d20 Big Finger Games Fantasy Folio Masterwork Qualities.pdf

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Masterwork weapons represent the inely crafted
version of normal weapons. e master smiths
that create these weapons often craft them to
speciic requirements or give them some
signature feature. e following system
of masterwork qualities allows you or
your players to add special features to the
masterwork weapons in your campaign. ese
qualities adjust the cost, and diiculty
to craft masterwork weapons.
e cost adjustment listed
below each quality is added to
the normal cost for crafting
a masterwork weapon. e
DC adjustment is added to the
normal masterwork Craft DC of
ere is no set limit to
the number of masterwork
qualities that can be
applied to one weapon.
Players crafting weapons
with these qualities
should remember any
adjustment to the Craft DC
will impact the amount of
time required to craft such a
weapon. However, as with any
optional rules the GM
is the inal arbiter.
Masterwork Qualities
Melee Weapon Masterwork Qualities
e following qualities can be applied to masterwork
melee weapons.
Cost: 40gp.
DC Adjustment: +5.
Perfect Balance
is melee weapon’s weight is balanced perfectly for
the character. When he uses the weapon in combat, he
gains a +1 enhancement bonus to his initiative total. All
other characters using the weapon sufer a –2 penalty to
their initiative total.
Cost: 15gp.
DC Adjustment: +2.
Custom Hilt
is hilt of this melee weapon has been made speciically
to it the hands of one wielder. A character using a
melee weapon with this quality gains a +1 circumstance
bonus to resist disarm attempts. Characters who use a
melee weapon with a custom hilt that was not designed
for them, sufer a –2 circumstance penalty to resist
disarm attempts.
Cost: 15gp.
DC Adjustment: +2.
Perfect Edge
is quality might represent a sword’s razor-sharp edge,
folded hundreds if not thousands of times. It might also
represent a spear’s custom-built tip, or even the extra
spikes and barbs of a war hammer. Regardless, it grants
a +1 enhancement bonus on damage rolls.
Cost: 20gp.
DC Adjustment: +7.
Bladed weapons can be made to be lexible, allowing
such a weapon to wrap around an opponent’s defenses.
Any AC bonus an opponent gains from ighting
defensively is halved against attacks made with a
lexible weapon.
Cost: 40gp.
DC Adjustment: +4.
is melee weapon can withstand more punishment
than similar weapons of its kind. e weapon’s hardness
is increased by +2.
Cost: 10gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
Melee weapons with this quality are designed for
defense as much as they are for ofense. When
wielding this weapon while using the total defense or
ighting defensively options, the character gains a +1
circumstance bonus to AC against any incoming melee
Cost: 10gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
is melee weapon’s blade is serrated to increase its
cutting power. is quality can only be applied to
slashing weapons. A serrated weapon has its critical
threat range increased by +1.
Cost: 20gp.
DC Adjustment: +4.
Melee weapons with this quality have a large open hook
to ensnare a limb, making it easy to pull an ensnared
target of balance. e wielder of a hooked weapon
gains a +1 circumstance bonus to all trip attempts.
Cost: 10gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
Many eastern weapons incorporate a long, colored tassel
which darts about as the weapons is used. is is highly
distracting and characters using a tasseled weapon gain
a +1 circumstance bonus to all Bluf checks made while
feinting in combat.
Cost: 10gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
Melee weapons with this quality can be broken down
into two or more smaller parts, usually allowing it to be
concealed. Breaking the item down takes a full round
action and reduces the weapon’s size (as if it were an
object) by 1 step (small to tiny, for example).
A weapon with this quality includes a slot or notch
used to catch an opponent’s weapon and yank it out of
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Masterwork Qualities
his hands. Characters using a melee weapon with the
trap quality gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all disarm
actions made with that weapon.
Cost: 10gp.
DC Adjustment: +3.
armor’s plates are jointed to allow for greater ease of
movement. e armor’s Maximum Dex Bonus is raised
by +1.
Cost: 30gp.
DC Adjustment: +5.
Ranged Weapon Masterwork Qualities
e following qualities can be applied to masterwork
ranged weapons.
is quality can only be applied to medium or heavy
armor. Armor covering vital areas is further reinforced
to protect against lethal attacks. Subtract 2 points
from any damage resulting from a critical hit or sneak
Cost: 15gp.
DC Adjustment: +3.
is quality can be applied to ammunition or thrown
weapons. It increases the weapon’s range increment by
5 feet for thrown weapons, and 10 feet for arrows and
Cost: 5gp.
DC Adjustment: +3.
Armor with this quality is lined with insulating material,
granting the wearer resistance to cold 2. However when
wearing armor with this quality, characters sufer a –2
penalty to Fortitude saves against avoiding nonlethal
damage from hot environments and to Constitution
checks made to continue running and to avoid nonlethal
damage from a forced march.
Cost: 10gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
is quality can only be applied to arrows and crossbow
bolts. When dealing damage to armored targets, damage
is halved (round down). Against unarmored opponents
this quality inlicts one extra point of damage.
Cost: 1gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
Sample Masterwork Weapons
e following weapons are designed using the
masterwork weapon qualities presented in this ebook.
GMs can use these weapons to introduce the concept
of masterwork qualities into their game.
is quality can only be applied to arrows and crossbow
bolts. Dire projectiles are larger and capable of dealing
more damage when ired accurately. Projectiles with this
quality sufer a –2 circumstance penalty to hit and have
their range increment lowered by 10 feet. However, the
projectile’s critical threat range is increased by +1.
Cost: 2gp.
DC Adjustment: +1.
e Wandering Scholar’s Sword
is masterwork longsword has a special blade that
allows it to lex easily. A long coiling snake is etched
on the blade in a style popular among elves. e leather
wrapped pommel ends in a yellow tassel that’s almost
as long as the blade itself. e guard is designed to
resemble two snakes, each holding a red gemstone in
its mouth.
History: is sword was carried by a haughty and
self-obsessed elf who after leaving the his forest home
referred to himself only as “e Scholar”. He traveled to
the east where he learned a variety of sword techniques
and garnered a reputation as a canny and merciless
ighter. Eventually, he found his way to the Black Forge
Monastery where he studied under the Black Abbot
for many years. It was there that the abbot presented
Armor Masterwork Qualities
e following qualities can be applied to masterwork
is armor can withstand more punishment than
normal. e armor’s hardness is increased by +2.
Cost: 20gp.
DC Adjustment: +2.
is quality can only be applied to heavy armor. e
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Masterwork Qualities
him with a masterwork sword created in the style of
an eastern swordsmith. In a it of hubris, the Scholar
named the blade after himself and crafted a tassel for it
made from his own long blond hair. Nothing is known
of the fate of the Scholar, but the blade has been seen
in the hands of a hobgoblin outlaw, so it is assumed the
Scholar met with a violent end.
Value: 715gp ( 365gp for the masterwork blade, 50gp
for the snake engraving, 300gp for two garnets).
Special Traits: +1 enhancement bonus to attack
rolls (masterwork) and the masterwork qualities lexible
and tassel .
Weight: 4lb.
e dagger grew in notoriety more than Aerkon herself
– she would often show it to potential victims by way of
introduction. Eventually, she began raiding trade routes
with her band of thieves and cutthroats. She would
often use the dagger to torture captives or mete out
gruesome punishments to her men. e dagger was last
seen in the hands of a hobgoblin outlaw who took over
Aerkon’s band after a bloody coup.
Value: 1692gp (322gp for the masterwork blade,
120gp for the engraving, 1000gp for the ire opal in the
hilt, 250gp for the ivory handle).
Special Traits: +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls
(masterwork), and the masterwork qualities serrated and
custom hilt (customized for Aerkon).
Weight: 1lb.
Palace Guard’s Broadsword
is masterwork greatsword is in a sorry state. It’s
been lying on the ocean loor for hundreds of years. It
is rusted and corroded. ere are empty sockets along
the hilt that once held gemstones. e weapon’s guard
is designed to resemble two seahorses with interlinked
tails. e pommel ends in a stylized representation of
the sun.
History: Swords of this type were carried by the
troops who guarded the palace of the Wizard-Kings of
long sunken Quall. ese elite guards were equipped
with swords that were a testament to the skill of Quall’s
swordsmiths. Both blacksmiths and historians value
these swords because they exemplify lost and ancient
techniques in sword making.
Value: 425gp (380gp for the masterwork blade, 45gp
for the historical value). In its corroded state, it is only
worth the historical value of 45gp.
Special Traits: If it were repaired, the +1 enhance-
ment bonus to attack rolls (masterwork) and the mas-
terwork qualities perfect edge and reinforced could be
Weight: 8lbs.
Aerkon’s Curved Dagger
is masterwork dagger has a curved blade with a
serrated edge on one side. Very ine engravings are
visible along the blade’s length depicting anguished
human faces. e ivory handle is carved to look like a
bone, and ends with a blood red gemstone.
History: is is the dagger of a tieling outlaw
named Aerkon. She commissioned this wicked looking
blade from a renowned dwarven blacksmith who only
agreed to make the blade after she threatened the safety
of his family. Aerkon carved the dagger’s hilt herself.
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Masterwork Qualities
Masterwork Qualities
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast,
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Writing, Layout & Colors
Michael Todd
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s
Handbook, ird Edition, published by Wizards of
the Coast®, Inc. is product utilizes updated material
from the v.3.5 revision.
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FANTASY FOLIO: Masterwork Qualities is © 2006
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Open Game License
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Designation of Product Identity:
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan,Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell,
based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Spycraft Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.
Designation of Open Game Content:
The remainder of the text, subject to the designation of product
identity above, is declared open content.
Mercenaries, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group.
FANTASY FOLIO: Masterwork Qualities, Copyright 2006, Michael Todd. Published by Big Finger Games.
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