The Abilitative Tenses.doc

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The Abilitative Tenses

The Abilitative Tenses

Abilitative Mood

Definite Past Perfect, Simple Tense

Türkçe -- Belirli geçmis zaman

Definite Past Perfect, Simple - Negative

Definite Past Perfect, Simple -- Interrogative

Definite Past Perfect, Simple -- Negative Interrogative

gelebilirdim --
I could have come, I would have been able to come

gelemezdim --
I couldn't have come, I wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydim? --
could I have come?

gelemez miydim? --
couldn't I have come?

gelebilirdin --
you could have come, you would have been able to come

gelemezdin --
you couldn't have come, you wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydin? --
could you have come?

gelemez miydin? --
couldn't you have come?

gelebilirdi --
he could have come, he would have been able to come

gelemezdi --
he couldn't have come, he wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydi? --
could he have come?

gelemez miydi? --
couldn't he have come?

gelebilirdik --
we could have come, we would have been able to come

gelemezdik --
we couldn't have come, we wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydik? --
could we have come?

gelemez miydik? --
couldn't we have come?

gelebilirdiniz --
you could have come, you would have been able to come

gelemezdiniz --
you couldn't have come, you wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilir miydiniz?
-- could you have come?

gelemez miydiniz?
-- couldn't you have come?

gelebilirdiler --
they could have come, they were able to come, they would have been able to come

gelemezlerdi (gelemezdiler) --
they couldn't have come, they wouldn't have been able to come

gelebilirler miydi? --
could they have come, were they able to come?

gelemezler miydi? (gelemediler mi?) --
couldn't they have come?

Related Examples:

Ingilizce ögrenebilirdim.
I could have learned English.
Yagmur yagmaya baslamadan önce eve varabilirdik.
We could have gone home before it rained.
KIz kardesim bir avukat olabilirdi.
My sister could have been a lawyer.
Soför kazayI atlatabilirdi.
The driver could have avoided the accident.
Saat onda ugrayabilseydi, benimle konusabilirdi.
Had he been able to drop by at 10, he would have been able to talk to me.
BakImI kendim yapsaydIm çok para biriktirebilirdim.
I could have saved a lot of money if I could do the maintenance myself.

Ingilizce ögrenemezdim.
I couldn't have learned English.
Taksiye binsek bile oraya zamanInda varamazdIk.
Even if we took a taxi, we wouldn't have gotten there in time.

SorularI anlayabilir mi?
Could he have understood the questions.

SorularI anlayamaz mIydI?
Couldn't he have understood the questions?

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