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2/1 WARUNEK                Zakreœl wtaœciw¹ odpowiedŸ.

1. I ... this interview ion't miss / were c. didn't miss / was

2. They ... you if you ... them why you behaved like this. 

              a. won’t blame / 'll tell b. doñ t blame / 'll tell c. won't blame / tell            

3. We ... you a copy when the book ... published.

              a .will send / is b. will send / will be c. send / will be

4.Even if we ... to avoid the rat race, we usually ... involved in it anyway   

              a. try / will get b. will try / will get c. try / get   

5. If Jacob ... for Deborah, he ... her out. 

              a.would care / would ask b. cared / would ask c. would care / asked 

6. I wish Michael ... a driving licence.

              a.will have b. has c. had

7. I ... anybody unless they ... me.  

              a.won’t tell / ask b. don't tell / won't ask c. won't tell / don't ask    

8. We ... the ceremony until my sister ... 

              a.will start / comes b. won't start / comes c. start / won't come


              2/2 WARUNEK Wpisz czasow. w odpowiedniej formie.

1.If you , (mix) yellow  and blue, you get green.

2.If you pay the gas bill, you  (not get) cut off.

3. If we . (live) in a detached house, everybody . (have) their own room. 

4. I wish we . (know) our neighbours better. 

5.Gideon will buy a microwave as soon as he.. (get) his salary. 

6.. If I .. (be) you, I  (not reject) his invitation.     

7.I wish my friend . (can see) these paintings. He would love them.   

8. The bacon (burn) unless you ... (watch) it.  

9. We  (not go) swimming until it stops raining.      

10. If he ... (not stay up) late, he (not, always, be) so tired


              2/3 WARUNEK  Przeksztatæ zdania, u¿ywaj¹c podanych wyra¿eñ.

1. I'm late and I'm afraid to enter the classroom. If I….   

2. Brett will be back home at seven. He'll phone you immediately.  As soon as…

3 If you want to see that performance, you need to book in advance.  Unless you …  

4. She works here because she needs the money.  She wouldn't.. 

5. I won't believe it. I've got to see it. until                                               

6. It's a pity I can't windsurf. I wish I… 

7.My grandfather needs a glass of milk at night or he can't sleep. …Unless..  

8. I don't have any spare diskettes so I can't lend you one. If I…

9. We'll pay the bills first and then we'll buy this video. After…

10. Melissa doesn't have to rent a room. She lives with her aunt.               Melissa would

11. This car may break down. Then they'll have to rent one. If this car…. 

12. We'll talk but I'll make a phone call first. Before….

13. I cook tomato soup so often because I like it. If I…

14. We will be away and he will take care of our dog. While….    

15. You don't have much money. You spend too much on fancy clothes.               If you..   

16 What a nuisance! The shop is closed. I wish…


              2/4 Przet³umacz

1.Gdyby Sarah oszczêdzata, jeŸdzitaby co roku na wakacje do Wtoch.      

2. Nie bêdê dzwoniæ, chyba ¿e coœ siê wydarzy.             

3. Zaczekam, dopóki on nie przyjdzie. 

4. Szkoda, ¿e mieszkamy daleko od centrum.  

5. Jeœli powtórzysz ten tekst wiele razy, dobrze go zapamiêtasz.  

6. Gdyby ten sklep obni¿yt ceny, miatby wiêcej klientów.                 

7. Pójdziemy na zakupy, jak tylko wrócê do domu.  

8. Zatujê, ¿e nie mam wiêcej cierpliwoœci.

9. Je¿eli nie spodoba ci siê to sukienka, poszukamy innej. 

10. Mo¿esz jeŸdziæ na moim motorze, kiedy bêdê na wakacjach.         

11. Nie mówitabym o tym, gdybym nie znata szczegótów.

12. Szkoda, ¿e nie mogê pójœæ z tob¹.

13. Zrób sobie kanapkê, jeœli bêdziesz gtodna.                               

14. Jeœli sos nie bêdzie doœæ ostry, dodaj trochê chili.

15. Gdybym byt na twoim miejscu, wybratbym lepsz¹ szko³ê.  

16. Zanim siê zdecydujê, poproszê Adama o radê.


              2/5 WARUNEK  Wpisz czasow. w nawiasach w odpowiedn. formie.

1.Liz ... (not marry) Rick if she ".. (know) his criminal past. 

2. Assuming it  (not rain), we . (have) the party outside

3. If you….(not, always, listen) to your walkman, you'd know what's going on.

4.We . (stand) in the queue now if we .. (get) here sooner.

5.I wish you ., (buy) more mineral water. One bottle is not enough.

6. If I  (be) at home now, I . (rest) in front of the TV

7. You…(enjoy) your stay at this hotel unless some noisy neighbours (disturb) you.

8. If I had been more careful, I…(not have) my car stolen.

9. Suppose the manager... (not sign) the contract then, what would you do now?

10. The building looks as though it , (be) about to fall.

11. If I  (ask) her before Leonardo did, I .. (be) married to her now.

12. It looks as if it .... (be) going to thunder.

13.Fiona. (enter) the tournament provided all her friends do as well.

14. Jill wishes she  (sunbath) on a beach in Greece now.   

15.If he . (check) his passport, he . (realize) it was invalid.

16. The singer sings as though his heart .... (be) breaking. 

17. I'd rather Barbra .... (do) the shopping, not Anne.                   

18. Imagine we .. (be) at the seaside now.                                 

19. If Queenie .., (be) taller, she .., (work) as a mpital now 

              if I . (look) where I was going.             

21. If Rosalind . " (tell) the police about the robbery, she might get her things back.

22. That girl behaves as if she .... (know) everybody here.               

23. I wish I. (not find) learning languages so difficult.                  

24. It's high time .... (begin) the celebrations.                        

25. It's about time you .... (start) looking for a job.

26. I wish Lesley ... (change) her hairstyle. It's so out of date.


              2/6 WARUNEK Przet³umacz wyra¿enia w nawiasach.

1.... (Gdybym wiedziata) You were coming, .. (upiek³abym) a cake. 

2. In my country you can't drive. (chyba ¿e masz powy¿ej 21 lat.

3.(¯a³ujê, ¿e nie jadê) on holiday with you. 

4 (Gdybyœ nie zgubit) the tickets,.. (ogl¹dalibyœmy) the film now.

5 I won't propose to her . (dopóki nie bêdê pewny) of my feelings. 

6. (Za³ujê, ¿e muszê) sit here and wait for him.

7. (Wolatby, ¿ebyœ zostawita) the window open. 

8. When I saw him, he looked ..... (jak gdyby dobrze siê bawi³).

8.(Gdybyœmy tylko mogli porozmawiaæ) to the managing director!

10.. (WyobraŸ sobie, ¿e nie wsiadtaœ) on that train. We wouldn't be together now!

11. (Gdyby byli) more reasonable, they (nie po¿yczyliby) so much from the bank.

12.(Chciatabym, ¿eby oni nie myli) their car every weekend; it makes such a mess outside.

13. If Jane were less busy, she .. (spotykalaby siê) Clive more often.  

14(Powinniœmy otrzymaæ) some excellent shots              (pod warunkiem, ¿e sprzêt bêdzie dzia³a³) correctly.  

15. She dropped the plate .... (jak gdyby byt) red-hot.

16.(Przypuœæmy, ¿e miatabyœ) more time, what would you do?

17 (Za³ujê, ¿e nie znalaztam) a better job. ".. (Nie bytabym) a waitress now.

18.(Czas najwy¿szy, ¿ebyœmy wyttumaczyli) everything to him. 

19.Ethel  (nie zgubitaby siê) if she had bought a street map.

20. Take your sweater . (na wypadek gdyby zrobito siê) cold.   

21. (Gdyby dowiedzieli siê) about it earlier, .. (mogliby pomóc) us now.

22.. (Wolatabym, ¿eby Tom) mowed the lawn.  

23. (Gdyby siê tak nie œpieszyta), she wouldn't have forgotten to buy bread.  


              2/7 WARUNEK Przeksztatæ zdania, u¿ywaj¹c podanych wyra¿eñ.

1. Sheila can’t fit into her jeans any more, as she's put on so much weight.               If Sheila…

2. She's always talking about changing her job, and it's so annoying. I wish…

3. I've been dying my hair for 2 years and it's in poor condition now.               It's high time 

4. Those shelves were constructed carelessly, and so we can't use them.               I wish

5. I think she must have eaten too much at the party. She looks.. 

6. Tony was injured because he wasn't wearing a seat belt. If Tony………

7.I don't know which train to catch because I didn't listen to the announcement.               If only …

8. I'm working long hours tomorrow.  I wish…

9. The building will have been finished by March. I hope the plumbing will be correct.  Assuming…………..

10. I'm afraid to get into that car, it looks too old and dangerous. If that car…  

11. Why don't you be quiet? I wish…   

12. We chose this resort after reading about it in a brochure. If we    

13. I might stay. But you must promise to keep it a secret. As long as …      

14. The bridge could have collapsed. The destruction might have been terrible.    Imagine…… 

15. Fiona wears too much make up for a 15-year old. I'd rather…………..

16. Bob and Grace can’t afford a new car this year. Bob and Grace wish ....

17.Ruth is going to Oxford because she passed all her exams with grade  As if Ruth…….

18. She's planning a tour. There is a chance her album will reach number one. Provided 

19. It would be disastrous if this pipe ever leaked. Should…

20. You might win a million dollars. What would you do? Suppose

21. He shouldn't be helping her. She must learn to do it alone. We wish he..

22. You need a permit to park here.  ..unless you …

23. I'll only leave when James calls me.  I'll wait..

24. The reason there is a hole in the ozone layer is all the gases we use.               If we….

25. I can't wait for my birthday on Saturday. It's only Tuesday today. I wish….

26. We'll be happy to replace the equipment in case you find any fault with it. We will should….  

27. Sometimes when my dog looks at me, it seems he understands what I'm saying. as if he….


2/8      Wpisz should, will lub would." 

1.Shall I open the door for you?" "If you ...   

2. If the news.. come after midnight, don't wake the minister        

3. If Francine .... only leave! We'd be much happier.     

4. If you ... follow me please.

5. Well, if you .think about it, I'd be very grateful.        

6. If I...happen to find it, I will let you know.      

7. If only you ...be more kind to him!

8. If you bump into Mark, tell him about the extra lesson.


2/9 Przet³umacz 

1.Gdybym tylko sprawdzit jego paszport!         

2. Mo¿emy zacz¹æ natychmiast, pod warunkiem ¿e Bernie siê zgodzi.        

3. Nie szukalibyœmy teraz psa, gdybyœ zamkn¹³ bramê.         

4. Najwy¿szy czas, ¿ebyœ przesta³ udawaæ, ¿e mnie nie znasz.      

5.Zobaczysz, ¿e oni przyjd¹ wczeœniej. Nie by³abym tego taka pewna.   

6. Gdybym nie stucha³ radia, nie us³ysza³bym o bombie. 

7. Chcia³abym, ¿ebyœ przynajmniej spróbowa³ mnie zrozumieæ!      

8. Przypuœæmy, ¿e uda³oby ci siê j¹ przekonaæ           

9.Wolatbym, ¿ebyœ mówi³ za siebie.        

10. Zachowujesz siê, jak gdybyœ nic nie rozumia³.       

11. Pogoda nie zmieni siê, chyba ¿e wy¿ przesunie siê na pó³noc.       

12. Gdyby Blanche przeczyta³a instrukcjê, nie zepsu³aby kserokopiarki.        

13. ¯a³ujê, ¿e nie idê z tob¹ jutro do teatru.       

14. Gdybym nie byt taki cierpliwy, nie zniós³bym jej narzekania.      

15. Wydajesz pieni¹dze, jakbyœmy byli milionerami        

16. Przypuœæmy, ¿e Edison nie wynalaz³ ¿arówki..6

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