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Really Think, Know and Do
In the UK 50 per cent of adults have an income of £26,000 per annum
or less. Ninety per cent have an income of less than £34,000. Those in
the top one per cent have incomes in excess of £91,000 per annum.
A 1995 survey in the USA reveals that out of 100 citizens who start
work at age 25, by the age of 65, 29 per cent are dead and 63 per cent
are dependent on handouts from Social Security, friends and rela-
tives. Amazingly, in the richest country in the world, 92 per cent are
either dead or relatively poor. Of the remaining 8 per cent, 3 per cent
are still working, 4 per cent have ‘adequate’ capital for retirement,
and 1 per cent are ‘wealthy’.
Would you like to be in the top 1 per cent, earning more than
£91,000 per annum and retiring ‘wealthy’? Are you prepared to set it
as a goal? Are you prepared to pay the price? READ THIS BOOK.
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A straight-talking guide to business
success and personal riches
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First edition published 1999
Second edition published 2002
Third edition published 2006
Capstone Publishing Limited (a Wiley company), The Atrium, Southern Gate Chichester,
West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, England Phone (+44) 1243 779777
Copyright © Richard Dobbins and Barrie O. Pettman 1999, 2002, 2006
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ISBN13 978-1-84112-680-7
ISBN10 1-84112-680-2
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