d20 Creation's Edge Games Buck-A-Batch Compilation.pdf

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This product requires the use
of Dungeons & Dragons,
Third Edition rules
25 New Magic Items for
use with D20 Fantasy
This document is part of System 20:
A Do-It-Yourself supplement system available at
System 20 allows you to create your
own supplements, featuring the content
of your choice, for a fraction of the cost
of traditional RPG supplements.
You’ll find over 1000 different magic
items, weapons, rings, and wear on our
site, as well as our Add-A-Rooms,
Adventures, and other role-playing aids.
Our Free 20 section also hosts
dozens of free creatures, items, and
weapons to incorporate into your D20
fantasy campaign.
For those d20 Modern players out
there we also have a modern line of
Buck-A-Batch products as well as
Artifacts From the Edge a book length
supplement featuring detailed descrip-
tions and illustrations of 40 new magic
items with a modern slant. This product
is available in both downloadable and
softcover book format.
Here at Creation’s Edge Games the
ideas keep on coming, even long after
the projects that they were intended for
are finished. After generating the 150
new magic potions that make up Buck-A-
Batch: Magic Potions I, II, and III we dis-
covered we still had some leftover. As a
result we’ve put together Buck-A-Batch:
Bonus Potions available absolutely free
as a download through RPG Now. This
document features 25 new magic potions
for use with d20 fantasy settings.
If you enjoy this product please con-
sider purchasing other documents from
our Buck-A-Batch line.
The Buck-A-Batch product line is part
of System 20, a do-it-yourself supple-
ment system found on our website at
www.creationsedge.com and available
for download through RPG Now.
Buck-A-Batch: Bonus Potions is available for download on the Creation Edge Games
website as part of the System 20 collection. Check out our website at creationsedge.com
for more System 20 resources and information on upcoming releases.
~Open Game Content~
The content of this document entitled “Buck-A-Batch: Bonus Potions” which describe game
mechanics are designated as Open Content. The remaining portions of this document are hereby added to
Open Game Content and if so used should bear the COPYRIGHT NOTICE “Buck-A-Batch: Bonus Potions
©2006 Creation’s Edge Games” and optionally the web address “www.creationsedge.com”.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
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Dungeons & Dragons® and Wizards of the Coast® are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
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D20 System is trademark by Wizards of the Coast and is used according to the terms of the d20 System
License version 1.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com.
Buck-A-Batch: Bonus Potions - for use with D20 rules - © 2006 Creation’s Edge Games.
Battle Alertness
Drinking this potion bestows a heightened
level of awareness upon a creature during
combat. The creature gains a +1 'to hit'
bonus to their attacks of opportunity. The
creature also gains the ability to make one
additional attack of opportunity each round.
These bonuses remain for 1 hour.
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 8th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
25 New Magic Items
for use with D20
Fantasy Rules
Combat Ability
A creature that drinks this potion gains the
following abilities while in combat. The crea-
ture gains a +1 bonus to their 'to hit' rolls.
The creature gains a +1 bonus to their AC.
The creature also gains a +1 bonus to any
skill checks or saving throws attempted.
These modifiers only apply while the crea-
ture is in combat. These bonuses remain for
1 hour.
% Roll
Name of potion
Battle Alertness
Combat Ability
Dead Eye
Elemental Bane (air)
Elemental Bane (earth)
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 8th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
Elemental Bane (fire)
Elemental Bane (water)
Potion of Repelling (ooze)
Potion of Repelling (plant)
Potion of Repelling (vermin)
Preventive Medicine (acid)
Preventive Medicine (cold)
Dead Eye
Preventive Medicine (electricity)
Preventive Medicine (fire)
This potion temporarily bestows the point
blank shot, far shot, and precise shot feats
upon its imbiber for a period of 1 hour.
Preventive Medicine (sonic)
Spell bomb (animate dead)
Spell bomb (bane)
Spell bomb (daylight)
Spell bomb (deeper darkness)
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 8th + / Market
Value: 300gp / Cost to Create: 150gp +
Spell bomb (entangle)
Strong arm
Thieving ability (detect trap)
Thieving ability (disable device)
Thieving ability (lock pick)
Token Potion (curing)
Elemental Bane (air)
This potion is made up of a mixture of ingre-
dients which interfere with a fire elemental's
ability to maintain its form. Simply having
this bottle uncorked within 20 feet of a fire
elemental will inflict 1 point of damage upon
it each round. Shattering the potion releases
a cloud of mist that fills a 20 cubic foot area.
Fire elementals caught in this area when the
potion shatters are dealt 4d8 points of dam-
age. Most elementals can sense when
they're in the presence of an elemental bane
potion and will target opponents carrying
these first.
This potion is made up of a mixture of ingre-
dients which interfere with an air elemental's
ability to maintain its form. Simply having
this bottle uncorked within 20 feet of an air
elemental will inflict 1 point of damage upon
it each round. Shattering the potion releases
a cloud of mist that fills a 20 cubic foot area.
Air elementals caught in this area when the
potion shatters are dealt 4d8 points of dam-
age. Most elementals can sense when
they're in the presence of an elemental bane
potion and will target opponents carrying
these first.
Caster level: 6th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 10th + / Market
Value: 1,000gp / Cost to Create: 500gp +
Caster level: 6th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 10th + / Market
Value: 1,000gp / Cost to Create: 500gp +
Elemental Bane (water)
Elemental Bane (earth)
This potion is made up of a mixture of ingre-
dients which interfere with a water elemen-
tal's ability to maintain its form. Simply hav-
ing this bottle uncorked within 20 feet of a
water elemental will inflict 1 point of damage
upon it each round. Shattering the potion
releases a cloud of mist that fills a 20 cubic
foot area. Water elementals caught in this
area when the potion shatters take 4d8
points of damage. Most elementals can
sense when they're in the presence of an
elemental bane potion and will target oppo-
nents carrying these first.
This potion is made up of a mixture of ingre-
dients which interfere with an earth elemen-
tal's ability to maintain its form. Simply hav-
ing this bottle uncorked within 20 feet of an
earth elemental will inflict 1 point of damage
upon it each round. Shattering the potion
releases a cloud of mist that fills a 20 cubic
foot area. Earth elementals caught in this
area when the potion shatters are dealt 4d8
points of damage. Most elementals can
sense when they're in the presence of an
elemental bane potion and will target oppo-
nents carrying these first.
Caster level: 6th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 10th + / Market
Value: 1,000gp / Cost to Create: 500gp +
Caster level: 6th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 10th + / Market
Value: 1,000gp / Cost to Create: 500gp +
Potion of Repelling (ooze)
Elemental Bane (fire)
This potion contains a mixture of ingredients
noxious to creatures that fall under the ooze
creature type. A creature that has consumed
this potion becomes repulsive to oozes.
Oozes within 15 feet of the affected creature
must succeed at a will save (DC15) each
round or else be compelled to move away
from the creature. Attacks made against a
creature who has used this potion by oozes
suffer a -2 penalty to hit. These abilities
remain for 1 hour after the potion has been
against a creature who has used this potion
by vermin suffer a -2 penalty to hit. These
abilities remain for 1 hour after the potion
has been consumed.
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 8th + / Market
Value: 500gp / Cost to Create: 250gp +
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 8th + / Market
Value: 500gp / Cost to Create: 250gp +
Preventive Medicine (acid)
The magic from a Preventive Medicine
potion is held within the imbiber for a period
of up to one day or until a trigger condition
is met. If the imbiber of this potion is
exposed to an attack that deals acid dam-
age the potion's magic will trigger. The crea-
ture immediately becomes protected as
though they were targeted by a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) with acid as the selected ele-
ment. This spell functions as though it were
cast at 12th level.
Potion of Repelling (plant)
This potion contains a mixture of ingredients
noxious to creatures that fall under the plant
creature type. A creature that has consumed
this potion becomes repulsive to plants.
Plants within 15 feet of the affected creature
must succeed at a will save (DC15) each
round or else be compelled to move away
from the creature. Attacks made against a
creature who has used this potion by plants
suffer a -2 penalty to hit. These abilities
remain for 1 hour after the potion has been
Caster level: 12th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, protection from elements / Market
Value: 600gp / Cost to Create: 300gp +
Caster level: 5th / Prerequisites: Brew
Potion, spellcaster level 8th + / Market
Value: 500gp / Cost to Create: 250gp +
Preventive Medicine (cold)
Potion of Repelling (vermin)
The magic from a Preventive Medicine
potion is held within the imbiber for a period
of up to one day or until a trigger condition
is met. If the imbiber of this potion is
exposed to an attack that deals cold dam-
age the potion's magic will trigger. The crea-
ture immediately becomes protected as
though they were targeted by a protection
from elements spell (as described in the
Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,
Third Edition ) with cold as the selected ele-
ment. This spell functions as though it were
This potion contains a mixture of ingredients
noxious to creatures that fall under the ver-
min creature type. A creature that has con-
sumed this potion becomes repulsive to ver-
min. Vermin within 15 feet of the affected
creature must succeed at a will save (DC15)
each round or else be compelled to move
away from the creature. Attacks made
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