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Poziom rozszerzony


Zadanie 16. str.29

16.1.              F        ... orders were given for houses around the

centre to be pulled down to make a firebreak.

16.2.              T       Strangely enough,  only 6 people  lost their


16.3.              F       Afterthe Great Fire of London, the King decided

to impose more detailed fire prevention and building control laws.

16.4.              F        ... more advanced vehicles were built following

designs forfire engines used in Holland.

16.5.              F        ... the fire was finally brought under control ...

just before it reached a timber yard.

Zadanie 17. str.29

17.1. T ... to present a fresh and informative series called The Science of Cooking ... to apply scientific principles to the understanding and improvement of food preparation.

17.2.              F       ... we can tackle questions like why foam stays

foamy or why you should never add salt to boiling water. In fact, this is how we started going.

17.3.              T       Although adding salt to water increases the

boiling point, the effect is tiny.

17.4.              T       Vegetables go soggy if they are cooked too

long. Adding salt has very little effect, at least not unless the salt concentration is extremely high, over 10Og of salt in a litre of water.

17.5.              T       As for taste, little or no salt will actually diffuse

into the vegetables during cooking so the only taste comes from salt remaining on the outside of the vegetables once they have been drained ... This is rather less than most people can actually detect.

Zadanie 18. str.30

18.1.              F       Under the Misuse of Drugs Act it is an offence

to possess a controlled substance unlawfully.

18.2.              T       ... it is illegal under the Misuse of Drugs Act to

allow premises you occupy or manage to be used for the purpose of drug taking.

18.3.              T       Supplying drugs, which is known as trafficking,

attracts the more serious punishments, including life imprisonment for Class A offences.

18.4.              F       It  [the  Drug  Traffickers  Offences Act] also

makes it illegal to manufacture or sell equipment for the preparation or use of controlled drugs.

18.5.              F       A pharmacist can only sell 'Prescription Only'

drugs, but only if they have been prescribed by a doctor.

18.6.              F       Possession of 'Prescription Only' medicines

without a prescription is a serious offence, for which you can be sent to prison, given a suspended sentence or fined a large amount of money.

Zadanie 19. str.30

19.1.              T       Even those supplements that claim to have

'natural' ingredients contain some synthetic ingredients.

19.2.              F       But   most  supplements   now  contain   more

natural vitamin E, so it is well absorbed in pill form.

19.3.              T       For absorption to occur, a pill must dissolve and

disintegrate. U.S. Pharmacopeia ... has tested the supplement to make sure it will dissolve in your stomach. The absorption of nutrients in pill form is not well studied, but if they dissolve in the stomach, they are probably well absorbed.

19.4.              F       Don't spend extra money on products that are

marked 'high potency', 'stress formula', or 'laboratory approved'. The supplement industry is not well regulated and claims can be made without much scientific proof.

19.5.              T       Fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain

phytochemicals ... that can help fight the development and progression of many chronic diseases...

Zadanie 20. str.31

20.1.              T       This rather special flower is able to detect land

mines and Aresa Biodetection aim to have a prototype available for use in the next few years.

20.2.              F       The plant has a natural ability to change colour

to red or brown when exposed to conditions such as cold or drought, but Aresa have coded it only to react to nitrogen dioxide.

20.3.              T       Chief executive of Aresa biodetection ... says

that he does not believe that the flower will remove the need for other methods to be used.

20.4.              T       The use of land mines was made illegal in the

1997 Ottawa Convention...

20.5.              F       Nawiązując do możliwych zastrzeżeń ze strony

przeciwników eksperymentów genetycznych, mówiący przedstawia eksperyment jako interesujący i wnoszący znaczący wkład w naszą cywilizację, a w trakcie słuchania nie słyszysz nic o żadnych negatywnych skutkach tego eksperymentu.

20.6.              T       Odpowiedź   na   podstawie   całego   tekstu,

m.in.: Like it or not, research into genetic modification is coming on in leaps and bounds. There have been many interesting developments in this area, not least of which is a genetically modified flower ... it is clear that Aresa have made an important contribution to the world through their genetic experiments.

Zadanie21. str.31

21.1.              C       ... I'm not too keen on the ward sister... it's lights

out at 9 pm ... The guy in the next bed is always complaining about visiting hours ... as we are all recovering from operations...

21.2.              E       Everyone has arrived and I wouldn't like the food

to get cold ... just come as you are; nobody else is dressed up.

21.3.              A       So much forthe tournament! ...we won't be able

to play... I really prefer to use my own-I seem to have much better ball control... the local course.

21.4.              G       Odpowiedź   na   podstawie   całego   tekstu,

m.in.: I'd like to outline today's itinerary. Firstly, the trip to the Tower of London has been called off... secondly, the visit to Buckingham Palace has been moved...

21.5.              B       I don't see the point in paying people like you

half of what they do ... I want that report on my desk by 8.30. Understood?

Zadanie 22. str. 31

22.1.              E       Market the property with your 'ideal buyer' in

mind ... Remember that the best time for selling properties is in the spring and autumn and that the worst time ... is during late summer and over Christmas/New Year.

22.2.              F       For a good first experience of renovating, try

redoing a dated property ratherthan a wreck.

22.3.              B       The tranquillity and beauty of a country cottage

are attractive for most of us ... Buying in a remote location may well appeal, but you can pay for isolation in more ways than one.

22.4.              G       ... building eco-friendly homes...

environmentally-friendly products ... available to those who want to make the first steps towards aneco-lifestyle.

22.5. C Rates charged for conveyancing work vary ... You will usually be charged for the solicitor's time ... For a property costing £100,000, a solicitor can charge about £550.

Zadanie 23. str. 32

23.1.              C       Show   that   you   are   listening   during   their

outbursts and don't interrupt or show any anger of your own. Let them vent all their anger until they eventually calm down.

23.2.              F        ... ask them to help in solving problems. Their

reclusive behaviour may simply be a reflection of their desire to feel needed.

23.3.              A       You can deal with this type of co-worker by

pulling others over to listen whenever they start to complain. With others present, the confider may not feel so comfortable about voicing their complaints.

23.4.              E       Whenever you have the opportunity, ask these

co-workers to explain their criticism and their resistance to proposals ... As a result, they may learn that it is more satisfying to contribute positively to projects than to resist them.

23.5.              D       ... it is important to think about what may be

underneath their outward behaviour.

Zadanie 24. str. 32

24.1.              C       Przeprowadzka poszła gładko, ale pod koniec

kobieta zaczęła się zastanawiać,  gdzie się zmieszczą   wszystkie   przewożone   rzeczy. Wydawać by się mogło, że na wyprowadzce skończyły się wszystkie kłopoty. Tymczasem kłopoty dopiero miały się zacząć.

24.2.              D       Przeprowadzający  się  zapomnieli  oznaczyć

jakoś pudła i w rezultacie nie mogli niczego znaleźć. Uczymy się na własnych błędach. Tej nauczki mężczyzna na pewno nie zapomni.

24.3.              B        Ponieważ   przeprowadzający się zapomnieli

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