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T he bicep muscles are crucial for
pulling and lifting movements you
perform constantly throughout
the day. But perhaps the most compelling
reason to train your biceps is the almost
immediate effect you see in the mirror. The
bicep muscles, when flexed, are the classic
symbol of a powerful physique.
can easily watch yourself in the mirror
and see the biceps swell enormously
under the strain. We promise you’ll
enjoy training these muscles—and
showing them off.
burn, you have to isolate the biceps
by paying strict attention to form.
Variety is also key here. By performing
a variety of exercises, you’ll emphasize
different areas of the biceps, creating
a fuller, rounder shape. You’ll also
force your body to keep adapting to the
changing types of stress. This means
your biceps get bigger faster.
It is important to remember to focus on
form and smooth, controlled movement.
Resist the temptation to use your body
weight for leverage when performing
curls. To create a growth-producing
The biceps are also the most visible muscle
to train. When you curl a weight, you
1 alternate dumbbell curls
When performing a high-intensity weight routine, include exercises that
stretch the muscles. This exercise is great for stretching the biceps and for
overall biceps development.
Starting Position: Either stand upright, or
sit on an incline bench holding a dumbbell in
each hand. Keep your shoulders square and your
chest up. Press your upper back and shoulders
against the bench. Let your arms hang downward
with your palms facing each other.
The Exercise: Slowly curl the weight in your
right hand out and up to shoulder level, while
turning your wrist so that your little finger is on
the inside and your thumb is on the outside.
Contract the muscle as hard as you can at the
top, then slowly lower the weight back to the
starting position while, at the same time,
raising the weight in your left hand.
your shoulders creep up off the
bench. This allows you to use
your body for leverage, and may
cause neck strain.
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2 barbell curls
This is the classic biceps exercise of all time, and rightly so: performed correctly,
this exercise will help you develop overall size in the biceps.
Starting Position: With your hands
shoulder-width apart, grip a barbell with an
underhand grip. Stand up straight with shoulders
squared and with feet shoulder-width apart. Let
the bar hang at arm’s length in front of you, with
your shoulders, arms and hands in a straight line.
The Exercise: Without leaning back or
swinging the weight, curl the bar up toward your
chest in an arc. Keep your elbows stationary and
close to your sides. Bring the weight up as high
as you can, and focus on holding the contraction
at the top. Lower the weight slowly along the
same path, resisting all the way down until your
arms are nearly straight but you can still feel a
contraction in the biceps.
during the curl. This will move the focus
of the exercise away from the biceps and
onto the front deltoids.
to lean too far back or swing the weight.
Make it a habit to stand tall and move
the weight in a slow and controlled
“The meaning of life
is to live a meaningful life.”
3 preacher curls
The pad on the preacher-curl bench forces you to keep your elbows stationary, as well as
giving you a stable base for the exercise. If the EZ curl bar places too much strain on your
wrists, try using dumbbells for this exercise and training one arm at a time.
Starting Position: Use a preacher-curl
bench and an EZ curl bar. It’s crucial that the seat
on the preacher-curl bench be adjusted to the
right height. When you sit, the seat should not be
so low that the shoulders are elevated nor so high
that you’re hunched over the pad. Grasp the EZ
curl bar using a shoulder width grip.
The Exercise: Curl the barbell upward in an
arc. As you begin, be careful not to lurch or rock
the weight to get it moving. The goal is to make
the exercise hard on the biceps, not to use the
deltoids and give the biceps a free ride. Curl the
bar towards your chin, but keep in mind that the
resistance is greater at the beginning than at the
end. If the resistance starts to let up, you’ve gone
too far. Concentrate on the eccentric part of the
exercise, lowering the bar slowly and resisting all
the way.
to use your upper body for leverage,
try doing the exercise from a standing
position, leaning over the pad with
your legs stretched out behind you
so that your whole body is in a
straight line.
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4 concentration curls
This one really isolates the “peak” of the biceps. You need to concentrate on the
contraction of the biceps and on strict form to make the exercise effective.
Starting Position: Seated on the end of a
bench, spread your legs apart into a “V” and lean
forward slightly. Grasp a dumbbell in one hand
with your palm facing upward. Rest your elbow
on the inside of your thigh and let the dumbbell
hang. Rest your other hand on the top of your
opposite thigh for support.
The Exercise: Slowly curl the weight up,
keeping the torso, upper arm and elbow still.
As you lift, twist your wrist so that your little
finger turns toward your body. Contract the
muscle hard at the top of the curl, then lower
the weight slowly. Resist the weight all the
way down until your arm is nearly straight,
but you can still feel a slight contraction
in the biceps.
not to use your upper body to
“swing” the weight up. Lower the
amount of weight if you need to
so you can focus on correct form.
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“Quality only happens
when we care enough
to do our very best.”
5 cable curls
This is a great exercise for finishing off your biceps workout. Lying flat on the floor ensures
that your whole body remains in a straight line throughout the exercise so you can’t “cheat.”
Starting Position: Grasp a short straight
bar attached to the high-cable pulley in both
hands, using an underhand grip. Lie flat on your
back in front of the weight stack, with your feet
flat against the frame of the Universal machine.
Yo u r l e gs should be straight, not bent. Let the
bar rest on your thighs. Your arms should be
slightly bent.
The Exercise: Without moving your elbows,
curl the bar slowly up toward your chest, pause to
contract fully at the top. Slowly lower back to the
starting position.
Do not “cheat”by bending your knees, lifting your head
and shoulders off the ground, or lifting your elbows.
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