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Minecraft X-Ray 3.5.0 (2011.11.18)

  * Dialog to change keybindings in-game, courtesy Eleazar Vega-Gonzalez
    and Saxon Parker.
  * The "O" key can now be used to open a new map without having to quit
    X-Ray and start over.
  * The "]" (right bracket) key can be used to change which block types
    are highlighted.
  * Added new Beta 1.9-pre6 block definition: Dragon Egg
  * Slime-spawn highlighting will only display in the Overworld
  * Slime-spawn highlighting will go up to y=40, as per Beta 1.9-pre5
  * Cleaned up snow rendering
  * Added a visual tint around the ore highlight toggle indicators,
    making them far easier to read in many circumstances.
  * Resolutions with less than 800px of horizontal resolution have been
  * (internal) update to LWJGL 2.8.2
  * (internal) removed quite a few unneeded LWJGL Jar files

Minecraft X-Ray 3.4.3 (2011.10.21)

  * Fixed a NullPointerException which occurs when
    doesn't include STATE_HIGHLIGHT_ORES

Minecraft X-Ray 3.4.2 (2011.10.20)

  * Updated ore-highlighting toggle ("H" by default) to switch between
    old-style (white) and new-style (disco) highlighting, in addition to
    turning it off.
  * (internal) update to LWJGL 2.8.1

Minecraft X-Ray 3.4.1 (2011.10.15)

  * Updated Air Portal rendering to Beta 1.9-pre4
  * Added Ender Stone block from Beta 1.9-pre4
  * Set "The End" as a known dimension, for the level list
  * Change minimap orientation to match the official internal Minecraft
    directions in Beta 1.9-pre4 (when the sunrise was changed from
	North to East)

Minecraft X-Ray 3.4.0 (2011.10.11)

  * New Functions:
    * The "C" key will toggle the new-style fence connection rendering,
      introduced in Beta 1.9-pre2
    * The "V" key will toggle Silverfish block highlighting on/off
    * The "U" key will toggle the rendering of chunk borders
    * Slime-spawning chunks can be highlighted with the "M" key.
    * "Y" will bring up a window with a keyboard reference

  * Rendering Improvements:
    * Support for the new Beta 1.9-pre3 blocks
    * Highlighting on solid blocks so they look more three-dimensional
    * Stems now connect to neighboring fruit properly
    * Slight improvements to fence and fence gate rendering accuracy
    * Fixed an issue with grass colorization on some texturepacks
    * Block and chunk information in the positioning popup are now
      slightly more accurate.
    * Farmland block tweaked slightly
    * Tweaked ore highlighting to be more noticeable
    * Tweaked coloring for vines, stems, tall grass, and lilypads
    * Explored highlighting will now key off of redstone torches,
      Glowstone, and Jack-O-Lanterns, in addition to regular torches
    * By default, silverfish blocks are highlighted in red.
    * Reverted back to having "open space" at the edges of the map,
      instead of a large wall

  * Internal Changes:
    * Added "texfile" entry in block definition YAML, to support mods
      which use an entire new sheet of textures
    * Updated to LWJGL 2.8.0
    * Use log4j for file logging and console error reporting
    * Silverfish block ID changed from STONE_SILVERFISH to SILVERFISH
    * Bundle a third-party texture pack to fall back on if minecraft.jar
      isn't found.  Using "Faithful 32x32" by Vattic currently.
    * More visible notifications when settings in get
      overwritten with defaults

Minecraft X-Ray 3.3.3 (2011.09.23)

  * Support for all Beta 1.9-pre1 blocks
  * Various rendering improvements to water, glass, glass panes, iron
    bars, fence gates, crops, and slabs (though transparency issues do
	continue to persist)

Minecraft X-Ray 3.3.2 (2011.09.20)

  * Chests render more correctly now
  * Updated Silverfish block to process its data values correctly
  * Fixed an Exception some Windows users were reporting, when choosing
    "Other" from the world selection dialog

Minecraft X-Ray 3.3.1 (2011.09.14)

  * Updated OS detection to be far more accepting (specifically for
    Windows Server 2008, but should be relatively future-proof now)

Minecraft X-Ray 3.3.0 (2011.09.12)

  * Removed redundant information from world selection dialog
  * Added support for opening arbitrary dimensions (for mods right now,
    will also be needed for the eventual official Sky Dimension).  "N"
    now jumps to the next dimension, "P" jumps to the previous.
  * Internal support for block IDs > 127 (for mods, primarily)
  * Blocks which orient differently based on direction will default to
    North now, if we see data values we don't understand
  * Extra block definitions can be loaded from user-supplied YAML files
  * Unknown blocks will show up purple in the minimap
  * Improvements to the rendering of cacti and fences
  * All new Beta 1.8 blocks supported
  * (internal) Updated to LWJGL 2.7.1
  * Reorganization of how X-Ray gets packaged for distribution
  * Map edges show as large walls instead of open space

Minecraft X-Ray 3.2.2 (2011.09.05)

  * Repackaged due to apparent data corruption in jinput.jar
    Checksums of good jinput.jar:
        md5sum: d62ff8cd9539a32dac094c00e820e9e6
        sha1sum: 2d5a40f2a25f8b4ec1ea35f3e5ca79119ed5d027
    Checksums of bad jinput.jar:
        md5sum: bfdffede315be2fcbad6d9df631d18d8
        sha1sum: 69daa7178d22bc371433678a845231e96d760cd6

Minecraft X-Ray 3.2.1 (2011.08.18)

  * Some mods appear to get rid of misc/water.png, which occasionally
    causes problems.  Updated to generate our own if needed.

Minecraft X-Ray 3.2.0 (2011.07.01)

  * Support for new Beta 1.7 block - Pistons
  * Better rendering for beds, cakes, furnaces, dispensers, pumpkins,
    jack-o-lanterns, chests, workbenches, jukeboxes, TNT, wood,
	bookshelves, grass, and sandstone
  * Tweaked grass/leaf color a bit
  * Toggle between new and old grass rendering with the "G" key
  * "Other" dialog will now let you choose level.dat, in addition to
    just choosing the directory

Minecraft X-Ray 3.1.1 (2011.06.22)

  * Support mod installations (such as TooManyItems on OSX) which replace
    minecraft.jar with a directory

Minecraft X-Ray 3.1.0 (2011.05.26)

  * Update with new Beta 1.6 blocks (trapdoors, tall grass, shrubs)
  * (internal) Changed how we generate the Portal texture

Minecraft X-Ray 3.0.1 (2011.04.24)

  * Fix torch rendering for non-default texture packs, under some
  * Fix a potential Exception for people running mods like More
    Block IDs

Minecraft X-Ray 3.0.0 (2011.04.21)

  * Render the appropriate sapling sprite 100% of the time
  * Show a purple box for unknown blocks, rather than empty space
  * Fixed the disappearing Render Details window when toggling between
    Nether and back
  * Handle invalid level.dat files more gracefully
  * Render mushrooms, flowers, and sugarcane as a "cross," more like
    it's done in Minecraft itself
  * Switched Stone Pressure Plate and Stone Button textures to use
    the actually-correct one
  * Make the minimap slightly more useful in the Nether
  * Handle an exception when the "saves" directory doesn't exist
  * Show exceptions in a GUI window rather than on the console
  * Added web blocks, on the offchance that they'll be permanent
  * Switched to launch4j to build the Windows EXE, which will let
    64-bit Windows users use it.

Minecraft X-Ray 2.7 Maintenance Branch 12 (2011.04.19)

  * Minor improvements to OSX and Linux script launchers
  * Added support for powered and detector rails
  * Added support for birch and spruce saplings
  * Glass and mob spawners render a bit better

Minecraft X-Ray 2.7 Maintenance Branch 11 (2011.03.16)

  * Fix to be not so picky about colorizing grass
  * Fix which prevents a crash while in Explored Highlighting mode
  * Fix Sapling rendering (also a crash)
  * Override texture data for X-Ray will be read from the
    .minecraft_xray/textures directory now

Minecraft X-Ray 2.7 Maintenance Branch 10 (2011.03.15)

  * Added Invert Mouse option to startup dialog
  * Some changes to compile versus Java 1.5 instead of 1.6, for PPC OSX
  * Added a dialog to jump directly to a position, with a default key of J
  * Enter/Esc will do what you'd expect on the startup dialog
  * World list on the startup dialog is now scrollable
  * A startup warning was added for Windows systems about possible region
    corruption if X-Ray is run at the same time as Minecraft.  (I haven't
    heard reports of this yet, but given the way Windows locks files, it
    could potentially be an issue.)
  * Application settings state is remembered inbetween runs
  * A new Reload action will re-read the map from disk, with a default
    key of "="
  * Greatly improved torch and lever rendering

Minecraft X-Ray 2.7 Maintenance Branch 9 (2011.02.22)

  * Snow will render more properly (as a thin slice) now
  * Ice is now considered water, and won't cause you to see through terrain
    if it's right up against the ground
  * Player spawnpoints/locations were off by 1 on the Z axis; fixed that
  * Support for Beta 1.3 Region format for chunk storage
  * (internal) changed class name to com.apocalyptech.minecraft.xray
  * Ignore blocks generated by the More Block IDs mod, rather than dying
  * Fixed Minecraft data directory detection on a corner case (possibly
    just for people using the Administrator account in XP)
  * Resolution dialog will show any valid world directory inside the
    "saves" dir, instead of just those of the form WorldN
  * Updated redstone rendering for Minecraft Beta 1.3 (redstone still
    doesn't actually "link up" though)
  * Support for Beta 1.3 addi...
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