Jory Strong - Fallon Mates 05 - First Sharing.pdf
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First Sharing
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
First Sharing
ISBN 9781419922800
First Sharing Copyright © 2008 Jory Strong
Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication June 2009
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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales
is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
Jory Strong
Jory Strong
Chapter One
You take a great risk
and if you fail
if your vision proves false
then you doom our line.
His father’s words were a heavy weight on Laith d’Amato’s shoulders as he made
his way toward the transport chamber that would take him to Winseka, the Bridge City,
where even now the man who had been his near constant companion since adulthood
was no doubt scouring the postings in search of a job on another planet, one far from
If time weren’t so urgent, Laith would have spread the feathered wings marking
him as Amato and flown to Winseka from his parents’ home along the western coast of
Belizair. But time was of the essence and it had taken far longer than he anticipated to
accomplish the things he’d set out to do when he returned to his home world. He was
anxious to return to the human woman who’d soon be his mate—and Rykken’s—if he
could convince his friend to cast aside his Vesti heritage and fight his Vesti nature.
A shudder went through Laith as he envisioned them both lying with Cyan, joining
their bodies with hers. His cock filled and pressed against the thin loincloth favored by
both Vesti and Amato males when they were on Belizair.
From the first moment he’d seen her he’d hungered as he’d never hungered for a
woman of his own race. The Ylan stones, melded seamlessly into the bands he wore at
his wrists, pulsed in time to the heartbeat throbbing in his penis as he thought about
her, pictured sky-blue eyes and the long, luxurious locks of brown hair only a few
shades lighter and a few inches longer than his own.
Enchanting. Mesmerizing. Captivating.
In the brief time he’d been with Cyan it had required every ounce of self-discipline
he possessed not to mate with her. He ached to possess her, to claim her and bring her
back to Winseka, to the city where all those returning with human mates had to live
First Sharing
initially. Even if the experiment failed, even if no children came from their joining, he
would be content to have her as his bond-mate.
You take a great risk
and if you fail
if your vision proves false
then you doom our line.
His father’s somber expression, his mother’s pain-lined face as he told them of his
intention to share the female he’d been matched with, made anger flash through Laith
as hot as the despair that followed on its heels was cold. He cursed the Hotalings and
the bio-gene weapon they’d unleashed on Belizair.
A few on Belizair had died when the virus was first introduced, the weak, the old,
their passing painful but not the festering wound that opened later—when the true
horror became known. Females early in their pregnancies miscarried, then came the
devastating realization there would be no new pregnancies.
In desperation the Council’s scientists had come forth with an experiment, pairing
males from Belizair with human females who carried the genetic markers of the
Fallon—the shared ancestor race of the Amato and Vesti.
Like some of the Amato and Vesti in older times, before laws were passed against
interfering with cultures not as advanced as the one on Belizair, the Fallon had also
been intrigued by the inhabitants of Earth. They’d walked among them, bred with
them, though they’d also appeared to those on Earth as creatures that became a part of
human legend and religion.
The Fallon could take an infinite number of forms because at their core, they were a
race of winged shapeshifters. Their potential had soared without limit until arrogance
and jealousy, pride and prejudice had destroyed them, ultimately splintering them into
a multitude of races, all lesser than what the Fallon had once been.
With a sigh Laith entered the building housing the transport chamber. With effort
he pushed thoughts of the past and the heavy burden of his family’s future away.
He felt the rightness of his decision, felt an unshakable sureness. The dreams that
gripped him when he slept were a vision for the future and not only erotic fantasy,
though they left him writhing, waking in an eruption of hot semen.
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