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Law of project management

“No major project is ever completed in time,

within budget and with the same people that

started it. Yours will not be the first.”


Law of project management

“A carelessly planned project

will take three times longer to complete

than expected. A carefully planned project



Law of project management


“One advantage of fuzzy project objectives

is that they avoid the embarrassment

of estimating the corresponding costs.”

Law of project management


“No system is ever completely debugged.

Attempts to debug a system inevitably introduce

new bugs that are even harder to find.”


Law of project management


“Project teams detest progress reporting because

it so vividly manifests the lack of progress.”


Law of project management

“When things are going well, something will

go wrong. When things can’t get any worse,

they will. When things appear to be going

better, you have overlooked something Murphy was an optimist!

Law of project management


“If project content is allowed

to change freely, the rate of change

will exceed the rate of progress”



Law of project


“Projects progress quickly until

they become 90% complete and then they

remain 90% complete forever.”

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