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Daughter of Njord, the sea god, Freyja was the goddess of love and lust. She was portrayed as blue-eyed with a voluptuous figure. The legends say that she was continually searching heaven and earth for Odur, her lost husband, while shedding tears that turned to gold on land and amber in the sea. (Odur may have been Odin.) In the Germanic tradition, Freyja and two other Vanir (fertility gods) moved to Asgard to live with the Aenir (war gods) as a token of friendship following a war. She wore the Brisings necklace, a treasure of great value and beauty that she obtained by sleeping with the four dwarves who had made it. She also split the war dead with Odin. His share went with him to Valhalla and her share went to live in her great hall.
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