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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  640x352 25.0fps 700.2 MB|/SubEdit b.4066 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{197}{261}Produced by
{289}{357}co-financed by
{538}{622}"And now that you have brought|to a close your lamentations
{623}{697}for your relatives,|you may depart. "
{698}{796}THUC YDIDES,|Pericles' Funeral Oration
{1928}{2022}production design,|costumes, makeup
{2262}{2336}music,|sound design
{3051}{3130}director of photography
{3618}{3697}written and directed by
{4410}{4479}LANDSCAPE No. 2
{4609}{4720}You have everything? - Yeah.|- Tools? - Got them all.
{4721}{4819}Let's go through it again.|- Oh, come on. We've had enough.
{4820}{4905}I can't believe my ears!|- What? It's always the same.
{4906}{5010}First I... - In every profession|one is an apprentice for a while.
{5011}{5133}In our business apprenticeship|lasts at least ten years. Get it?
{5134}{5245}Let's repeat. - First|I take out the electricity.
{5256}{5372}Be precise! We open the conduit|and disconnect the electricity.
{5373}{5476}That's what I meant. - OK. Tools?|- Pliers, tin foil,
{5477}{5558}slip joint pliers, Olfa|cutter... Got them all.
{5559}{5667}Sergej, we're professionals|and we have to act accordingly.
{5668}{5792}Get it? Because business...|- I know, business is business.
{6641}{6747}Good work! I'll take a|look around the house.
{7515}{7588}Peed in your pants,|didn't you? Come on,
{7589}{7688}they forgot to close|the cellar window.
{7939}{8033}Holy crap, these|people are loaded!
{8077}{8187}Of course they are, they were|in power for fifty years!
{8188}{8314}Hey, you know what we came for.|Leave the rest alone, get it?
{8386}{8495}We are only going to steal|what they stole, OK?
{8501}{8625}Go on, get moving. We're not|sticking around for breakfast.
{10676}{10780}Hey, what's taking you|so long? Let's move!
{10791}{10865}Yeah, I'm coming...
{11287}{11370}OK, we'll meet at my place|in an hour.
{11371}{11472}Exactly one hour.|- Sure. I'll take this.
{11720}{11809}{y:i}The Church is also responsible|for the post-war massacres,
{11810}{11884}{y:i}as the bishop blessed these|soldiers and supported them...
{11885}{11949}{y:i}Magda!|... in their treason and death.
{11950}{12038}{y:i}The Catholic Church|inflamed hatred,
{12039}{12137}{y:i}collaborated with the enemy,|even fought on their side.
{12138}{12238}Since when do you lock the door?|- Since you've started being late.
{12239}{12319}I've been calling for two days|but you don't answer.
{12320}{12416}Smells good... - If you|failed to show up even today,
{12417}{12501}I'd throw everything away.|- I couldn't make it yesterday.
{12502}{12569}I got a telegram, my mother|nearly had a heart attack.
{12570}{12653}I forgot my phone at Polde's,|and that's my only phone.
{12654}{12775}You could have called me from|your friend Damjan's place.
{12784}{12904}You know how worried I was?|- As soon as I got the news,
{12916}{13011}I hopped on the bus.|Can't you understand that?
{13012}{13084}Your mother should|be dead ten times over,
{13085}{13150}she had so many brushes|with heart attacks already.
{13151}{13234}What, you don't believe me?
{13235}{13304}I don't know...
{13328}{13404}Take your jacket off.
{13562}{13633}Listen... - Yeah?
{13682}{13803}What is it!? - Damn this stove,|it gave me a shock again.
{13818}{13942}When are you going to fix it?|- I'll fix it. - Yeah, right.
{13962}{14064}Heard that a thousand times. You|guys fix other people's stoves,
{14065}{14148}but nothing works at home.
{14179}{14302}Sergej... Does this make any|sense at all? - Lf what does?
{14351}{14430}You live on your own...
{14446}{14542}In your flat...|And I'm here alone...
{14583}{14671}We really|could live together.
{14705}{14778}What do you think?
{14802}{14872}Did you hear me?
{14887}{14975}So, what do you think?|- Yeah.
{14976}{15060}C'mon take your jacket off.
{15073}{15148}Alright, let's talk.
{15164}{15226}But not today.
{15227}{15338}I mean, not now. When I get|back, in about an hour.
{15339}{15413}What about supper?!
{15503}{15601}I have to go to the workshop.|- You are just going to leave?
{15602}{15687}No, listen, we have to talk.|- Not now, boss is waiting for me.
{15688}{15759}We're on duty. - On Sunday|evening? Cancel it!
{15760}{15878}Can't, we work around the clock.|Business is business.
{15912}{16031}And I forgot my phone there.|- Use my phone, cancel it.
{16062}{16141}Damn, you're difficult.
{16187}{16261}I told you I can't.
{16353}{16434}If we want to save money|for our own apartment,
{16435}{16514}I have to|work Sundays.
{16946}{17072}You keep locking the door as if|somebody wanted to steal you.
{17704}{17819}I had to stop at the pharmacy to|get pills for Magda, she's ill.
{17820}{17890}I don't like it when you're late.
{17891}{18004}But the painting is here,|everything's OK. - Yeah.
{18017}{18130}What, Polde, don't you trust me?|- Of course I do.
{18137}{18240}But what we're doing is|dangerous, get it?
{18254}{18349}But so far nobody|called the police.
{18354}{18420}They're not stupid. Who'd want|everybody to find out
{18421}{18496}that they have the paintings|stolen from the National Gallery
{18497}{18593}after the war? So far|everybody paid.
{18737}{18807}Landscape No. 2.
{18867}{18985}How much will we get?|- It's a very valuable painting.
{18987}{19107}Priceless for the nation,|our cultural identity, get it?
{19127}{19235}Alright, how much, boss?|- I'll demand 10.000.
{19263}{19340}They have enough money, why|shouldn't they give us some, eh?
{19341}{19460}And we give back the painting.|Fair? I think it's fair.
{19538}{19631}What if he refuses?|- Don't worry.
{19664}{19775}The General took his grandkids|skiing, they'll be back tonight.
{19776}{19907}I'll give him a ring first thing|in the morning, why torture him.
{20046}{20119}Let's go upstairs.
{20127}{20213}Mara cooked something for us.
{20605}{20705}Got you, you nosy little boy!|Come here!
{20730}{20818}There you are,|you slobbering rascal!
{20819}{20900}The boy can't live|without me.
{20901}{21020}And what's for supper?|- Pa'case. - Pancakes! Let's go.
{21065}{21131}Yeah, yeah...
{21148}{21277}An' ain't nobody believed he be|most strong man in our village.
{21281}{21387}That that! Everybody laugh,|same as you be laughing now.
{21388}{21466}As we be laughing now!
{21469}{21546}Is that the one who was|attacked by a bear?
{21547}{21644}No, you confused, that my|mother-in-law cousin.
{21645}{21735}Bear hit me husband's cousin.|That before the war.
{21736}{21822}I don't understand anything|anymore. - I go home now.
{21823}{21957}Ruzica, sit... - Have work all day|tomorrow. They recommend me now.
{22012}{22132}And I go, why not, work be|business. - Work be business!
{22169}{22259}Why you laugh?|I just must work.
{22356}{22442}They have a fine,|fine house.
{22463}{22547}All polished floor, no felt,|everything stone. Not stone.
{22548}{22636}How you say? Marple?|- Marble!
{22640}{22710}Yes, OK, marble.
{22738}{22844}They have pool, not out, in.|Move, kid, move.
{22912}{23036}Right. You come, left through|kitchen, everything be glass.
{23102}{23216}They have big picture,|very big picture everywhere.
{23222}{23298}And when you go up...
{23314}{23429}Third door to right, a big|picture of Mary over bed.
{23505}{23574}Well, I go now.
{23583}{23678}Ruzica...|- I work all day tomorrow.
{23864}{23949}Gotta clean house for that|general or marshal, whatever...
{23950}{24020}Bye, bye. - Bye.
{24156}{24230}Goodbye... - Bye...
{24260}{24333}Ruzica...! - Ciao!
{24537}{24658}Now I know where you get your|information. Ruzica, right?
{24684}{24777}You don't have|to know everything.
{24785}{24856}Right, boss. Bye.
{24959}{25028}Sergej! - Yeah?
{25140}{25240}You know, Magda...|Magda is a fine girl.
{25273}{25364}Hang on to her, will you?|- Yeah.
{26458}{26573}Well, look who it is!|I was just thinking about you.
{26639}{26765}And do you know what I was up to|while I was thinking of you?
{27494}{27575}Wait... Wait, will you...
{30704}{30767}He's here.
{31187}{31263}I'm hungry. - Me too.
{31345}{31426}And tired.|- So? I'm not!
{31613}{31685}You're nuts.|- While your parents are gone,
{31686}{31762}we have to enjoy every minute.|- They'll be gone the whole night,
{31763}{31836}and the whole day.|- Is that all?
{31837}{31943}In that case we really|have no time to waste.
{32064}{32172}Stop, stop it!|I'll just go and get some food.
{32915}{33016}When was the last time we|saw each other?
{33037}{33098}Ages ago.
{33510}{33575}How are you?
{33607}{33707}Stop staring at me,|tell me how you are!
{33722}{33813}I'm well, mister general.|- I was never a mister!
{33814}{33914}I was a general and|a miner before that.
{33964}{34068}Plain old coal digger.|Comrade coal digger.
{34126}{34230}Do you understand?|- I understand, comrade.
{34256}{34342}Do you know what I have here?
{34379}{34475}A plastic urine bag.|I piss in a bag.
{34519}{34588}I don't even|pee by myself anymore.
{34589}{34678}I have a tube|stuck up my cock.
{34762}{34862}{y:i}In the forest the researchers|dug up an abyss,
{34863}{34968}{y:i}that supposedly contains hundreds|of post-war massacre victims.
{34969}{35064}{y:i}Similar grave are being|discovered all over Europe,
{35065}{35174}{y:i}where after the war the quislings|and collaborators were buried.
{35175}{35253}{y:i}The crimes of the victors|are being exposed,
{35254}{35349}{y:i}the bones of traitors executed|without trials unearthed,
{35350}{35478}{y:i}senseless vengeance in the first|days of peace brought to light.
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