2. Obchodziłaśłeś swoje urodziny, piszesz LIST DO KOLEŻANKIKOLEGI z Londynu..doc

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Obchodziłaś/łeś swoje urodziny, piszesz LIST DO KOLEŻANKI/KOLEGI z Londynu

Obchodziłaś/łeś swoje urodziny, piszesz LIST DO KOLEŻANKI/KOLEGI z Londynu. W liście:


-          Poinformuj, gdzie odbyły się urodziny i kogo zaprosiłaś/łeś.

-          Opisz, co jedliście i co podałaś/łeś do picia.

-          Powiedz, jak spędziliście czas i jakie prezenty dostałaś/łeś.

-          Przekaż pozdrowienia dla rodziny i wyraź nadzieję na szybką odpowiedź.






Hi Anna,


      I’m writing to you because I celebrated my birthday a week ago. It took place in my new house in Zakopane. There appeared my best friends, but many new people came, too. Unfortunately, Mike didn’t come. I prepared a lot of things to eat, for example snacks, hot appetizers, and salads; in the end I served a huge birthday cake. We also drank a lot of delicious juice and of course champagne. The party clocked at 8 pm. We spent time getting to know each other and dancing. I also got many presents. The one I most enjoyed was a big painting. I am sorry you weren’t with me.


      Please give my regards to your parents. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.









Dear Mary,


      Last weekend I had my 18th birthday party, which I gave to a couple of my close friends at Lion’s Heart Pub. I invited a few friends from my class and two girls who I met at John’s party last summer. They are really nice! We had some snacks of crisps and nuts, a few bowls of fruit salad and a few  bottles of champagne. We were dancing all night and some of us played snooker. I got this wonderful CD with hip-hop music I had been dreaming about! Oh, and Paul brought me some flowers.


Well, that is all from me. Please give my best regards to your family.

Write soon.





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