Muay Thai - The Art of Fighting - 3.pdf

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Kon Muay means the movements or the styles of using Muay Thai as the art of
Fighting both of the attack and the defense, which are named by the characteristic
of the usage. If using for example the attack called Knon Muay JuJom. If using
for the defense or counter called Kon Muay-Kae. If using for the defense and
counter by the fists called Kon Muay-Kae Mad, to defend and counter by the feet
called Kon Muay-Kae Tao, to defend and counter by the knees called Kon Muay-
Kae Kao, to defend and counter by the elbows called Kon Muay-Kae Sok.
Kon Muay are divided :
Kon Muay - Kae Mad 29 Kon
Kon Muay - Kae Thao 23 Kon
Kon Muay - Kae Khao 3 Kon
Kon Muay - Kae Sok 4 Kon
Kon Muay - JuJom 23 Kon
Kon Muay-Kae Mad 29 Kon
This Kon Muay is the first skill of Mai Kru. If the master of basic movement to escape outside in
order to use the other techniques.
The attacker walks in and strikes the defensive’s face with the left punch.
The defensive steps obliquely for wards to outside with the weight on the right leg. Use the
left arm pushing out the punch from face. Throws the right punch to the attacker’ eye socket.
If the attacker strobes with the right punch do the same as above in the opposite directions, Be
trained in both left and right to get more skillful until to know what to do by your own instinct.
It’s the basic main movement to use the Ma Yong style (HORSE-WALKING) approached to Mai
Muay Thai in order to practice the more difficult movements (the other techniques).
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The bird peeping through the nest Movement
This Kon Muay is the master of fighting at close quarters in order to fright with other techniques.
The attacker walks in and throws the right punch to the face, while holds up the left guard.
The defensive steps the left foot obliquely to the right side at close quarters, the weight on the left
foot. Pares the punch out of the face by the left arm and counter by throwing the right punch to the
attacker’s face immediately.
If the attacker throws the left punch, do the same as above in the opposite directions.
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The Java Thaws spear Movement
This Kon Muay is the main style to
sidestep out of the straight punch
and counter by the elbow.
The attacker walks in and throws
the left punch to the defensives face.
The defensive steps out quickly by
the right foot obliquely to out circle
(the weight on the right leg) close to
the attacker. Pares the attacker’s
punch out by the left arm. Bend the
right arm as the angle burst in to the
attacker’s rib.
If the attacker throws the right
punch do the same as above in the
opposite directions. For training, the
attackers must not throw the elbow
to the rib, but use the arm touch the
rib. Do it slowly for training. If you
do it very fast, the trance may be
Inao stabs his Kris
It is the main style to block the straight punch by fighting at close quarters.
The attacker walks in and throws the left punch to the defensive’ face.
The defensive steps in hurry by the left foot obliquely to inside (the weight on the left leg). Pares
the punch out by the right arm. Bends the left arm as the angle paralleled to the floor in order to
burst the attacker’s rib.
If the attacker throws the right punch, the defensive do the same as above in the opposite
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Lifting the Sumaru
This Kon Muay use for defense the
straight punch at close quarters by let
the punch pass over the head and
throwing the punch at the chin.
The attacker walks in and throws
the left punch at the defensive’s face.
The defensive bends the head
down, let the punch pass over while
steps forwards with the left foot. T
throws suddenly the left punch to the
attacker’s chin.
If the attacker throws with the right
punch. Do the same as above in the
opposite directions.
The old man holding a pod Movemen
This Kon Muay is the basic technique to defense the upper punch by pushing the punch out with
the arm.
The attacker walks in and throws the left punch to the defensive’s face
The defensive steps forward by crossing the left foot in to the attacker’s in-circle, the weight on
the left leg. Bends the right arm and holds up in the front of the face. Then throws it over to push
the attacker’s fist out over the head. Throws the left punch to the tip of the chin.
If the attacker throws with the right punch. Do the same as above in the opposite directions.
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