6. LIST do SZKOŁY.doc

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Chcesz zapisać się na kurs języka angielskiego w Londynie

Chcesz zapisać się na kurs języka angielskiego w Londynie. Napisz LIST DO SZKOŁY, w którym zapytasz:


- na jakich poziomach prowadzone są kursy i w jakich terminach odbywają się zajęcia,

- o cenę kursów i ewentualne zniżki,

- gdzie znajduje się szkoła i jak najłatwiej do niej dojechać,

- czy organizowane są jakieś dodatkowe zajęcia i podasz, jakie zajęcia interesowałyby cię           





Dear Sir or Madam,


       I am writing to ask for some more information about your school and the courses.

       I am interested in taking a course of English this year because I would like to improve my speaking and writing.

       First of all, I would like to know what levels of English are available and what time of the day the classes start. I would also be very grateful if you could send me some information about the prices. I am a student of secondary school. Could you tell me if I could get any discounts? I would also like to know where exactly your school is located. Would it be possible for you to send me a little map of the city with the school marked on it? I am living near the railway station at the moment. What is the best way to get to you? I would be interested in some extra activities like conversation classes or a film club as well as various competitions. Do you organize any of these?

      I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully,



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