Eden Press - 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free.pdf

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100 Ways To Disappear
And Live Free
(C) 1972 Eden Press
Revised 1985
Typed by Struct Def
For other privacy oriented publications, write
P.O. BOX 8410
To "live free" means to be able to control your own life
and to avoid violence, or the threat of violence, by others.
What you do and how you do it will almost always determine
whether or not freedom will be yours. But YOU must take the
responsibility for creating your own freedom. No one,
especially the "government" will do it for you.
To "disappear" means to make it impossible for other
people to invade your personal world of freedom. Since most
of such invasion is by means of electronic data gathering and
cross-referencing, you must be able to short-circuit these
procedures effectively.
The most efficient method today is through the use of
what we call "alternate identification". If the new names
and numbers you plug into the networks don't match
the old ones, you have not only "disappeared", but have also
been "reborn". And being reborn means leaving your past records
where they can no longer affect you and your lifestyle.
This "disappearing" of individuals is obviously discomforting
to institutions and governments determined to control
personal activities in the Land of the Free. To them
it appears downright seditious, since in reality their power
depends directly on the number of people they can control --
through computerized records, of course.
To those who actually "disappear", however, the act is
one of tremendous personal liberation. Free men owe very
little to those who restrict opportunities on the basis of past
records. An extreme example, which nevertheless applies
to all of us, is this: When a person convicted of a felony
has served his full sentence, is he then "free"? Hardly.
What he will experience is really a LIFE SENTENCE of second-rate
And what happens to the convict, in practice, happens to
*everyone* who manages to have negative personal information
placed in his "records". When it comes to the point of a
person's having to live with a condemning past and ever-
narrowing opportunities, it becomes easily understandable
why he should be willing and anxious to scuttle his labeled
identity and take on another.
Becoming a new identity, however, involves many things
and requires careful attention to detail, as we shall show.
At the heart of this process, though, is the ATTITUDE a person
must assume if he is to make it work. He must forget
about his "government"; he must become his own government,
answerable only to himself, with his own rules, laws, and
systems of behavior. This is an existential "moment" few
are disciplined enough to experience, but it can be done.
The result will be a growing detachment from BIG BROTHER and
a correspoding increase of personal freedom.
The individual needn't worry about what would happen "if
everybody else did this" because they WON'T. The object is
for individuals, acting as individuals, to declare their
mental independence from whatever System is attempting to
enslave them. As individuals they are the best judges of what
degree of slavery they can accept, how far down the road
they can go before becoming robots for BIG BROTHER. Simply
put, it's the Sheep and the Wolves. The Sheep go to slaughter,
the Wolves wherever they wish...
There are numerous intermediate tactics between total
compliance and complete disappearance, such as refusing to
give your Social Security number (or giving it incorrectly),
avoiding taxes, obtaining several foreign citizenships and
passports, setting up bank accounts in several other countries,
and planning at least two routes of escape to other countries,
but in the end you will discover there really is no freedom
in the world -- *YOU MUST CREATE YOUR OWN*. You must
learn how to protect your own rights as you define them. No
one else will do it for you, *NO ONE*.
The object of this publication is to suggest ways an
individual can, in practice, escape his past and secure a
new future, *on his own terms*. Individuals will vary greatly
in how they carry out their disappearances, and it is our
hope that the ideas we present here are useful towards those
ends. We make no claims of completeness or of exhausting
the subject, as that could be potentially dangerous were
individuals to rely solely on this information.
We must stress that everyone should think over his situation
as carefully as possible, and then pick and choose
which among our methods are best suited for his needs. Above
all, he must begin using his head, trusting his hunches and
instincts, and thinking of himself as separate, different,
and even superior to those stuck in the System. He will
have to become a Wolf. He must stand alone to be free.
--Barry Reid
January 1978
Avoid attending church. If you must, however, use an alias when
attending, and make contributions in cash, never by check. If you are
asked by inquisitive neighbors what church you attend, either name one
of a different faith than theirs or deny interest completely. Give
the minister totally false information about yourself, as these good
folks are great gossips when approached by snoops.
Never tell neighbors where or for whom you work. Give them false
information on this subject. If you are paid by check, DON'T deposit
the paycheck in any account with your name on it. The best idea is to
go to the bank on which it is drawn and cash it there. If you make
a regular practice of this, avoid becoming familiar with any tellers
or other bank personnel. Vary the times and days for visiting the bank.
Visit different branches of the bank, too.
Another check cashing tip: avoid getting it cashed at your favorite
bar or tavern. FBI agents probably spend at least a third of their
working hours hanging around such places, as they seem to attract the
kinds of people they are looking for. Anytime there is a bank robbery,
the *first* places the FBI check out are all the bars within the immediate
vicinity of the robbery. Don't laugh. It's true because it works.
Be wary of answering "personal" ads in newspapers, as well as job
offers too neatly tailored to the type of work you did before disappearing.
If the ad calls for replying to a box number at the newspaper, disregard
totally: it's very likely to be a trap. Reply only to ads that can
guarantee not having to give yourself away, such as offers for appointments
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