d20 4e Expeditious Retreat Press Lands of Darkness 2 Cesspools of Arnac.pdf

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Lands of Darkness 2: Cesspools of Arnac
Lands of Darkness
The Cesspools of Arnac
An adventure setting for 5 players levels 3-5
Authors: Suzi Yee and Joseph Browning
Cartographer: Joseph Browning
Cover Artist: Joan Guardiet
Internal Artists: Jeremy McHugh, Scott Purdy
Editor: Joseph Browning
Layout: Suzi Yee
Table of Contents
1. The Grand Flow...............................................................4
2. The Grand Flow Northwest.............................................5
3. The Foetid Falls...............................................................6
4. Crickey!............................................................................8
5. The Skittering Larder.......................................................9
6. The Lord of Filth............................................................10
7. The Builders...................................................................12
8. The Refugees.................................................................13
9. 12 Feet Under.................................................................14
10. The Forgotten Room....................................................16
11. Brigands’ Lair...............................................................18
12. The Stagnant Pool........................................................20
Player Handouts.................................................................21
Lands of Darkness #2: The Cesspools of Arnac is designed
for parties Levels 3-5. While this work details 12 encounters,
this vast sewage system is quite large. GM’s are encouraged
to drag and drop this location in their campaign and create
more encounters for party exploration or future story arcs.
However, a general history and adventure hooks are provided
for GM’s on the go.
• The local constable has caught wind of a brigand hideout
located beneath the city, and has a hunch it may be in the
sewers. Severely understaffed and underfunded, he can only
offer a modest reward, but the party is welcome to it (and
anything they ind on the scoundrels) if they bring proof that
they have disbanded the brigands.
• A strange old woman seeks out the party’s help to acquire a
rare ingredient for her ungents and brews. There are rumors of
a foul beast living below the city, ilthy, bloated and tentacled
with a single eyestalk. Should the party retrieve the eye of the
beast, the old woman will reward them handsomely.
How to Use Lands of Darkness
Lands of Darkness have encounters within a larger area. They
are easily dropped into a pre-existing campaign with plenty of
room for GMs to expand more detail speciic to their world
and story arcs.
Encounters are tailored for each level within range. For
example, The Cesspools of Arnac is designed for parties
Levels 3-5, so each encounter will have monsters, treasures,
quests, and starting position map for a party level 3, party
level 4, and party level 5. If a party completes each encounter,
they should have acquired enough experience to gain 1 level.
GMs should take note of which monsters are in the area,
as the monster lists and starting locations are dependent on
party level. For example in area 4, the juvenile cesspool
crocodile is only present for Party Level 3, while the young
cesspool crocodile is only present for Party Level 4. Also note
the addition of more monsters of the same type. For example
in area 7, Party Level 5 encounter 6 Restless Dead denoted on
the maps as R, R 4 , and R 5 .
Disease: Something foul resides in the cesspool besides
the excrement: Arnac’s Revenge! Said to originate and take
refuge in the sewers after the last rightful ruler of Arnac was
usurped and his body beheaded, drawn, quartered, and tossed
into the waste water. Creatures of the cesspools are generally
immune to its effects, and some are even carriers, spreading
Arnac’s Revenge to others.
Arnac’s Revenge
Level 5 Disease
Found lurking in the sewer waters and bites of the creatures
that make the cesspools their home, this disease attacks its
victims’ virility, leaving the body drained and dazed.
Attack: + 7 vs. Fortitude.
Endurance: improve DC 22, maintain DC 17, worse DC
16 or lower
The target is cured.
6 Initial Effect: Target loses 1 healing surge.
6 The target takes a -4 penalty to AC and Fortitude
The city of Arnac is a once-thriving city that has come on
hard times. The vast sewers beneath the city are a testament
to grander days, when crews of civic workers kept the bad
waters lowing out. Times are different now and the cesspools
have become home to feral, twisted and diseased creatures
that shun the upper world.
Final State: The target takes a -4 penalty to AC
and Fortitude defense. Target is dazed.
Entrance: At the entrance of the cesspools is a locked
grate. Small creatures can squeeze through the grate with
little dificulty, but Medium creatures must make a Dexterity
Check DC 15 to squeeze through the bars. Alternately, a
Thievery Check DC 18 will unlock the grate. No one is quite
sure whether the locks are there to keep people out of the
sewers or keep something inside.
Lighting: While much of the sewers are dark, there are
occasional pockets (noted in features of the area) of Arnac’s
Lantern, a phospherescent mushroom that thrives in rich
organic material. When present, it provides enough light for
low-light vision to see. However, those foolish enough to
ingest the budding fruit in the sewers are exposed to Arnac’s
If the party needs some incentive to explore the Cesspools of
Arnac, here are three potential adventure hooks. If used, they
are treated as Quests with token treasure if they are successful.
(Level 3-150 Experience, 75 gp; Level 4-175 Experience, 85
gp; Level 5-200 Experience, 100gp).
• A merchant’s daughter went missing two weeks ago, and
last she was seen heading toward the sewers. The merchant
hires the party to venture into the cesspools and return his
daughter or word of her fate (describing a locket she always
Natural Caves: While most of the cesspools are
manmade, the engineers used a natural cave system as part
of the sewer network when possible to cut costs. Some of the
detailed areas in Cesspools of Arnac are natural caves, but
GMs are encouraged to add more to their liking.
Spillways: Throughout the sewers are spillways, rooms
where pipes from all over the city converge and empty the
waste which eventually make its way to a main water channel.
The loors have recessed areas to direct the low, but in times
of great use, the ilth exceeds the channels, covering the loors
and making them slippery and hard to maneuver (Acrobatics
Check DC 15 to keep your balance unless noted otherwise in
the area’s features). Some of the detailed areas in Cesspools
of Arnac are spillways, but GMs are encouraged to add more
to their liking.
Storage Rooms: Through the cesspools are storage
rooms, areas where supplies were tucked away for workers.
However, these areas make ideal nesting sites, surreptitious
meeting rooms, and hide outs. Some of the detailed areas
in Cesspools of Arnac are storage rooms, but GMs are
encouraged to add more to their liking.
Water Channel: The main water channels are manmade
with walkways on either side of the water and occasional
bridges spanning the water. The water channel is generally 10
feet deep (unless otherwise noted).
Overview Map of the
Cesspools of Arnac
Random Encounters
The party may encounter monsters while wandering the
Cesspools of Arnac. Roll randomly on the table every 4 hours
while in the cesspools.
Random Encounters (1d6)
1 4 Dire Cesspool Rats
2 2 Cesspool Crocodiles
3 3 Restless Dead
4 2 Footpads
5 No Encounters
6 No Encounters
Scale=250 feet
illed in gray. GM’s are encouraged to adapt the map to suit
their needs and create more encounters or branches of the
sewer to suit their particular campaigns and story arcs.
While the work concentrates on the sewers beneath the city,
there are a few detailed areas that delineate the city above.
Using This Map
The cesspools are a branching network of channels leading
out to the main low that exits to the south through a locked
grate. The areas that are detailed within Cesspools of Arnac
are white and labeled with numbers, while other areas are
• Above Area 6 is the butchery.
• Above Area 9 is a cemetery.
• Area 10 leads to the surface via trap door.
• Area 11 leads to the surface via trap door.
DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, and MONSTER MANUAL are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the USA and
other countries and are used with permission. Certain materials, including 4E References in this publication, D&D core rules
mechanics, and all D&D characters and their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with
permission under the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the 4E System
Reference Document, available at www.wizards.com/d20.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4th Edition PLAYER’S HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, and James Wyatt;
DUNGEON MASTER’S GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL, written by Mike Mearls, Stephen
Schubert and James Wyatt © 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
1. The Grand Flow
The grand low is the main waterway where all the smaller
branches converge into a one thick slow-moving body of
waste. The cesspool rats have carved out a nice home near the
entrance of the sewers, having both the advantages of surface
life and life underground.
S 4
Party Level 3 (500 XP)
7 Cesspool Rats (25 XP each) ( C )
2 Dire Cesspool Rats (100 XP) ( D )
1 Cesspool Rat Swarms (125 XP) ( S )
C 5
D 5
Party Level 4 (625 XP)
7 Cesspool Rats (25 XP each) ( C )
2 Dire Cesspool Rats (100 XP) ( D )
2 Cesspool Rat Swarms (125 XP) ( S ) ( S 4 )
Party Level 5 (750 XP)
8 Cesspool Rats (25 XP each) ( C ) ( C 5 )
3 Dire Cesspool Rats (100 XP) ( D ) ( D 5 )
2 Cesspool Rat Swarms (125 XP) ( S ) ( S 4 )
Bridge: The bridge arches across the water and is +5 feet at
its center.
Lighting: Patches of Arnac’s Lanterns line the edge of
the waterway, giving a faint phospherescent glow.
Rat Nest: A Perception Check DC 12 spots the small
entrance to the rat’s nest in the northeast corner. The rat’s nest
is where the listed treasure is located. Riling through the rat’s
nest exposes a person to Arnac’s Revenge.
Waterway: The waterway is 10 ft. deep and illed with sludge.
Cesspool Rat
Level 1 Minion
Small natural beast
XP 25
Initiative +2 Senses Perception +4; low-light vision
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion.
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Relex 15, Will 12
Immune Arnac’s Revenge
Speed 5, climb 2
M Bite (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 4 damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages
Skills Swim +5
Str 13 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Wis 11 (+0)
Con 13 (+1) Int 2 (-4) Cha 7 (-2)
The cesspool rats are feeding and foraging. Their nest is in the
northeast corner of the map, and they are iercely territorial,
attacking when anyone other than other cesspool rats that
Dire Cesspool Rat Level 1 Brute
Medium natural beast XP 100
Initiative +1 Senses Perception +4; low-light vision
HP 38; Bloodied 19
AC 15; Fortitude 15, Relex 13, Will 11
Immune Arnac’s Revenge
Speed 5, climb 2
M Bite (standard; at-will) • Disease
+5 vs. AC; 1d6 + 1 damage, and the target contracts
Arnac’s Revenge.
Alignment Unaligned Languages
Skills Stealth +8, Swim +5
Str 15 (+2) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 11 (+0)
Con 19 (+4) Int 3 (-4) Cha 7 (-2)
Party Level 3
Broken earring (10gp), copper necklace (5gp), copper ring
(1gp), gold bracelet (14gp), gold earring (20gp), and silver
ring (10gp)
Party Level 4
Broken earring (10gp), copper necklace (5gp), copper ring
(1gp), ine silver ring (20gp), gold bracelet (14gp), and gold
earring (30gp)
Party Level 5
Broken earring (10gp), copper necklace (5gp), copper ring
(1gp), lawed amethyst (20gp), ine silver ring (20gp), gold
bracelet (14gp), and gold earring (30gp)
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