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Angst Goddess 003
I hate this room. With a deep-seeded fiery passion of a million hells. I don’t mean to
be melodramatic, really. But it’s a fact. In the brighter daylight hours, it’s nearly
bearable. But here, near midnight, it’s anything but. Dark, desolate, suffocating, and
hidden corners and crevices. I could feel the familiar fear and panic creeping up my
chest just opening the door. I couldn’t even get an ounce of comfort from the full
moon tonight, blocked by the clouds so common here and even more so by the
Cullens’ freakishly large mansion towering outside my window. Aunt Esme and Alice
worked so hard to decorate this room for me; I almost felt a swelling of guilt when I
reached in just far enough to snatch my school bag from the floor beside the door
and bolt away from the room towards the kitchen.
This was where I had been spending my nights since I moved up here to Forks,
Washington a week ago. The kitchen was warm, and open. Always bright, and full of
good memories. Nothing awful has ever happened to me in a kitchen. I’ve been
doing all the cooking since I arrived. Esme was slightly peeved at first, surrendering
her kitchen duties to a 17 year old girl, but she eventually gave in, seeing how much
I enjoyed the tasks. And it was such a rarity to witness me enjoying anything.
So I’ve made a careful routine of spending my nights in here, baking, cooking, and
doing homework. Anything but sleeping in that wretched, dark bedroom. Everyone in
Phoenix called it insomnia. I’ve already had the lectures from physicians and
professionals, all specifically trained and formally educated to keep my ‘well being’
their ‘top priority’. I’ve had the sleeping pills, and courses of medication meant to
keep me knocked out for the customary eight hours per night. Of course, they’d
never really understand. It’s not so much that I can’t sleep, but I won’t. I catch my
sleep in 10 minute bouts during the day, though even then I try to fend it off. It’s
difficult to do, and I spend my days in a cloudy lethargic haze, but it’s better than
having the dreams. Dreams full of hitting and scratching, screaming and hiding,
bruises and tears, and monsters hiding in my closet, biding their time. And those are
among the more pleasant ones. The ones of my mom, Renee, were the worst by far.
Her cold, limp body slung over the couch in a pool of her own blood. And her eyes…
I snapped out of that line of thinking and begin immersing myself in my English
paper while waiting for my cookies to bake. It was a new recipe. I’ve been baking a
new cookie every night for the last week. I’ve adopted it as my new habit. When I
lived in the group home in Phoenix, I could cook up a lot of things during the night
and the boys would always eat it up long before it had the chance to spoil. But Alice
and Esme’s appetites couldn’t accommodate my particular level of nighttime
boredom. So I settle for cookies. They always enjoy my creative recipes and names.
Thankfully, they haven’t questioned my weird late night mannerisms. They were too
happy that I finally gave in and moved here with them to chance pushing me away
with questions I had absolutely no desire to answer. Esme begged me to come here
a year ago, when Renee died, but I wanted to spare them my dark mood and
reclusive behavior, I hated to burden them. Yet here I am, I thought bitterly.
I let them think they had a kind of victory in my decision to move here from the
group home in Phoenix. But really, I just couldn’t stay there anymore. There were
too many people. Too many males crammed against me in such a small space. I was
in a near-constant state of panic, and it was exhausting, which isn’t exactly beneficial
to someone who’s trying to stay awake. I didn’t like boys, and I despised men. They
terrify me after Phil. It’s irrational, I know. Not all of them are out to get me. Even if
I wanted to take the chance, my mind and body had an automatic reaction that I
simply couldn’t stop. My old psychologist mentioned something about defense
mechanisms and anxiety attacks or what not. I didn’t care what they called it, I
hated it. Never being able to get close to anyone of the opposite sex without
hyperventilating and shaking in fear, even if I wanted to, was a major inconvenience
in a co-ed group home. Suddenly the prospect of living with two women was too
appealing. Maybe they did have some kind of victory after all.
But Forks was better. Small and quaint. I wouldn’t say I was happy here, because I’d
never be happy, no matter the place or company I kept. I had seen too much. But it
was a few steps closer to happiness than Phoenix was, so I couldn’t regret my
I jumped up, dropping my pencil; startled from the loud sound of the timer signaling
the cookies were done baking. Get a Grip Bella, Jeez. I waited for them to cool
before I bean decorating the little man-shaped cookies appropriately.
Once the men had their costumes complete, I produced 3 Ziplock bags and used my
marker to write the name of the cookie on each white rectangle label. Gingerbread
Zombies. It seemed all too fitting to the fact that I was, in fact, in a zombie state for
most of the day today, as I would be tomorrow, as I have been for months.
Five hours, four cups of coffee, and two English papers later, I had breakfast made
and was already dressed for school, donning my usual black hoodie and jeans, and
wearing my long brown hair down. Esme had already rushed out for work,
Gingerbread Zombies in hand, sending a wry smile to me regarding my newest
creations.. Alice arrived to breakfast perfectly awake, as usual, and bounced in
bright, shiny and bushytailed. She positively radiated refreshed, positive attitude. It
made me want to vomit.
Her usual attitude was bubbly and excited. My cousin Alice was slightly shorter than
me, with short, spiky black hair. We were born within a month of each other and our
mothers were sisters. Still, gene pool aside, we were polar opposites. She was
popular at Forks High School and could make friends with anyone. I naturally shied
away from everybody. She kept up to date on all the latest fashion trends. I went
out of my way to wear nothing attention grabbing. She was excited and graceful. I
was introverted and clumsy. See where I’m going with this?
“Goood Moring! Mmm, Bacon and eggs! Are those Waffles? With Blueberries?!” She
chirped and slid into one of the stools. Her little legs were swinging from the stool
back and forth like a 17 year old toddler. “So help me God Bella, I’m going to gain so
much weight while you’re here. Is there syrup? Maybe I should pass on that
I just rolled my eyes at her and stuffed some eggs into my mouth. I loved Alice like
a sister, but there was no getting a word in edgewise with her in the morning. When
she looked up from her plate she stopped mid-sentence. Then she got that look that
I instantly recognized as ‘Concerned Alice Face’. Here we go…
“Good grief Bella! You look terrible! Didn’t you get any sleep at all last night?” I
cringed. I look terrible… Jeez, thanks, Alice for the self image boost. I simply gave a
non committal shrug like I always did when she asked me that question, and kept
eating. With a deep sigh and a disapproving shake of her little head, she let the
matter drop.
Alice was like this often when it came to me; concerned but cautious. She was
always trying to get me to open up to her so she could understand. I knew she only
meddled like this because she cared, but I stayed quiet about my problems. I
couldn’t explain it to her right, and she’d just get even more worried if I tried.
Where the fuck did I put that lighter?! I spun around in the middle of my bedroom
for the third time, raking my fingers through my hair utterly frustrated. I had just
woken up after a whopping 20 minutes of sleep from a particularly fucked up dream,
and I really needed a fucking cigarette. Leave it to me to have a full pack and
nothing to light one with. I really need to clean this shit hole and get organized.
Think, Edward! Fuck! Last time I had it… Oh, right! I flung open the door to my
balcony and immediately spotted it lying on the railing. There you are, I smirked.
I lit the cigarette and performed a reverent pull. Ahh, much better. I never smoke
inside my room. Because that shit clings and stinks. Carlisle was having a moment of
precognition when he gave me the room with the balcony. Daddy C. sure knows how
to put up his orphans. He adopted me 4 years ago, from a rather unseemly foster
‘situation’. Dr. Carlisle Cullen is a fundamentally good man and upstanding citizen of
the Greater Forks Community. We don’t usually butt heads much, but then again,
the good doctor is rarely home enough to do otherwise. Fine by me. He keeps me
clothed and fed and rarely asks questions.
I suppose to most 17 year olds, it’s the ideal living situation. I’m probably as close to
happy as I’m ever going to get. Emmet lives with us too. Another one of Carlisle’s
acquisitions. Emmet is a year older than me and was here first. He loves throwing
that up to me. As if I care. He’s the fucking golden boy of Forks, and a constant kiss
ass. When the elders aren’t about, he’s also crude as hell. We don’t get along. At all.
After a year of constant fighting and bitching from Carlisle, we made an unspoken
agreement to stay out of each other’s hair. He’ll be gone in a year anyways.
I looked out over the balcony from our rather ambiguously large house to the dark
back yard and took another pull from my cigarette. Fucking nighttime. I loathed this
time of day. Much like a bad piece of Russian literature, it was long as fuck, and
boring as hell. I had my hobbies, and sure, I could spend 9 hours sketching and
listening to music. But if I was being honest with myself, and I very rarely am, there
was only one thing I wanted to do in this world more than anything. Sleep. The last
time I had a good, entire night’s sleep, was so many years ago, I don’t even
remember what it was like. Carlisle was worried at first, probably still is, but there’s
nothing he can do. It was like this every single night. Barely any sleep at all, if I
even made an attempt to do so. It was the dreams… always with the fucking
dreams. It literally, wasn’t even worth it to try to sleep anymore.
I threw my spent cigarette over the edge of the balcony just as the rain drops
started to fall in typical Forks fashion. Once back inside the warmth of my spacious,
albeit cluttered bedroom, I plopped down on my bed and resumed my sketch from
earlier in the evening. It kept me awake almost as good as Daddy C’s secret stash of
amphetamines, which was in serious threat of total depletion I might add. I’ve
always limited my drugs to uppers for obvious reasons. Occasionally I’d get go get
drunk with my friend Jasper, but not often.
Jasper Hale and I were friends since the first day of freshman year, and I told Mr.
Johnson – our horribly under educated History teacher – to ‘go fuck himself’. Jazz
loved that shit. He was the only friend I ever had, or needed here in Forks. We often
have a rather silent relationship; we could always read other through looks and body
language. It’s not a bromance or anything, it’s just how we are. But even though
Jazz always has my back, and is always there to listen to my all my fucked up
problems, I can’t help feeling alone. He tries to understand, but how could he? When
he asked why I was always tired, I told him the truth. I’d rather walk around like a
fucking zombie than experience the dreams that haunted me. Of course, he thought
I was crazy. So I never brought it up again.
I finished my sketch and signed my name and date in the bottom right corner,
shutting the book with a sigh. What to do now? I drummed my fingers on the hard
leather bound cover of the book. Schoolwork. I suppressed a groan.
I had been out of school for the past week due to a minor disciplinary infraction.
Suspended five days for smoking on campus. Wow, what a punishment, five days of
freedom. Boredom is more like it. I always get good grades in school. Especially
here, where I could probably teach most of the AP classes, even half awake. I mean,
I did have 9 free hours a night to study and work.
With that thought, I began a rather lengthy Trig worksheet. Sleep deprivation makes
every task more difficult. Most people don’t even realize how important it is to your
health, both mental and physical. No one knows better than me. Before the incident
8 years ago, I never realized how much I took a good night’s rest for granted. My
mother would always hum me to sleep at night after tucking me in. Of course that
was before she hated me, before she sent me away and left me in the hands of
underpaid social workers and poorly run institutions.
She couldn’t even look at me after what happened, couldn’t even bear to be in the
same room as me. She never even fucking said goodbye. I wish I could say I blamed
her, but I really can’t. I took away the one person she loved more than anything.
More than me, obviously. Even now, 8 years later, I can see the flames clearly in my
mind. I can feel the heat and smell the smoke. And if I sleep deep enough, I can
watch perfectly as my father lies burning on the floor, screaming for help that will
never come. I began shaking my head, unwilling to take that train of thought any
Once the sun was beginning to show signs of rising, I closed my textbook and began
getting ready for my grand re-appearance at Forks High. I never really put much
thought into what I wore, usually a simple t-shirt and jeans, my favorite black
leather jacket, and scuffed boots. I probably looked much less well-to-do than I
actually was, but I could hardly find it in me to give a fuck. The only real reason I
even go to school anyways is to hang with Jazz and have something to occupy my
time. Well, that and the fact that if my GPA drops below a 3.5 Daddy C. takes my
Volvo away. All things considered, the good doctor knows how to bribe effectively.
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