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Volume 3 : The Scattered Ones
Fate/Zero – Nasu Kinoko & Urobuchi Gen – Translated by Baka-Tsuki
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Fate/Zero:Act 9 Part 1
Fate/Zero – Nasu Kinoko & Urobuchi Gen – Translated by Baka-Tsuki
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Ashes –
And a tragic scene to go with it.
It had been thoroughly ruined, to the point where one could not begin to tell what the perpetrator had
intended to destroy. It was as though a storm had raged through and wrecked the workshop, leaving
nothing to remind a viewer of its former appearance.
This was no storm, of course, but deliberate destruction. After all, how could a storm wash over this
place, in an underground water tank? The carnage wrought on Caster’s workshop could only have been
caused by the power of an anti-army or perhaps an anti-fortress Noble Phantasm.
“Oh God… this is too much!”
Uryu Ryunosuke could do nothing more than weep and wail in despair as he looked upon the scene of
this tragedy. An onlooker might have been moved to sympathy upon seeing his pitiful, agonized form…
that is, if they knew nothing of him.
Ryunosuke and Caster had been busy hunting down fresh meat the whole of last night. But when they
returned to their workshop, flushed with joy, they were greeted by this scene of utter devastation.
“The art pieces we worked so hard to create… it’s too much! How can humans do this kind of thing?!”
Ryunosuke’s shoulders shook as he sobbed. Caster gently gathered him into his comforting embrace.
“Ryunosuke, you still haven’t seen the true evil lurking in the hearts of men, so your grief is
understandable… what you need to realize is that only a small amount of people can truly comprehend
beauty and harmony. The others, the rest of the rabble, will only react with bestial jealousy when they
are exposed to sacred artwork. To them, beautiful things are nothing more than targets to be
Naturally, Caster was also furious at the destruction of his sanctum. However, he had no choice but to
swallow his anger and calmly accept the situation. After all, he had once been the general of a nation’s
armies. His battle intuitions told him that it would be dangerous to directly confront an enemy who
could destroy all the demons he had posted as sentries and wreck his workshop so thoroughly.
That Ryunosuke had not remained in the workshop last night was also a blessing of sorts. With that in
mind, Caster’s rage slowly mellowed.
“You need to know that our creations will often be destroyed by these rabble… because of that, we
cannot be overly sentimental toward our art pieces. Everything we make will inevitably be destroyed.
Thus, as creators, we should take joy in the act of creation.”
“You mean… it doesn’t matter if what we make is destroyed, because we can always create again?”
Fate/Zero – Nasu Kinoko & Urobuchi Gen – Translated by Baka-Tsuki
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“Exactly! Ryunosuke, that sharp understanding of yours is definitely the best thing about you!”
Hearing that, Ryunosuke brushed the tears from the corner of his eyes as Caster laughed heartily. He
sighed deeply as he looked around his surroundings.
“Is this God’s punishment because we pursued our happiness too much?” he mumbled.
Caster’s attitude suddenly changed as he heard Ryunosuke’s words. He firmly gripped Ryunosuke’s
shoulders, turning him so they were face to face. A sharp glint flickered in his eyes as he looked at
Ryunosuke’s expression.
“I’ll only say this once, Ryunosuke… God does not punish humans. God only plays with humans.”
Bluebeard’s eyes burned with emotion, but his face was blank. It was almost as though he was a
different person, compared to the tense mood he had had earlier.
“Once upon a time, I committed blackest sacrilege, the most vile, the most foul thing a man could ever
do. Ryunosuke, the sins you have commited are nothing more than child’s play in comparison. But no
matter how many I killed, no matter how sinful I became, no punishment from God descended on me.
By the time I had noticed, I had walked down the road to Hell for eight years. The harrowing screams
and the mournful wails of thousands of children were lost in the nihilistic darkness!”
Fate/Zero – Nasu Kinoko & Urobuchi Gen – Translated by Baka-Tsuki
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“In the end I was not eliminated by God, but by men who had endless desires, like me. The Church
and King decided that I was guilty, captured and executed me. But all they wanted was my wealth and
my land; they simply drew me into a trap to make those things their own. That was not punishment for
my sins! That was nothing more than blatant robbery!”
At that moment, Ryunosuke realized that he’d struck a nerve in this monster – but Uryu Ryunosuke did
not feel fear. Inst ead, he felt a loneliness and anguish that seemed to have no end. Compared to his
prior glibness, the current expression on Caster’s face, as though he had lost everything important to
Fate/Zero – Nasu Kinoko & Urobuchi Gen – Translated by Baka-Tsuki
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