The Petroff - an Expert Repertoire for Black - Sakaev.pdf

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Technical Ed itor:
IM Sergey Soloviov
Co ver design by:
Ka lojan N achev
GMEv geny Er menkov
Translation by:
The publishers would like to than k Phil Adams for advice regarding
the En glish translation.
Co pyright © Ko nstantin Sakaev 2011
Printed in Bulgaria by "Chess Stars " Ltd. - Soia
IS BN13: 978 954 8782 84-5
Konstantin Sakaev
The Petrof:
an Expert Repertoire
for Black
Chess Stars
Other CHESS STS Books
Repertoire books:
Opening for hite Ace. to Kramnik 1.lJ by A. Khaliman
Volume 1a: Old Indian, rare lines in the Classical Variation, 2006
Volume 1b: The Classical Variation, 2006
Volume 2: Ani-Nim-Ind, Ani-Quen's Indian, Enlish, 2008
Volume 3: English (l...cS), English (four knights), 2011
Opening for hite According to Anand l.e4 by A. Khalifman
Volume 8: The Sicilian, Paulsen-Kan and rare lines, 2006
Volume 9: The Sicilian, Paulsen-Taimanov and other lines, 2007
Volume 10: The Sicilian, Sveshnikov, 2007
Volume 11; The Sicilian, Dragon, 2009
Volume 12: The Sicilian, Rauzer Attack, 2009
Volume 13: The Sicilian, English Attack, 2010
Opening for Black According to Karpov by Khalifman
Current theory and practice series:
An Expert's Guide to the 7.Bc4 Gruenfeld by Sakaev, 2006
The Sharpest Sicilian by iril Georgiev and At. Kolev, 2007
The Safest Sicilian by Delchev and Semkov, 2nd rev.ed. 2008
The Queen's Gambit Accepted by Sakaev and Semkov, 3rd. rev. ed., 2008
The Easiest Sicilian by Kolev and Nedev, 2008
The Petrosian System Against the QID by Beliavsy and Mikhalchishin, 2008
Kill K.I.D. by Semko Semkov, 2009
The ing's Indian. A Complete Black Repertoire by Victor Bologan, 2009
The Scotch Game for White by ladimir Barsky, 2009
The Modern Philidor Defence by ladimir Barsky, 2010
The Moscow & nti-Moscow Variations by lexey Dreev, 2010
Squeezing the Gambits by Kiril Georgiev, 2010
The French Defence. A Complete Black Repertoire by Nikita Vitiugov, 2010
A Universal Weapon l.d4 d6 by Vladimir Barsky, 2010
The Meran & Anti-Meran Variations by Alexey Dreev, 2011
The Safest Grunfeld by lexander Delchev and Evgenij Agrest, 2011
Fighting the French: a New Concept by Denis Yevseev, 2011
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