Teach Yourself Mandarin Chinese Conversation.pdf

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mandarin chinese
elizabeth scurfield
and song lianyi
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mandarin chinese
elizabeth scurfield
and song lianyi
For over 60 years, more than
50 million people have learnt over
750 subjects the teach yourself
way, with impressive results.
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Recorded at Alchemy Studios, London.
Cast: Hongzhen An, Wen Cheng, Guoxu Dong, Sarah
Sherborne, Zizhou Zhao
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Long renowned as the authoritative source for self-guided learning – with more than 50 million copies sold
worldwide – the teach yourself series includes over 500 titles in the fields of languages, crafts, hobbies,
business, computing and education.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data : a catalogue record for this title is available from the British
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number : on file.
First published in UK 2005 by Hodder Education, 338 Euston Road, London, NW1 3BH.
First published in US 2005 by Contemporary Books, a Division of the McGraw-Hill Companies, 1 Prudential
Plaza, 130 East Randolph Street, Chicago, IL 60601 USA.
This edition published 2005.
The teach yourself name is a registered trade mark of Hodder Headline.
Copyright © 2005 Elizabeth Scurfield and Song Lianyi
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track listing
conversation 1: getting to know people
part 1: getting to know people (1)
part 2: getting to know people (2)
conversation 2: exchanging information and
asking for a telephone number
part 1: exchanging information
part 2: asking for a telephone number
conversation 3: having a drink and having a meal
part 1: having a drink
part 2: having a meal
conversation 4: booking a room and
booking a table
part 1: booking a room
part 2: booking a table
conversation 5: asking for directions and
going to a local attraction
part 1: asking for directions
part 2: going to a local attraction
conversation 6: taking a train and getting a bus
part 1: taking a train
part 2: getting a bus
conversation 7: sightseeing
part 1: going sightseeing
part 2: more sightseeing
conversation 8: being ill and seeing a doctor
part 1: being ill
part 2: seeing a doctor
conversation 9: going shopping and buying a souvenir
part 1: going shopping
part 2: buying a souvenir
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