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Language in the Brain.
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Language in the Brain
Linguistics, neurocognition and phenomenological psychology are fundamentally
different ields of research. Helmut Schnelle’s aim is to promote an interdisciplinary
understanding of a new integrated ield in which linguists will be competent in
neurocognition and neuroscientists in structure linguistics. Consequently the irst part
of the book is a systematic introduction to the functional constitution of form and
meaning organizing brain components. The essential core elements are perceptions,
actions, attention, emotion and feeling. Their descriptions provide foundations for
experience-based semantics and pragmatics. The second part is addressed to
non-linguists and presents the structure foundations and formal presentations of
currently established linguistic frameworks. This book should be serious reading for
anyone interested in a comprehensive understanding of language, in which
evolution, functional organization and hierarchies are explained by reference to
brain architecture and dynamics.
HELMUT SCHNELLE graduated in 1957 with a degree in Physics. His Postgraduate
studies between 1958 and 1962 included cybernetics, linguistics and philosophy,
leading to the irst doctorate in philosophy on Leibniz’ de Arte Combinatoria . In 1967
he achieved his second doctorate (Dr. phil. habil.) based on the book manuscript
Prolegomena for formalization of levels of linguistics and became Full Professor of
linguistics in Berlin. He is a member of Academia Europea (London), Honorary
Member of the Cercle Linguistique de Prague and in 2000 became an Honorary
Doctor of the University of Bielefeld, Germany. He was Editor of the journal
Theoretical Linguistics between 1974 and 2000. Helmut Schnelle also organized the
irst conference about language and the brain, on the occasion of awarding an
honorary doctorate to Roman Jakobson and has since organized a “MIND/BRAIN”
Conference in Paris. He is now continuing work with the Ruhr Universität Bochum,
focusing on studying language in the brain and its organization of neural networks.
Language in the Brain
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