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4/1 Bezokolicznik, forma Gerund, imiestowy

Wpisz czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie.

1. My mum is always very happy  (see) all our family at Christmas

2. How about  lorganize) a beauty contest in our school? 

3. John agreed,.. (lend) me some money.

4. I hope ... (hear) from you soon.

5. Could you help me  (tidy) up? This room needs.. (clean)

6. Tony has offered . (show) me how ,.. (send) a fax.

7. Will you let me . (use) the pen when you finish. Iwri".

8. She practises .. (do) the somersault on the tightrope.

9. I'm pleased . (say) I'm quite good at .. (dive).

10. Linda forgot., (post) these postcards.

11 (learn) English is not easy.

12. Jerry pretended... (not notice) anything.

13. I've always enjoyed.... (listen) to professor Honey's lectures.

14. Please, remember,. (lock) the front door.

15. We can't afford (refuse) his offer.

16. I hope Sue will come soon. She promised . (not be) late.

17. He suggested.... (postpone) the meeting.

18. He's too clever.. (believe) such a story.

19. After .. (do) my lessons I went jogging.

20. They are used to  (drink) mineral water with their dinner.

21. Tommy has just gone out . (buy) a computer magazine.

22. When I was a child, my mother used  (make) me ,,,,,,,,, with my cousin Fred, whom I hated.

23. He kept .... (talk) although nobody listened to him.

24. Susan refused .. (lend) me her fancy dress.

25. I'm looking forward to.. (see) you.

26... (feel) quite tired, I went to bed.

27. The Browns decided … (not move) to a bigger house.

28. He apologized for .. (not send) me the telegram earlier.

29. Jimmy broke his leg (ski).


              4/2 Przeksztatæ zdania, u¿ywaj¹c bezokolicznika,

              formy Gerund lub imiestowu.

1. I found out that Fred goes out with Sue and I was angry. I was angry.. 

2. I don't like to speak in public. I dislike 

3. He doesn't work as a reporter any more. He ave a  9 p  

4. I got up early so that I could catch the 7 o'clock train.  I of a early..

5. Sheila talked about her children for hours.  She went on.. 

6. Could you call a taxi for me? Would you mind.

7. I often travel by bus now, and I don't mind it.  I'm used to 

8. I'm sorry that I didn't visit you when I was in Warsaw. I'm sorry for 

9. I'm thinking of moving to another flat. I'm tanning

10. Chris took a bath. Then he watched a comedy. After..

11. He should wash up after dinner. Let 

12. I entered the room. He was writing letters. I found him 

13. A woman was injured. They took her to hospital.  They took  

14. When I was a child I watched cartoons, but I doñ t watch them now.  I used  

15. My cousin doesn't practise judo any more.  My cousin stopped 

16. Why don't we have a swim?  Why don't we go ..


              4/3 Przet³umacz zdania, u¿ywaj¹c bezokolicznika,

              formy Gerund lub imiestowu.

1. Niebezpiecznie jest staæ pod drzewem w czasie burzy. 

2. Zostata otoczona przez tañczacy ttum. 

3. Zapomniat zapytaæ, gdzie zostawiæ wiadomoœæ.

4. Cieszê siê, ¿e ciê widzê.

5 Przed wyjœciem wyt¹czyt pralkê. 

6. Czy udato ci siê znaleŸæ numer telefonu do Roberta?

7. Moja siostra pozwolita mi wziaæ swoje kolczyki. 

8. Wracaj¹c do domu, Sara spotkata swoja przyjaciótkê.

9. Jerry usiadt, aby zawi¹zaæ sznurowadto. 

10. "Zjedz trochê ciasta". "Dziêkujê, ale nie chcê".

11. Jestem zbyt senny, aby czytaæ. 

12. Parkowanie jest tutaj zabronione. 

13. Tom boi siê powiedzieæ swoim rodzicom, ¿e zgubit klucze.

14. Jestem przyzwyczajona do stuchania gtoœnej muzyki. 

15. Przykro mi to styszeæ. 

16. Otwórzmy jeszcze jedn¹ puszkê.


4/4czasy  Wpisz czasowniki w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. 

1. Don't worry. I remembered(lock) the door with both keys.

2. The rescue team attempted " (revive) the man, but they failed.

3. Bobby admitted ." (eat) that cake.

4. Luke suddenly felt the bee _ (sting) him. 

5. If you walk there at night, you risk .. (be) attacked. 

6. "Please, carry on... (observe) the house," said the superintendent.

7. Did you notice her hands .x. (shake)? 

8. She claims ... (know) Harrison Ford very well. 

9. The local authorities postponed  (close) the old school.

10. I regret ..(inform) you that I am unable to help you. 

11. In most hotels they don't allow  (bring) dogs with you. 

12. I won't be long. We are on the point of x. (finish) the meeting.

13. Bob threatened ,.x" (tell) the teacher. 

14. It's no good "" (buy) your child whatever he wants. 

15. Carla heard the car  (start) and ", (drive) away.

16. Fiona has put off x, (do) spring-cleaning till next week. 

17. We recommend x.. (take) part in our local folk festival.

18. I was about ........ (leave) when the phone rang. 

19. They burst out .......(laugh) when they saw my fancy-dress costume.

20. The minister is due ..... (give) a speech on the current crisis at 2 p.m.

21. It's high time ". (finish) work. 

22. I usually try .... (go) to the cinema o) but finally came by train.

24. When I heard the news, I couldn't help . (cry). 

25. I think I can hear someone ..., (sing) in the living-room.

26. John didn't bother ... (check) the timetable. 

27. Donna escaped .... (be) punished for... (break) the vase.

28. Fancy ....... (meet) you at this hotel!

29. If you don't understand, don't hesitate .... (ask) for explanation.

30. I regret .. " (say) those things last night. 

31. Jenny couldn't face ..... (see) Carl after he discovered her secret.       

32... (observe) the owls involves ... (spend) nights outdoors.

33. He talked about his kids and then went on ., (talk) about his business.

34. He recommended me ... (try) aspirin.

35. Debbie couldn't resist. (buy) the shoes. 

36. My mother urged me. (not be) late.  

37.. (keep) fit also means .. (lose) weight.

38. My husband allowed the kids " (have) a big party in the garden. 

39. When it stopped .. (rain), he stopped (buy) a newspaper.

40. Stacy's ........... (bite) her nails annoys me.  

41. I mean, (knock) down the wall .. (get) more space.

42. She started singing at 7 and went on ........ (sing) for two hours.

43. "Is that true?" he said  (raise) his eyebrows.

44.My aunt Lucy never fails (send) me a Christmas card.

45. Carol wastes a lot of time ......... (read) silly romances.

46. I saw a seagull (catch) a piece of bread.

47. There's no point .. (stay) at home and .. (worry).

48. Mark was the first (finish) the test.  

49. Our intention was ... (find) a cheap but luxurious hotel.

50. It's worth ... (try) the food in all those little country inns.  

51. We arranged.... (meet) at the station.

52. Have you tried  (exercise) to lose weight?  

53. The car seems (break) down. It won't start. 

54. We will never forget .... (visit) water parks in Spain.

55. The man pretended . (read), but I felt him  (watch) me.

56. I can't wait (see) the wedding photos.

57 ......(make) up his mind, he felt light-hearted and happy.  

58. She avoided .... (look) at me.  

59. He denied " (be) rude to my sister.

60. I happened., (meet) your cousin Bill on my way to school.  

61. It's no use (ask) him.

62. She's planning x (spend) two years x(travel).

63. I can't stand. (wait) in queues.  

64. This text needs (proofread).

65. The man confessed to (set) fire to the school.

66. Patrick watched the boys slowly  (walk) away.


              4/5  Przekszta³æ zdania, u¿ywaj¹c bezokolicznika,

              formy Gerund lub imiestowu.

1.I prefer climbing the mountains to sailing," she said. She would rather .

2. Don't make         so much noise!  Stop

3. "Thank you for asking me," Ms Screal told us.  Ms Screal appreciated ..

4. I'm afraid I have to tell you that you failed the test.  I regret…       

5. I described the firm's structure and then discussed the details of the contract. Having ..., I went on ..

6. I'm sure I posted the letter at the corner post box last Monday.   I remember.

7. Sorry I've come late, but I got caught in traffic. Please excuse   

8. They are always talking about me and I hate it.  I hate always

9. The workers made Cyril talk to the boss on their behalf.  Cyril was made .  

10. Sue made a lot of spelling mistakes. She disappointed her teacher. Sue's …                        

11. I was just entering the flat when I heard the explosion.  I was about

12. I feel sorry now that I didn't go to college. I now regret 13. He stopped because he had to buy petrol.   He stopped .. 

14. You shouldñt paint your room dark blue.   You'd better…

15. The speaker talked and talked until we almost fell asleep. The  Baker went on 

16. You can't walk on this old bridge. It's not safe enough.  This old bridge ..


              4/6 Przet³um. zdania, u¿ywaj¹c bezokolicznika,

              formy  Gerund lub imiestowu.

1. Próbowatam wyttumaczyæ mu, co siê stato, ale udawat, ¿e mnie nie stucha   

2. Nie jestem przyzwyczajony do prania swoich rzeczy rêcznie.  

3. Czy widziateœ, jak ten chtopiec wspinat siê na drzewo?    

4. Byliœmy rozczarowani, ¿e nie zastaliœmy ich w dome.   

5. On chce, ¿ebym obciêta wtosy na krótko, a ja wolatabym nie.    

6. Przyjêcie tej pracy oznacza przeniesienie siê do Krakowa.    

7. Zwiedziwszy muzeum, poczuliœmy siê zmêczeni.

8. Czy zauwa¿ytaœ, jak on rzucat kamieniem w okno?   

9. Spróbuj dodaæ trochê soli. 

10. Z przykroœci¹ informujemy, ¿e nie zostat pan przyjêty na uniwersytet.

11. Wchodz¹c do mieszkania, ustyszatam, jak zegar wybit dwunast¹.  

12. Susan pierwsza zauwa¿yta, ¿e Kathy ma problemy.    

13. Wczoraj obserwowatam, jak moje dzieci graj¹ w szachy.    

14. Zmuszono mnie do podpisania tego dokumentu.   

15. Lepiej nie jedŸ tak szybko.    

16. "Czy zaprosisz Petera na urodziny?" "Wolatbym nie".

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