘slicing process,’ it is more than
likely that each sliced chapter will now be further divided into smaller portions before then being
expanded upon into a number of separate volumes to be released at later dates.
The principle source of the Biblical quotations in this book is the original Hebrew version of
the Old Testament from the 1992 Jerusalem Bible. This is because when all is said and done, all
other version of the texts are simply the translations and interpretations of various individuals and
ultimately it is what is written in the original Hebrew version that really counts. All English
biblical quotes are taken from the King James Version. A full bibliography of other sources is
also provided at the close of the book.
I do not ask or expect anyone to blindly believe what is written within the pages of this book
without investigating all the evidence for themselves, and in fact I very much urge you to do so .
In the meantime however, I hope you find this book informative and enjoyable and I thank you
in advance for taking this time to read it.
Remember, the truth is always out there somewhere, and sometimes, right in front of us too, if
we would only notice.
- Max Igan
“If you are thinking 1 year ahead, plant seeds
If you are thinking 10 years ahead, plant a tree
If you are thinking 100 years ahead, educate the people.”
- Chinese Emperor Kuan Tsu, 5 th century BC
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