WH40k 3rd - The Army List Compendium.doc

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Space Marines

-          Background............              3                           

-          HQ..........................              4

-          Elite........................              6

-          Troops.....................              8

-          Fast Attack..............              9

-          Heavy Support........              10




-          Background............              14

-          HQ..........................              15

-          Elite........................              16

-          Troops.....................              18

-          Fast Attack..............              19

-          Heavy Support........              20



Chaos Space Marines

-          Background............              23

-          HQ..........................              24

-          Elite........................              25

-          Troops.....................              26

-          Fast Attack..............              27

-          Heavy Support........              29



Dark Eldar

-          Background............              31

-          HQ..........................              32

-          Elite........................              33

-          Troops.....................              34

-          Fast Attack..............              35

-          Heavy Support........              36




-          Background............              38

-          HQ..........................              39

-          Elite........................              40

-          Troops.....................              41

-          Fast Attack..............              43

-          Heavy Support........              44


Imperial Guard

-          Background............              46             

-          HQ..........................              47

-          Elite........................              48

-          Troops.....................              49

-          Fast Attack..............              50

-          Heavy Support........              51             




-          Background............              53

-          HQ..........................              54

-          Elite........................              55

-          Troops.....................              56

-          Fast Attack..............              57

-          Heavy Support........              58



Sisters of Battle

-          Background............              60

-          HQ..........................              61

-          Elite........................              61

-          Troops.....................              61

-          Fast Attack..............              62

-          Heavy Support........              63




-          Background............              64

-          HQ..........................              65

-          Elite........................              65

-          Troops.....................              66

-          Fast Attack..............              66

-          Heavy Support........              67


"While vile mutants still draw breath, there can be no peace. While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness."

- Legiones Astartes Silver Skulls' Catechism of Hate, Verse I of XXV


Space Marines are the most powerful and dreaded of all the human warriors in the 41st Millennium. More superhuman than human, they have been made superior through genetic alteration and rigorous training. Space Marines are privy to the latest technology humanity has to offer and possess some of the best personal armor and firearms as standard issue for even the most basic troopers. Space Marines are broken down into separate chapters who are responsible for their own recruitment, training methods, and battle tactics. Deadly fighters in any environment, they possess the skills, technology, and determination to get the mission done, no matter what the odds.



In the grim darkness of the 41st Millennium, Space Marines are the ultimate warriors humanity has to offer! Genetic manipulation and bio-engineering is used to make the Space Marines stronger, faster, and tougher than any mortal man. At the same time, extensive surgery is performed to implant special organs to make them absolute masters of the battlefield.


Standing seven feet tall and able to crush a man's skull with his fist, a Space Marine is almost inhuman in his power. Space Marines can fight for days at a time, heal wounds in minutes, and survive the most treacherous conditions. With his constant training, boltgun and power armour, the Space Marine is the most feared warrior throughout the galaxy.


In order to properly harness their might, Space Marines are organized into battle groups called Chapters. Though each Space Marine Chapter is relatively small, they are easily able to defeat armies many times their size. They do this with superior weaponry, armour, vehicles, and tactics. While the Imperial Guard are about as subtle as a sledgehammer, the Space Marines carry out missions with all the skill and precision of a surgeon's scalpel. Space Marines are equipped with the best weapons and vehicles ever created, from the massively powerful Land Raider tank to highly-mobile anti-grav Landspeeders to the near -immortal warrior machines known as Dreadnoughts, Space Marines have what it takes to get the job done and the battle won!


The Space Marines are the most powerful fighting force of the Imperium active in the 41st Millennium. Their zeal, intense training, genetic superiority and near overwhelming firepower allow them to face the enemies of humanity no matter what the conditions or environment. Although they are no longer quite human, they are humanity's best defense in the face of a galaxy that seems destined to try to destroy mankind.

Space Marines are the Imperium's most feared fighting arm. The best of the best. We have access to the best weaponry, technology, and resources the Imperium has to offer. We alone maintain the order in this galaxy torn asunder by war It is our duty to serve the Emperor as best we can until the very moment death catches up with us. Utilizing each of our many fighting units to their highest potential is obviously key to winning any battle. So carefully think out your battle plans and go over what you have available when discerning a plan of attack. The reckless commander is not a commander for very long. Investigate the units categories above in order to formulate your coming strategies.





Headquarters units represent specially trained individuals that each perform a different function within the chapter. On the battlefield each of these marines are called upon when necessary. Apothecaries attend to the wounded, Techmarines attempt repairs, and Chaplains reinforce and inspire faith. Using these very special units can be the key to a decisive victory, so use them well.





A commander is the head of a ground action on the battlefield. This will be your role in battle. As a superior warrior, even by our most rigid standards, you possess superior strength, skill, and grit. Display your skills against the enemy as you lead your men to victory! Do not falter in the eyes of the Emperor!










Your Librarians, if you are given any to command at all, will be your only defense against enemy psykers. These talented marines possess arcane powers that would wreck even a marine. Since you have no real ontrol over these men, inform them of their duties and make sure they understand the goals that need to be meet. Since they will have their hands full dealing with the enemy during battle, it is best to let them do what they have trained for.


Chaplains are our leaders in prayer and praise to the Emperor. Without them we would lose our focus and become no better than the scum that plagues the galaxy. They develop and enforce a chapters many rites, keeping the company's influx of initiates constant and our purpose true. In the battlefield they inspire our battle brothers to new heights of bravery and sacrifice for the Emperor. Use them to ensure a squad does not lose heart during a particularly difficult mission or operation.




On the battlefield Techmarines will be greatly appreciated when enemy fire disables one of your Transport vehicles or tanks. These are the men that maintain and repair everything in a chapter's armories. From bolt guns to starships, these marines can do it all. In battle they are skilled fighters and their enhanced servo arms used for heavy repairs can be quite deadly. Call on them when immediate repairs need to be made in order to complete an objective.





Apothecaries are charged with the important task of recovering and maintaining a chapter's geneseed stock. This precious genetic material is essentially the future of the chapter and if it declines or becomes corrupted, then the chapter will falter and die out or even be purged by the Inquisition. Protect these attle brethren as they go about their grisly, yet important work. They are also potent medics on the battlefield, attending to injuries and bullet wounds.




Command Squad


A command squad is your home. From here you direct and inspire your army. Surround yourself with your most talented officers and get to grips with the enemy. A command squad should be used to bolster weakened areas of the battleline and to personally take on enemy characters. Being a high profile unit, expect a large amount of resistance.






Our Elite units consist of the very best warriors we have at our disposal. The rightly feared Terminators and Dreadnoughts can easily turn a battle to your favor when used correctly. Although small in quantity when compared to the forces the enemy may have aligned against them, these units will not disappoint when the time comes. Place them on the frontlines where they can bolster your efforts and ensure a victory for the Emperor. Remember, a faulty usage of these valuable battle brothers will not be looked upon kindly as Terminator Armor and Dreadnought pilots are precious resources not to be frivolously wasted.





Terminators are amongst the most powerful units under your control as a Commander. The elaborate Tactical Dreadnought Armor these skilled battle brothers are protected by is nearly impenetrable. They are excellent for leading the frontline squads as they can take plenty of fire and provide accurate and reliable firepower. By supporting a standard Tactical Squad, Terminators will work in conjunction with the power armored troopers forming an iron fist. Use it to punch through enemy lines and then hold the position for other units to exploit this new formed gap. Terminators may also be called in for a Deep Strike, teleporting into battle with pinpoint accuracy, enabling you to hit any part of the enemy when they least expect it. Wearing a suit of Terminator Armor is an honor reserved for only our best veterans, do not tarnish suc...

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