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                Synaptics Pointing Device Driver Release Notes
                              Version 10.0.3
                              June 22, 2007

This document describes changes to the Synaptics TouchPad Driver
for Windows 9x & ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Vista.
Only external releases have been documented.
Other releases were for internal use, beta tests, or for specific
customer requests. These are not documented here.

Version  10.0.3 06/22/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added the ability to Read an application path for a plug-in from a
   registry key. 
  -Added functionality to expand environment variables in a 
   Run App string. 
  -Added MMB support strings to the resource file. 
  -Add support for XP Photo Gallery as a Run App for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a generic MMB bitmap to our resources. 
  -Renamed the MMB device type to be generic. 
  -Fixed missing OS Platform info in the diagnostic log file. 
  -Removed the Chiral scrolling feature based on an OEM customer request. 
  -Added OEM PNP ID request updates to have default MUX on. 
  -Changed a PNP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added an extended feature to suppress pointer motion while typing. 
  -Updated the "Search" string translation for Chinese. 
  -Fixed duplicate hot keys in Buttons page in Thai. 
  -Updated a custom data file per OEM customer change request. 
  -Fixed a bug in Vista where an external Mouse left-right handedness
   won't be saved after re-boot. 
  -Added a new OEM PNP ID. 
  -Changed the settings to use Styk only settings and not use VPrinted
   settings for an OEM customer Styk only platform. 

Version  10.0.2 06/15/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug where and OEM MMB device was causing the MoodPad accessory to not work.
   Changed the search order of the GetDefaultDevice() to exclude OEMMMB when
   searching for a TouchPad. 
  -Fixed an Internet Explorer 7 scrolling issue that happened in Vista. 
  -Adjusted the positions of some strings in a custom OEM control panel
   for Japanese. 
  -Changed "Synaptics PS/2 Pointing Device" to a custom device name for
   an OEM customer. 
  -Created a new INF for an OEM customer. 
  -Added some new PNP IDs and features for an OEM customer. 
  -Combined HardwareBroadcast and ReadAllConfig into one function -
  -Removed the assumption that the DualMode flag setting of the user was
   available to be read and added a limited loop to allow the HKCU to
   be ready before reading any user settings. 
  -Added features for a Round LuxPad. 
  -Customer requested to remove the special virtual scrolling region setting
   for a specific OEM platform. 
  -Added a user_profile DirID for INF files. 
  -Added new PNP IDs and settings for an OEM customer. 
  -Moved feature settings from an obsolute ini and previous inf files to
   a new INF file per OEM customers request. 
  -Removed some sections from an OEM INF file per request from the customer. 
  -Adjustments to Donut zone. 
  -Added a new PlugIn for NavPoint. 
  -Added a new registry value for Button Mode for NavPoint. 
  -Added support for Donut Zones for NavPoint. 
  -Added a feature for disabling device 
  -Fixed a bug where an MMB device is also disabled when the internal Pointing
   Device is disabled due to an external USB Pointing Device being attached. 

Version  10.0.1 06/07/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug caused by sending unnecessary device states when the Disable
   Internal Pointing Device feature is enabled. With this fix, the
   performance is also improved. 
  -Fixed a bug in setting the power flag of the port info. 
  -Fixed some errors made during the merge of the Unicode port. 
  -Made the user default DualMode setting "Enabled" in case reading the
   registry failed. 
  -Added new settings for a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Fixed a bug where the Hot-key to Disable/Enable the TouchPad would
   not re-enable the TouchPad. 
  -Fixed a bug in the diagnostic log file format that was introduced
   by the port to Unicode. 
  -Added a new PnP ID for an OEM customer. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings for an OEM customer. 

  -Fixed an OEM customers INF settings to apply the correct setting to make
   the Middle button actions invisible under the Styk settings in the 
   control panel since this is for a Styk only system. 
  -Removed unused NT4 code. 

Version  10.0.0 06/01/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
New Features
  -Unicode Driver

Bug Fixes
  -Fix query number. 
  -Further enhanced a tighter port protection from user mode application to
   issue send device state command during suspend/resume. 
  -Fixed IE7 Vista scrolling issue regarding stream video
  -Added a registry setting to allow the driver to recal when the TP packet
   is out of the bezel area. 
  -OEM PID request 

Version  9.2.7 05/24/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a possible device detection issue on Suspend/Resume by avoiding
   sending the device state if the device type is unknown or unexpected.
   This could happen during S/R if the device is either idle or about to
   be redetected. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM custom control panel where the Help, Minimize,
   and Close buttons were getting grayed out if the device was disabled. 
  -Fixed a bug in an OEM custom control panel where the height
   (bigger for 2 lines) for a Japanese string translation of "Disable
   Touchpad/Pointing stick when external USB mouse is present" was cut off. 

  -Added power events to our diagnostic logging. 

Version  9.2.6 05/17/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Set the default to Enable Button Check (proximity to typing) for
   Synaptics ControlBars. 
  -Fixed a bug where the buttons from two separate pointing devices that
   are on separate PS/2 ports don't get merged in, causing multiple button
   presses in some cases. Solved this by combining button states of devices
   from different PS2 ports. 
  -Completely removed EdgeMotion from the control panel and set the
   default to have EdgeMotion disabled for an OEM customer. 

Version  9.2.5 05/10/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Merged in a custom OEM source code update to fix OEM specified features. 
  -Added settings to an OEM customers INF file to disable and hide 
   extended buttons. 
  -Added a new PNP ID and settings to an OEM customers INF file. 
  -updated a wav file per OEM customer's request. 
  -Added Wacom digitizer HID\WACOMVIRTUALHID&Col03 to the 

Version  9.2.4 05/04/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Fixed a bug in Vista where changing the desktop icons size using wheel
   scrolling worked in reverse for screen at a time scrolling vs. line at
   a time. 
  -Implemented DualModePad double taps switching between BUTTON and
   CURSOR modes.
  -Updated for Double Taps for Dual mode INF file settings. 
  -Added logging of the Vista Edition to the diagnostics log file. 
  -Modified a default settings in an OEM customers INF file. 
  -Changed a PNP ID from the original value to a different value
   as per OEM customers request. 
  -Merged an OEM customers INF file into the base OEM customers INF file. 
  -Modified a PNP ID for an OEM request. 
  -Fixed a possible BSOD that might occur when deleting keyboard filter
   devices for USB keyboards. 
  -Moved the registry settings for PNPDisableExclusionList to be under 
   the HKLM Services\SynTP\Parameters so that it can be available early
   on by the driver. 
  -Removed the coasting feature out of the default setting for volume control in

Version  9.2.3 04/26/2007 (Win2K/WinXP/Vista)
Bug Fixes
  -Added a new setting to the AutoRotationFlag to support matching the
   display of motion or scrolling separately. 
  -Added new Help topics for NavPoint. 
  -Fixed a Scaling issue to allow for coordinates to be reported for
  -Added new control panel functionality for supporting NavPoint
  -Changed a custom sound file per OEM request. 
  -Updated an OEM customers control panels custom image. 
  -Added three new OEM PnP IDs and settings for ...
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