Handbook for the New Paradigm by George Green.pdf

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for the New
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P.O. Box 2208, Carson City, NV 89702, 1-800-729-4131
ISBN: 1-893157-04-0
Cover design by The Right Type
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A Personal Message
for You
This is a point in the evolution of the planet that brings to
the forefront of each individual’s thoughts the question of why
me, why now and what is really going on in the reality that is
right now in the time we are experiencing. What really is going
on behind the scenes we are aware of through the five senses?
Why is there this feeling that there is more to the story than just
appearances. Who indeed has set this up and is pulling the
strings. Is it really just a group of somebodies that is in charge? If
this is the case, then is the God thing really a hoax after all? There
are those who believe that to be the true essence of the scenario.
Fortunately for the good of all, that is not the Truth.
The Truth is that there are multiple levels of activity behind
what appears to be a play of incredible magnitude. Who then is
writing the lines for the characters and what is the point of the
script? Would you be surprised to learn that you are writing the lines
and until you can figure out a point to the script, there is none? If
that is the case, then which of the individuals on the planet can fig-
ure one out? Well, indeed there is a focused group that has decided
that they would like to put forth their point in the script. There is
just one problem with this: they have decided to put forth a focus
within the play that is not in harmony with the Creator of the stage
and the theatre that this play is to be performed upon. In fact, the
plan this group has in mind has a great surprise at the end for the
audience and the actors on the stage. They intend to destroy the
audience, the actors, the stage and the theatre.
Since the Creator of this theatre likes this particular theatre
and thinks of it as a pet project, this idea doesn’t appeal to Him
at all. Since He is not in the business of standing in the way of the
creative presentations that are produced within its confines, then
He is hoping that the audience will decide to make changes of
their own. There is a type of presentation that involves participa-
tion of the audience other than just sitting and observing. The
theatre entrepreneur is wondering whether if the play being pre-
sented becomes obnoxious enough to the audience, will they sim-
ply walk away and withdraw their attention? This would then
allow the cast and its directors to destroy themselves, but then the
theatre owner does not want his property destroyed along with
them. He is hoping that the audience will come up with some
other solution. Perhaps there could be audience participation that
would perhaps introduce some new characters that would create
lines of script of their own. If a new story line could be introduced
with characters that could change the ending, then the perfor-
mance could be a comedy or a mystery or a love story rather than
a tragedy. Maybe audience participation could indeed create a
whole new genre of experience. Instead of depicting repetition of
experiences already known, could the audience in the intensity of
desire change the story line, come up with a creative scenario that
would encompass possibilities not yet experienced? Why not? The
greater the desire for change, the greater the opportunity for cre-
ative new boundary-expanding story themes. Within the spon-
taneity of group focus, without the academic control of leadership
with an intended purpose, conception outside of ordinary themes
is not only possible, it is probable.
To what purpose is this discussion being instigated? It is time
that you awaken to your responsibility to change the (destination
of the) path you are now being pushed to take. It is far past the
stage of leading you. It is at the stage of pushing you. It is at the
stage where resistance cannot be successful; therefore you are
going to have to accomplish this by some other means. A way must
be literally created that will bring about a solution. Nothing that
you have done before will accomplish a change in this situation.
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