The Secrets to Gaining Muscle Mass -- Fast - Anthony Ellis- COMPLETE (WORKS).pdf

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Copyright © 1999, 2000 Cutting Edge Publishing. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical without permission in writing from the publisher.
The techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this document are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! Consult your physician or
health care professional before performing any new exercise or exercise technique, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are
elderly, or if you have any chronic or recurring conditions. Any application of the techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this document is at the
reader's sole discretion and risk.
The author and publisher of this document and their employers make no warranty of any kind in regard to the content of this document, including,
but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher of this document and
their employers are not liable or responsible to any person or entity for any errors contained in this document, or for any special, incidental, or
consequential damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this document.
Cutting Edge Publishing
51 MacDougal St. Suite 38
New York, NY 10012
Dear Friend,
Thank you for purchasing The Secrets to Gaining Muscle Mass — Fast! You will be pleased to know that the
new edition has been updated with the most current “cutting edge” training and diet techniques.
You will notice that my manual is probably unlike any book you’ve ever ordered. I decided to use a 3-ring binder
because I wanted you to be able to customize it to suit your individual goals. You can arrange the pages in whatever
order that works best for you. You can also remove unwanted pages and create your own chapters. I have included
a portable folder so you can carry your diet and training pages with you to the gym and the throughout day. In the
margin of most pages, you will notice an area to jot down your notes. This is very important. If you stay focused
and write down your thoughts and questions as they pop into your head, you will be able to construct your training
plan much faster.
Before you attempt to begin any program, please make sure that you read and understand the entire manual and all
of it's concepts. If you attempt to start the program without fully understanding what you are doing, you will only
be hampering your results. Also, make sure that you read the manual faq pages in the manual and on my website.
This will answer about 99% of all questions you will have.
My personal e-mail address is . If your question is not answered in the manual or on
the faq pages, please email me. Be sure to include your order number in the subject line. I always try to answer all
questions within a few hours (usually sooner).
By ordering this manual you have already taken a huge step towards your goal – it is important that you don’t put
this aside for later and lose your momentum. Stay focused. You know what you want, just go and get it.
Let’s get to work,
Anthony Ellis
Copyright © 1999, 2000 Cutting Edge Publishing.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical
without permission in writing from the publisher.
The techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this document are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice! Consult your physician or
health care professional before performing any new exercise or exercise technique, particularly if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are
elderly, or if you have any chronic or recurring conditions. Any application of the techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this document is at the
reader's sole discretion and risk.
The author and publisher of this document and their employers make no warranty of any kind in regard to the content of this document, including,
but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher of this document and
their employers are not liable or responsible to any person or entity for any errors contained in this document, or for any special, incidental, or
consequential damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the information contained in this document.
From the Desk of Anthony Ellis
After more than a year of skirting the issue, I finally gave in. For all the skinny guys out there, this
had to be done! We had yet to be recognized. Day after day, week after week, I am constantly
bombarded with the issues of overweight Americans. They have low fat foods created for them, they
have entire magazines dedicated to helping them lose fat. They even have companies established to
help them lose weight and get fit. On the internet, 95% of all fitness related sites are geared towards
losing fat. But what about us? What about the guys who can't GAIN weight? I believe that our
problem is just as important and as difficult to solve, people don’t believe that underweight or thin
people can be unhappy with their bodies as well.
“Everyone wants to be thin.” “You are so lucky,” they all say. Well, how come I don’t feel lucky?
In my mind, being thin is as difficult to live with as being overweight. But, it just doesn’t sell.
America wants to be thin, so if you already are, they think, you don’t have a problem.
This manual is not intended to be an all encompassing information source for bodybuilding. If you
want something like that you should get Arnold Schwarzenegger's book, The New Encyclopedia of
Modern Bodybuilding .
This book is a compilation of techniques, exercises and tips that have worked for me in my quest to
get to 180 lbs. I do not claim to know everything, but I do know how skinny guys can gain more
One point to always keep in mind is that your diet, workout program and nutritional supplements all
work in synergy. They are good alone, but together they will propel you to your goal very quickly.
This is where most people fail. They never have all three in place for any extended period of time. I
did it for 12 weeks, and look what I accomplished.
A Word on Consistency
O.K., so you want the secret to gaining muscle mass fast? Well, here it is: CONSISTENCY . You
can have the best diet, the best training schedule, join the best gym that has the best equipment, but
without consistency it’s all worthless.
Over the past two years, I’ve talked to hundreds of people who have successfully transformed their
physique. Though most of them trained in totally different ways, there was one common
denominator that appeared throughout each success story: Day in and day out, they followed
their pre-determined plan, consistently, without fail . There are many paths to your goal, but
you will never reach it unless you consistently put one foot in front of the other. You must find the
determination and drive within yourself to see this through. If not now, then when?
You will not be on this program for the rest of your life — only a few months! So, try to look at it as
a short-term challenge. In the grand scheme of your life, can you afford a slight inconvenience to
create a fantastic physique — or will you continue to be an "average Joe" for 80 more years? Which
sounds more inconvenient to you? It is time for you to make a stand, and I will show you how. This
manual is my helping hand to all skinny hardgainers out there who are unhappy with their bodies.
Now, you have a choice.
Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 © All rights reserved ©
From the Desk of Anthony Ellis
A. Weight Training
Terminology..................................................................................................................................... 6
Weight Training Exercises............................................................................................................... 9
Legs ........................................................................................................................................... 10
Chest ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Back........................................................................................................................................... 22
Shoulders................................................................................................................................... 26
Biceps/forearm........................................................................................................................... 30
Tricep......................................................................................................................................... 34
Abdominals ................................................................................................................................ 36
Stretching................................................................................................................................... 39
Mass Training................................................................................................................................ 44
Fat Loss Training........................................................................................................................... 53
B. Dieting Strategies & Supplements That Work
Diet Terminology ........................................................................................................................... 58
Dieting For Muscle Gain ................................................................................................................ 60
Supplements That Increase Muscle Gain .................................................................................. 70
Do We Really Need Vitamins?................................................................................................... 75
Muscle Gain Supplement Costs................................................................................................. 76
Dieting For Fat Loss ...................................................................................................................... 77
Supplements For Accelerated Fat Loss ..................................................................................... 86
Additional Fat Loss Supplements .............................................................................................. 91
Fat Loss Supplement Costs....................................................................................................... 92
Where To Find Cheap Supplements ............................................................................................. 94
How to Look Ripped for a Photo Shoot ......................................................................................... 95
Cooking Weights and Measurements ........................................................................................ 97
Planning And Preparation .......................................................................................................... 98
Fast Food and Eating Out........................................................................................................ 101
Grocery Shopping.................................................................................................................... 103
Food Values............................................................................................................................. 105
Recipes.................................................................................................................................... 108
Diet Substitutions ........................................................................................................................ 114
C. Putting It All Together
My Original Program ................................................................................................................... 117
A Sample Day ............................................................................................................................. 121
Staying Motivated........................................................................................................................ 124
My Personal Training Schedule and Diet .................................................................................... 126
D. Your Pre-Set Program
How To Use The Pre-Set Program.............................................................................................. 135
Measuring Your Body Fat............................................................................................................ 139
Your 12-Week Weight Training Routines .................................................................................... 141
Your Pre-Set Diets ...................................................................................................................... 154
Your Daily Schedule and Templates ........................................................................................... 177
E. My Improved 12 Week Program
What Am I Doing Now? ............................................................................................................... 183
How To Use The Pre-Set Program.............................................................................................. 188
Your 12-Week Weight Training Routines .................................................................................... 193
Your Pre-Set Diets ...................................................................................................................... 206
Your Daily Schedule and Templates ........................................................................................... 229
Manual FAQ's.............................................................................................................................. 235
Sample Workout Templates/Blank Template Pages ................................................................... 241
Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 © All rights reserved ©
From the Desk of Anthony Ellis
In addition to the supplements and food required (explained in Section B) during your training
program, you also will need to buy the following:
Additional Expenses
Skin Caliper:
Used to measure your body fat. Don't bother getting one that's too expensive
— they all have some margin of error. You just need it for a consistent
record. If you can't locate one, you can get a good one here
Tape Measure:
Use for measuring girth of body parts.
Use to mix your protein shakes at home.
Used to measure food weights. This is absolutely essential in determining
how much you are eating. I use the Health O Meter version. You can contact
them at 1-800-638-3722.
Food Scale/measuring cup:
Food Storage Containers:
I use the Rubbermaid brand. You will need about 9-12 of their #3 size
"servin' save" containers to store your meals. You will also need 4 of their
small 1/2 cup containers to store your vitamin stacks.
You will need a 32oz. plastic shaker bottle to mix your protein shakes when
away from home.
Shaker Bottle:
Get the small portable kind. This is used to carry your meals when you are
away from home for any extended period of time.
Weight Training Belt:
You will need this when you work up to lifting very heavy weights in the
squat and deadlift exercise. This is the only time you will need to wear this
belt. If you wear it too much it will prevent the natural development of your
lower back and torso stabilizer muscles. I like the soft kind because they
conform to your body much better than the leather.
You don't have to wear the latest styles in gym wear to workout, but you do
need something comfortable and loose fitting. No jeans, no open toe shoes,
no tight belts and no lycra (please!).
Loose fitting clothes
and sneakers:
Lifting Straps:
These are nylon or cloth straps that are used to increase your grip strength
when lifting heavy weights. They allow you to fully exhaust the muscle you
are working, without having to stop because your grip was not strong enough.
Used primarily for shrugs, pull-ups, deadlifts and barbell rows.
Lifting Gloves:
These are supposed to protect your hands from becoming calloused. I
personally don't use them because they make my hands too sweaty, so these
are an optional accessory.
Cutting Edge Publishing 1999, 2000 © All rights reserved ©
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