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From February 2004 High Frequency Electronics
Copyright © 2004 Summit Technical Media, LLC
High Frequency Design
A Simplified Analysis of the
Broadband Transmission
Line Transformer
By Jerry Sevick
Bell Laboratories (Retired) and Consultant
T his paper presents
The TLT first appeared upon the scene in
1944 in a classic paper by George Guanella in
the Brown Boverie Review . The title of his
paper was “Novel Matching Systems for High
Frequencies” [1]. The second classic paper was
written by Clyde Ruthroff at Bell Labs and
was published fifteen years later in the
Proceedings of the IRE. His paper was named
“Some Broadband Transformers” [2] and
introduced the 1:4 unbalanced-to-unbalanced
transformer (unun).
Guanella’s basic designs were balanced-to-
unbalanced (balun) transformers. They con-
sisted of transmission lines connected in a
parallel/series arrangement. They are the
basis for the later “equal-delay” TLTs.
Ruthroff on the other hand, applied the input
voltage to part of the output, which has been
known as a “Bootstrap Effect.” His transform-
ers usually added a delayed voltage to a direct
voltage therefore a cancellation effect took
place limiting the high frequency response.
Guanella’s goal was to develop a balun to
match the balanced internal impedance of a
push-pull vacuum-tube amplifier of 960 ohms
to the unbalanced impedance of a coaxial
cable of 60 ohms, a 16:1 ratio. Since Guanella
did not have access to the modern nickel-zinc
ferrites of today, his goal was never realized.
Even today it would be a formidable task.
Ruthroff on the other hand, designed ununs to
match the low impedance of transistors up to
50 ohm coaxial cable.
Since the TLT can also operate as a very
efficient isolation transformer it is now possi-
ble to convert a balun to an unun or vice versa.
Therefore, the classification on these devices
can be simplified, resulting in only four basic
classifications: 1) TLTs with 1:1 ratios, 2) TLTs
This article presents the
fundamental concepts and
describes the impedance-
matching capabilities of
broadband transmission
line transformers
an easily under-
stood analysis of
the transmission line
transformer (TLT). It also
includes some history and
the author’s suggestion
for the future of these
devices. It is hoped that future device develop-
ment and application will be encouraged.
The Transmission Line Transformer
The TLT transmits the energy from input
to output by a transmission line mode and not
by flux-linkages as in the conventional trans-
former. As a result the TLT has much wider
bandwidth and higher efficiencies than its
conventional counterpart. With proper core
materials and impedance levels of 100 ohms
or less, bandwidths of about 100 MHz and effi-
ciencies approaching 99% are possible today
when matching 50 ohms up to 100 ohms and
50 ohms down to about 3 ohms. Future
research and development, especially with
impedance ratios less than 4:1, should make
TLTs operate at much wider bandwidths.
The TLT and conventional transformer
have two models used in their analysis. The low
frequency models are similar, usually contain-
ing an inductive impedance in parallel with the
input impedance. The high frequency model of
the conventional transformer consists of a dis-
tributed capacitance in parallel with the leak-
age inductance. The TLT in turn contains a con-
figuration of transmission lines in the high fre-
quency model. Therefore, the conventional
transformer model only requires a background
in circuit theory, while the TLT requires both
circuit and transmission line theory.
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High Frequency Design
Figure 1 · Guanella’s basic building block, a transmis-
sion line segment with input and output isolated by the
inductive reactance of the windings.
Figure 2 · Ruthroff’s 1:1 balun design, which includes
an isolated transmission line section, along with a third
winding acting as a voltage divider.
with 1:4 ratios, 3) TLTs with less than 1:4 ratios and final-
ly TLTs with ratios greater than 1:4. These will be covered
in the next sections.
TLTs with a Ratio of 1:4
Figure 3 shows Guanella’s version of a 1:4 balun. The
two transmission lines are connected in parallel at the
low impedance side and in series at the high end. For an
ideal match, the characteristic impedance of the two
transmission lines should be R L /2. Thus, if the transmis-
sion lines are terminated in their characteristic
impedance, Z 0 , the high-frequency limit is that of a regu-
lar transmission line. Further, by grounding terminal 8,
the device can act as a phase-inverter and by grounding
terminal 2 it performs as a 1:4 unun.
Figure 4 shows the low frequency model of Guanella’s
1:4 transformer. As a 1:1 balun the reactance of winding
3-4 in series of winding 5-6, wound on two separate cores,
should be greater than 10 times the input impedance.
When terminal 2 is grounded, the reactance winding 1-2
is eliminated and therefore should be considered when
using Guanella’s 1:4 transformer acting as an unun.
Figure 5 shows the schematics of Ruthroff ’s 1:4 TLTs.
(A) is his 1:4 unun, with terminal 2 connected to the input
TLTs with 1:1 Ratios
Figure 1 shows Guanella’s basic building block. With
terminal 5 grounded, the device operates as a balun,
matching the unbalanced source to the balance load R L .
In this case, the low-frequency performance is determined
by the reactance of winding 3-4. In practice, this reac-
tance should be 10 times greater than R L /2 (or 5 times
greater than R L ). If terminal 4 is grounded, the building
block performs as a phase-inverter. Thus, terminal 2
becomes negative. In this case the reactance of inductor 3-
4 should be 10 times greater than R L . If terminal 2 is
grounded, the result is a simple delay line. In this case no
reactance is necessary. Instead of coil windings, ferrite-
loaded straight transmission lines can also be used,
although the required inductance may be impractical to
obtain at lower frequencies.
Figure 2 shows Ruthroff ’s version of the 1:1 balun.
Windings 3-4 and 5-6 act as a voltage divider. Windings 3-
4 and 1-2 act as Guanella’s basic building block. In this
case the reactance of 5-6 should be 10 times greater than
R L . When the reactance of 5-6 is much greater than R L , its
high impedance is swamped by the lower impedance of R L
and the device acts exactly the same as a Guanella build-
ing block.
Figure 3 · Schematic of Guanella’s 1:4 balun, showing
the inputs in parallel and outputs in series.
Figure 4 · Low-frequency model of Guanella’s 1:4
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High Frequency Design
Figure 6 · Low frequency models for the Ruthroff 1:4
unun (A) and balun (B).
three inductors in series on the same core, the low fre-
quency end is greatly aided. Also, as this device adds two
direct voltages in series with one delayed voltage the high
frequency performance is much better than Ruthroff ’s 1:4
unun. This device has produced exceptional bandwidth
and efficiencies. This TLT can be tapped on the “top”
winding to obtain other impedance ratios. For example, if
the tap is set for V 0 = 1.414(V 1 ) the ratio is exactly 1:2.
Figure 8 shows two high frequency models using
ratios of 1:1.56. (A) is designed to match 50 ohms to 78
ohms while (B) is optimized to match 32 ohms to 50 ohms.
This device has 5 transmission lines in series to help the
low frequency performance, and because it adds a delayed
voltage of only V 1 /5 it can have a better high frequency
response than its trifilar counterpart.
Figure 5 · Ruthroff’s 1:4 transformer, (A) as an unun and
(B) as a balun.
terminal 3, thus raising this transmission line by the
input voltage V 1 . This is called the “Bootstrap Effect.” The
output voltage V 2 is delayed as it travels the transmission
line. Because of this, Ruthroff ’s 1:4 design does not have
the high frequency response of Guanella’s, but if the
transmission lines are short compared to the wave length,
Ruthroff ’s design is practical. Figure 5(B) shows
Ruthroff ’s 1:4 balun, first acting as a phase inverter, fol-
lowed by R L between terminals 3 and 2 to become a 1:4
balun. This configuration also adds a direct voltage to a
delayed voltage, limiting its high frequency performance.
Figure 6 shows the low frequency models of Ruthroff ’s
1:4 TLTs. (A) is the unun model and (B) the balun model.
TLTs with Ratios Greater than 1:4
Figure 9 shows Guanella’s models of his 1:9 TLT. (A)
shows the high frequency model and (B) its low frequen-
cy counterpart. Since each line has an equal delay, this
TLT has high frequency performance the same as a sim-
ple transmission line. As seen in the diagram each trans-
mission sees 1/3 of the load R L . In matching 50 ohms to
TLTs with Ratios Less than 1:4
Figure 7 shows the high frequency model of a trifilar
“Bootstrap” model of an unun yielding a ratio of 1:2.25.
Since the low frequency model for this device would show
Figure 7 · Trifilar 1:2.25 Bootstrap TLT, showing how a
tap can be used to obtain variable matching.
Figure 8 · 5-winding 1:1.56 Bootstrap TLT connections:
(A) higher impedance; (B) lower impedance.
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Figure 10 · A four-winding transformer with multiple
connections that provide eight impedance ratios.
efficient, they can be connected in series, yielding ratios
between 1:9 and 1:4. This compound TLT obviously favors
matching 50 ohms to lower impedances.
Closing Remarks
This paper attempts to summarize the simple basics of
these broadband TLTs. There are many details regarding
the use of magnetic materials, examples of transmission
lines, and additional TLT models that have not been
included. This would take an entire book or more [3,4]. It
is hoped that these notes stimulate an interest in these
devices and provide a feeling for their capabilities.
Although the TLT was first intended to be used for
matching vacuum tubes its real strength lies in matching
to low impedance solid state devices. Further work in the
design and application of these lower impedance TLTs
needs to be done. Also, continued research on magnetic
materials is encouraged. Equal-delayed TLTs acting as
ununs appears to be a key technique for the future.
Finally it should be pointed out that the TLT is designed
to match broadband loads, that is impedances that have
no (or small) reactive components.
Figure 9 · The Guanella 1:9 TLT, using three two-con-
ductor transmission line windings, each of which may
be a coaxial cable.
450 ohms the optimum characteristics impedance Z 0 is
150 ohms. In matching 50 ohms to 5.5 ohms the optimum
characteristics impedance is 17 ohms. Since the low
impedance version requires much smaller inductances in
order to have enough reactance for input-output isolation,
its performance at this low impedance level should be
vastly greater than the high impedance version. This fac-
tor is especially beneficial at lower frequencies.
Figure 10 shows a schematic of a quadrifilar-wound
transformer providing ratios as high as 1:9 when con-
necting terminal A to terminal D and as low as a 1:1.36
ratio when connecting terminal B to terminal F. In the 1:9
ratio three transmission lines are in series which aids the
low frequency response, but a single direct voltage is
added to a twice delayed voltage yielding a poorer high
frequency response than its 1:4 counterpart. When
matching 50 ohms on the right to lower impedances on
the left this unun is a practical multimatch transformer.
Since these broadband TLTs can also be made very
1. Guanella, G., “Novel Matching Systems for High
Frequencies,” Brown-Boveri Review , Vol 31, Sep 1944, pp.
2. Ruthroff, C.L., “Some Broad-Band Transformers,”
Proc IRE , Vol 47, August 1959, pp. 1337-1342.
3. Sevick, J., Transmission Line Transformers , Noble
Publishing Corp., 4th Edition 2001.
4. Sevick, J., Building and using Baluns and Ununs ,
CQ Communications, Inc., 1st Edition 1994.
Author Information
Jerry Sevick is retired from AT&T Bell Laboratories,
and remains an occasional consultant and lecturer.
February 2004
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