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[139][161]Will you two shut up?|I can't think.
[162][187]Andy, what the hell did you do?|There's someone inside.
[188][204]Right. So what happened?|Step back!
[205][223]I got it.|Andy's got it.
[224][244]I got it, I got it.|Don't touch anything.
[245][260]We were out trying to find|Andy's car.
[261][274]Someone fucking moved it.
[275][302]Suddenly, there's this...|Person in there...
[303][314]We need an ambulance.
[315][333]Sam, call the cops.|Hey, Shh.
[334][349]What? I am the cops.
[350][375]Oh, my God. Please tell me|it's not Lafayette, please.
[376][388]Check for a pulse.
[389][407]Forget it.|There ain't no pulse.
[408][426]What? Why?
[434][466]Because there ain't no heart.|Sick fuck.
[467][495]It's not him.|It's not Lafayette.
[507][525]Who the heck is that?
[666][822]True Blood Season 02|Episode 01
[1517][1545]Wonder if she even knows.|Poor sorry girl.
[1546][1576]Miss Jeanette. They'll find out|I knew her, that I went to her.
[1577][1594]Find out everything.|Fuck, I pushed her.
[1595][1609]I cussed her out.|Now look at her.
[1610][1632]Shit. Shit.
[1633][1654]Is there something else|you ain't telling me, Tara?
[1655][1680]No. I have never seen|that woman before.
[1681][1698]Careful here, son.
[1699][1716]Her leg will break off|like a chicken wing
[1717][1733]if you hold her like that.
[1734][1750]What kind of sick fuck
[1751][1767]would throw a body|in a detective's car.
[1768][1795]Shit.|I just got it detailed too.
[1880][1891]Over here.
[1926][1947]Body's in full rigor mortis,|Bud.
[1948][1982]Which is consistent with the vic|being killed elsewhere
[1983][2015]then brought here into the scene|sometime in the past four hours,
[2016][2044]since that's when I, uh,|drove over here.
[2064][2077]Andy, why don't you|call it a night?
[2078][2099]Your sister's|waiting on you.
[2111][2126]We've got a murder|investigation,
[2127][2151]Bud, you need your|best detective on this.
[2152][2179]I now, Andy, but you|clocked in at 8 a.m.
[2180][2195]You're overworked.
[2196][2218]You're also drunk.
[2234][2277]I am not overworked.
[2288][2306]I don't know about you, but...
[2322][2355]I think I've seen enough dead|bodies to last me a lifetime.
[2356][2399]Except this one,|I just don't get...
[2400][2439]With everyone Rene killed,|you could see his rage.
[2440][2457]But this...
[2458][2476]Cutting out that|poor woman's heart...
[2477][2516]Someone just wanted|to see her suffer.
[2530][2560]Every time I think I know|what's what it turns out
[2561][2590]I don't know anything.
[2605][2623]I'm good to close up|and go home if you are.
[2634][2658]how did you know the woman|that got killed?
[2659][2686]Sookie, I told you,|I nev--
[2717][2734]That was--
[2735][2761]That was the woman who gave me|and my mamma the exorcism.
[2776][2793]Ohh. I'm so sorry.
[2794][2816]I had no idea.
[2817][2847]You're gonna have to tell|the police about it.
[2848][2861]You know that.
[2909][2946]I'll probably have to spend|all night answering questions.
[2955][2986]My mamma's gonna fall to pieces|when she finds out.
[2987][3005]Listen, you go home.
[3006][3027]Sookie and I will close up.
[3051][3068]I remembered something.
[3099][3127]Your bedtime will be at 4 a.m.|and not a minute later.
[3137][3156]And whilst you are|under my roof,
[3157][3172]hunting is completely|forbidden.
[3173][3210]Like I'd know where to find|people in this bumfuck town.
[3211][3224]Are we even in a town?
[3225][3241]We also recycle|in this house.
[3256][3282]True Blood and other glass items|go in the blue container.
[3283][3315]And paper products|go in the white container.
[3353][3370]Oooh. Can I have|one of those?
[3389][3406]- Hello?|- It's me.
[3407][3420]I'm gonna be a little late.
[3421][3439]Something real awful|happened out here.
[3440][3457]I'll tell you all about it|when I see you.
[3458][3479]Do you need me?|I can meet you at the bar.
[3480][3496]I always need you.
[3497][3530]But... You just stay there,|It'll give me something
[3531][3549]to look forward to.
[3571][3580]Take your time.
[3632][3656]Jessica, I'm gonna have a guest|coming over shortly,
[3657][3666]Can we eat her?
[3667][3682]You may not.
[3683][3692]Well, who is she?
[3693][3710]Is she your girlfriend?
[3723][3739]Is she a vampire?|No.
[3764][3782]Well, do I have to be|nice to her?
[3783][3804]I need you to go upstairs|and get cleaned up.
[3805][3826]Remove your makeup and|make yourself presentable.
[3827][3846]I will not have you|looking like a slattern.
[3847][3856]A what?
[3857][3872]A, uh...
[3873][3892]A lady of the evening.
[3899][3919]Awesome! Heh.
[3941][3970]"The Acts of the Apostles,|chapter 26, verse 18.
[3971][3998]"Jesus informed Paul|of his purpose,
[3999][4009]"to open people's eyes,
[4010][4029]"to turn them|from darkness to light,
[4030][4058]"and from the power of Satan|unto God.
[4059][4094]"If God is light,|then Satan is darkness.
[4095][4118]"If we human beings|are the children of God,
[4119][4168]"then creatures of darkness|are undoubtedly...
[4169][4192]the children of Satan."
[4494][4514]An exorcism?
[4515][4534]Last time it was a pig|in the middle of the road.
[4535][4568]Crazy ass motherfucking Paul|Bunyan pig, if memory serves.
[4569][4579]Plus, a naked woman.
[4580][4592]What the fuck?
[4593][4605]Andy.|That's what I saw.
[4606][4624]You've got|quite an imagination.
[4625][4660]As far as we know,|her name's Nancy Levoir.
[4661][4688]And she's been a cashier at|De Soto's pharmacy in Keachi
[4689][4702]for almost 20 years.
[4703][4734]The woman's got a voodoo bus|out in the middle of the woods.
[4735][4753]Any particular place|in the woods?
[4754][4778]Or just the middle of the woods|in general?
[4779][4788]Andy, sit down.
[4789][4810]Help us out, Tara.
[4811][4827]You're the only one here|who knows her,
[4828][4847]and she ended up dead|outside your workplace.
[4848][4857]In your car.
[4858][4871]While you were there
[4872][4897]keeping me inside, pouring me|drink after drink after drink.
[4898][4917]What was it|you didn't want me to see?
[4918][4931]- Huh?|- Andy,
[4932][4952]a word with you in private.
[4960][4969]Don't go nowhere.
[4970][4999]I know you're pulling|something.
[5022][5035]Okay, you're done|for the night.
[5036][5054]I know what I'm doing.
[5055][5073]I got it under control.
[5074][5114]At best, you're a material|witness to a homicide.
[5115][5133]At worst, you could be|a suspect.
[5144][5161]That is bullshit.
[5162][5181]Either way, you can't be|sticking your nose--
[5182][5191]Lord, sheriff.
[5192][5208]What did they do|to Miss Jeannette?
[5209][5225]Tell me!
[5240][5261]What did they do to her?
[5262][5283]I told you|not to call her up.
[5284][5296]It's a murder|investigation.
[5297][5307]Tara, baby.
[5308][5329]Is it true?
[5330][5350]Is it Miss Jeanette?
[5456][5485]She saved my life.
[5515][5527]There was no Miss Jeannette.
[5528][5543]She was just some woman
[5544][5555]who worked in a pharmacy.
[5556][5577]All that stuff on the bus,|it wasn't real.
[5578][5602]Don't you lie to me.|She told me so herself.
[5603][5624]You don't know what you're|talking about.
[5625][5642]She's just saying all this|'cause
[5643][5655]she's still angry with me.
[5656][5686]No-- I mean, yes,|but no, it's true.
[5687][5701]She gave me ipecac|and peyote
[5702][5724]and made me think|I was killing my demon.
[5725][5741]No. No.
[5742][5779]It is a sin to speak ill|of the dead like that.
[5780][5798]She was a good woman.
[5799][5818]No, mama, it was a scam.
[5819][5838]She stole from you|and from me.
[5839][5850]I'm so sorry.
[5851][5876]But she cured me.
[5877][5900]She cured me.
[5901][5916]I'm all right now,|ain't I?
[5935][5959]Ain't I still right?
[6723][6739]Please, I didn't do anything!
[6740][6761]I don't know anything!|I swear!
[6762][6775]Please, don't kill me.
[6804][6817]No. No!
[6818][6833]What do you want|from me?
[6834][6849]Tell me!
[6850][6868]What the fuck?
[6943][6959]Hey, where the hell|are you going?
[7060][7085]Holy shit.
[7086][7100]What the hell|are you doing here?
[7101][7122]I wish I knew.
[7138][7151]Where the hell are we?
[7162][7179]Who are these people?
[7180][7196]Hey! Hey, what the fuck|is going on?
[7197][7225]Will you shut your mouth,|you fucking inbreed.
[7245][7261]Where-- Where are they taking|that guy?
[7262][7290]I don't know.
[7291][7309]But sometimes there are screams.
[7310][7341]Jesus fucking Christ.
[7373][7394]How long have you|been here?
[7431][7456]I ain't got no idea.
[7471][7499]They tore out|that poor woman's heart.
[7500][7540]I have never seen so much fear|on someone's face.
[7551][7576]I'm sorry|you had to see that.
[7587][7600]I couldn't keep|the voices out,
[7601][7634]I was in too much shock|to resist.
[7635][7663]There's just so...
[7664][7685]So much noise.
[7716][7744]This is the first quiet|I've had all night.
[7789][7801]I need to tell you|something.
[7802][7821]Shh. No.
[7822][7840]Please, just...
[7841][7862]Shut up.
[7863][7905]Kiss me. Just make it go away|for just a little while.
[7923][7950]Well, hi, there.
[7951][7968]You must be Sookie.
[7980][7999]Oh, Bill.
[8000][8025]I love your shower.
[8074][8102]Mama, I'm sorry.
[8103][8140]I didn't wanna have to tell you|all that stuff.
[8141][8158]'Cause in spite of|everything you've done,
[8159][8179]there's some sick,|sick part of me
[8180][8203]that can't bear|to see you suffer.
[8204][8230]And I thought if you found...
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