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ARIA Hotel
luxury, style and
cutting edge
VOLUME 15 N O. 3
PP 319986/101
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3 Publishers’ Message
4 State News
7 The Conference Room / Ballroom
Sound System
10 Reduce direct costs and save money
17 Where is hotel technology
currently headed?
23 Regulation Update
25 Canberra hotel dynasty
31 Digital TV Reception: The Analogue
“Switch-Off” and how it will affect you!
38 Burj Khalifa: Living the high life
43 An Integrated Approach to Guest Room
Entertainment & Internet
45 Optimum chiller design for low lift
48 Back of House
51 Proile: Anura Yapa
52 How Safe is Your Building?
57 More-accessible hotels from 2011
59 Case Study: Shangri-La Hotel Sydney
Building Management System
63 Maximising your room proit
64 Case Study: Chiller Performance Test Rig
69 Living and Working in Clean Air as
nature intended
71 Mitigating disaster with accurate data
73 In a ‘No Frills’ World, Self Service Works
75 Hotel lock supplier comes out swinging
over allegations
76 The Secret Code of Pest Management
79 Another Look at Hydroxyl Radicals (OH·)
81 Australia’s toughest pool safety laws
82 Product News
Adbourne Publishing
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Melbourne: Neil Muir
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Adelaide: Robert Spowart
Ph: 0488 390 039
Production: Claire Henry
Tel: (03) 9758 1436
Administration: Robyn Fantin
Tel: (03) 9758 1431
Marketing: Tania Lamanna
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Front Cover:
Aria Hotel,
Canberra, ACT
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Publisher’s Message
Y ou may have caught on Channel 7 early
with the Menzies in Sydney, is a most respected
president of the AIHE in NSW.
one evening in August, allegations of
some hotel rooms being opened with
other card keys, and claiming this was a real
exposé to previously unproven rumours over
the years. We spoke with one of our major
hotel lock suppliers who has had to deal with
this. Our story on page 75 will hopefully put
these rumours to rest.
A special thanks to James Henry, Managing Director
of the Logical Group, who took the time to prepare
a study into Building Management Systems with his
fine case study on the Shangri-La Hotel in Sydney.
To all writers, we again thank you sincerely.
Finally, on page 16, we say goodbye to Tony
Rolland, familiar to many readers of this magazine
as the owner of Thermoscan and a frequent
attendee at AIHE conferences. He sadly passed
away earlier this year. I had the pleasure of meeting
Tony numerous times, he was a true gentleman.
Condolences to his wife Anette and family.
Last issue we made mention of how this
publication is now being made available to
many high-rise buildings around Australia. We
are currently expanding into this market which
will give our advertisers the benefits of this extra
Neil Muir Publisher, The Hotel Engineer
Several of our regular writers are back with further
enlightening articles. Such as Derek Hendry with
a list of new standards and regulations. Peter
Swanson, formerly of WSP Lincolne Scott and
now with AMX Australia, providing you with
the next in his series about sound and music
reproduction. Alan Lewis, our expert on pool and
spa water, also has another fine story.
Our front cover this issue is of the latest hotel in
Canberra, the Aria – one of several family-owned
hotels built by the Kappelle Group.
We have an article from Ted Horner, writing about
what technologies we should expect to see in
hotels during 2011. Graham Orford writes about
the latest in hotel kiosks and the huge step in
technology and convenience they offer both the
hotel and the customer in coming months.
The Engineering Profile in this issue features
Anura Yapa, who helped establish an AIHE
chapter in Melbourne and today as the boss
view this issue online:
click on ‘The Hotel Engineer’
Canberra hotel dynasty
See page 25
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