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Freeport Companion (D&D4 Edition)
Freeport Companion is a 4th Edition rules supplement for the Pirate’s Guide to
Freeport . Its 176 pages are packed with all the support you need to run a 4E Freeport
campaign. In addition to giving game stats for all the major characters, the Freeport
Companion provides a new core class, famous magic items, an insanity system,
creatures of Freeport, new rituals, and an introductory adventure.
Freeport Companion
A      E  D  D,  
  T P’ G  F
A: Jim Bishop, Joseph Browning, Ari Marmell, Chris
Pramas, Robert J. Schwalb and Suzi Yee
E: J B, Evan Sass, Tim Emrick and Suzi
A D  G D: Hal Mangold
L: Suzi Yee
C A: Wayne Reynolds
I A: Ilya Astrakhan, Toren Atkinson, Drew Baker,
Kent Burles, Paul Carrick, Marcio Fiorito, David Griith,
Danilo Guida, John Hunt, Jonathan Kirtz, Pat Loboyko,
Britt Martin, Tony Parker, Michael Phillippi, James
Ryman, Christophe Swal, and Mike Vilardi
C: Sean MacDonald
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................... 3
Chapter One Races of Freeport........................ 4
Core Races ................................................................4
Monstrous Races .......................................................6
Other Races ..............................................................8
Chapter Two Corsair Class ............................ 11
Chapter ree Supplemental Rules ................ 28
Freeport Feats .........................................................28
Insanity and Madness .............................................28
Seasickness ..............................................................33
Chapter Four Goods and Gear....................... 34
Wealth and Money..................................................34
Freeport Weaponry..................................................34
Supply and Demand................................................36
Rules For Firearms ..................................................37
Adventuring Gear ...................................................38
Special Items ...........................................................38
Chapter Five Magic Items and Rituals........... 40
Feet Slot Items ........................................................46
Hands Slot Items ....................................................46
Neck Slot Items.......................................................46
Rings .......................................................................46
Wondrous Items......................................................48
Potions and other consumables ...............................55
Rituals .....................................................................56
Chapter Six Freeport Bestiary ........................ 58
Chapter Seven Denizens of Freeport ............. 90
Common Characters ...............................................90
Notable Characters..................................................99
Appendix Fury in Freeport........................... 151
Adventure Background..........................................151
Adventure Synopsis...............................................154
Getting Started .....................................................154
Part I Break In.......................................................155
Part II e Missing Case.......................................159
Part III Bloody Dawn ...........................................167
Part IV e Narwhale ...........................................172
MASTER’S GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the USA and other countries and are
used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in
this publication, D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters
and their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc., and are used with permission under the Dungeons & Dragons 4th
Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E
System Reference Document, available at www.wizards.com/d20.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt;
DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen
Schubert and James Wyatt © 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
All illustrations and maps are copyright Green Ronin Publishing, LLC, used with permission.
Freeport Companion is copyright © 2010 Expeditious Retreat Press. All rights reserved. Reference to other copyrighted material
in no way constitutes a challenge to the respective copyright holders of that material. Green Ronin, Freeport, and their
associated logos are trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Produced under license from Green Ronin Publishing, LLC.
Freeport. City of Adventure. Haven of pirates, home of
desperate men and women, scourge of the seas. Freeport
is the door to a whole new world of adventure. It ofers
endless possibilities for fantasy gaming, whether you play
the part of a dashing corsair sailing the high seas in search
of plunder, or a grim hunter of cults, prowling the twisting
streets of this corrupt city in search of blasphemous groups
that worship dark and
insane gods. You might
be a thief, making ends
meet by nicking purses,
playing the Syndicate and
the Canting Crew against
one another while you
struggle to build a new
criminal organization and
claim a piece of Freeport’s
golden pie. Or you might
be a brave explorer, seeking
lost civilizations, scouring the island for some clue, some
scrap of the past to uncover secrets no man was meant to
know. Whatever you decide, the Freeport Companion is
an indispensable guide to running Freeport adventures and
playing characters in this fabulous city-state.
e Freeport Companion is your mechanics supplement
for using e Pirate’s Guide to Freeport in your 4th Edition
Dungeons & Dragons game. So to maximize this sourcebook’s
utility, you’ll probably want to have a few other books. For
setting information, e Pirate’s Guide to Freeport is ideal since
it not only updates the Freeport setting, but also provides
extensive detail about the city, people, environs, and much
more. For game rules, this Companion is designed to work
with the 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons, and as such
you’ll need the core rule books for that system.
While the Freeport
Companion is intended to
give you all the nuts and
bolts you need to explore
the mean streets of Freeport,
you shouldn’t feel obligated
to use all of the information
provided in this sourcebook.
New races in Chapter
One may not it with your
campaign setting. e
corsair class may contradict
other classes you use in your games. Likewise, you may not
want to take advantage of the insanity and madness rules, or
the new monsters and so on. e rules are designed for you to
take what you like and leave the rest. Above all, have fun! is
sourcebook should spark new ideas, get your engine started,
and help you create exciting adventures in this city and play
compelling characters worthy of being denizens of the City of
—Pious Pete, Guide and Famous Personage
“It doesn’t matter who you are, Freeport welcomes all. From
fanatics to addicts, from streetwalkers to decadent nobles,
everyone can ind a home in this den of pirates, this city of
excess. Freeport may be a haven for exiles and unwanted,
but truly, it is far more than that. It is my city, my city of
adventure, and like a good mistress, I can’t imagine my life
without her.”
350381310.006.png 350381310.001.png
Races of Freeport
now, and good or bad, ugly or beautiful, it welcomes all to
its labyrinthine streets, devouring the weak and embracing
the strong. is is the City of Adventure, and any who seek
thrills and danger may just ind what they’re looking for in the
depths of this lively community.
If Freeport has anything, it’s diversity. Like lies to a pile of
dung, people from all over the known world descend on this
city looking for fortune, adventure, revenge, and countless
other things. Freeport promises much for those with the
grit and will to take it. Freeport is also a city that doesn’t
give a damn about the past or the future: It is a city of the
-Core Races-
Freeport is, in many respects, a human city. Humans founded
it, the majority of its leaders have been human, and most
inluential citizens are part of this proliic race. While humanity
may be ubiquitous, Freeport is also home to numerous other
humanoid races, and members of all the standard races can
be found in varying numbers throughout. Freeport has its fair
share of elves, dwarves,
gnomes, hallings, to
say nothing of orcs,
hobgoblins, and dozens
of other races, ranging
from the diferent
shades of more common
races to the downright
strange and disturbing.
For the most part, these peoples get along, setting aside
old grudges to proit in this bustling city. is said, there is
a tension in the city, with various neighborhoods looking at
others with envious eyes, lamenting when a ilthy orc family
moves next door, or looking suspiciously at a halling holding
up the wall at a nearby inn. From time to time, the pressure of
so many people, with so many difering values and customs,
lares up. e result is a brief explosion of violence and rioting
until it seems anarchy will reign, only to lapse back to the
normal simmering climate of this diverse city.
from many lands, with diferent languages, outlooks, customs,
beliefs, and everything in between. It is the fusion of cultures
that gives Freeport its character, and if the city is willing to
turn a blind eye toward a person hailing from a violent and
sinister city, surely they can accept dwarves, elves, and others,
right? For the most part, yes they can.
It is important to
note that Freeport’s
muddy heritage infuses
the city, creating an
often-unsettling fusion
of architecture, cuisine,
and dress. Matters of
religion and philosophy
are equally diverse, and Freeport embraces those of just about
every theological stripe. is aspect of Freeport is comforting
to visitors and immigrants, since it usually guarantees there’s
something or someone from home nearby.
—Rheumy Pete, Street Preacher
Freeport dwarves are a curious lot. Since most dwarves have
deep roots in their homelands, and given their famous dislike
for the sea, it takes something serious for a dwarf to pick up
and start a new life in Freeport. Dwarves must come to terms
with the large orc and goblinoid population allowed to walk
the streets with impunity. ough there are many reasons why
dwarves would never come to Freeport, the amazing thing is
that they do. Many are exiles, leeing their homes for an accused
or actual crime, while others may just be down-on-their-luck
adventurers, winding up here with no way to get home. Of
course, some bold or mad dwarves might end up in Freeport
for the promise of gold, wealth, or in pursuit of some ancient
foe in need of killing. Regardless of how and why they come to
the city, they’re here and they it in just like anyone else.
Humanity may be the dominant race in Freeport, but this fact
does not create any sense of solidarity or give them a sense of
entitlement or superiority. Sure, some bigoted humans may
sneer at the rifraf in Bloodsalt, and nobody likes goblinoids,
but Freeport humans don’t make distinctions between
themselves and most others who call the city home. e reason
for this cosmopolitan outlook is human Freeporters often hail
Chapter One
“Jes look around ye and take in all the diferent people from all over
da world. Ya might call it a meltin’ pot, but it’s more like a chamber
pot if ye ask me.”
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