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Accidents of Birth:
Deformities and Deformity Feats
written by Chris A. Field
Requires the use of a Roleplaying Game Core Book
published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.®
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Accidents of BIrth: Deformities and Deformity Feats
attend his or her physical needs. The other part of the Gestalt
is a nearly mindless brute, directionless and docile without his
master’s guiding hand.
Accidents of Birth:
Deformities and
Deformity Feats
Deformities and Deformity Feats offer players the chance to
customize their character by imposing physical limitations and
physical oddities. In a world where dragons and demons can
breed true with other species, deformities are as likely to result
from magical curses, divine wrath and mad experiments as they
are to result from hereditary illnesses, generations of incest, and
exposure to toxins during pregnancy.
The Carrier Gestalt is a deformity template which may be added
to any humanoid or monstrous humanoid character at first level
to create a true Gestalt. During game play, any willing brute can
choose to take a master, and any once mighty warrior brought
low by some battlefield tragedy can find a hulking servant, if
they’re lucky enough. True Carrier Gestalts are the same species,
while Carrier Gestalts created later may be of different species.
This template’s attribute modifiers are applied after racial modi-
fiers. Carrier Gestalts created through game play are two sepa-
rate characters, either controlled by two players, or made up of
a player character and an NPC, while the true Carrier Gestalt is
built as a single character with some unique powers and disad-
Deformities are pure disadvantages that limit the character
and forever mark the character- whether hero or villain- as an
outsider. By selecting a deformity, the player gains the right
to select an additional feat. Players can select any number of
deformities, but such hereditary weaknesses can usually only
be chosen during character creation. Exceptions can only be
approved by an individual game master. Be careful, though,
deformities, like all D20 disadvantages are often more severe
in terms of their effects on the character than the feats they
The Carrier Gestalt (Deformity
Challenge Rating: +1
Level Adjustment: +0
Hit Dice: If lower increase to D12; the physical portion of the
Carrier Gestalt is a mountain of dim-witted muscle, capable of
great strength and incredible durability. Gestalts are typically so
stupid they don’t feel wounds that would drop a lesser being.
Deformity feats offer unique advantages, including exotic
powers, ability score modifiers, even a new favored class
option for the deformed hero! Deformity feats are slightly more
‘powerful’ than standard feats, because they usually come with
some inherent weakness that balances them out.
Allegiances/Alignment: Both portions of the Carrier Gestalt
have their other component as their primary allegiance, due to
the intimacy shared between these two limited beings. Carrier
Gestalts can be of any alignment, though regardless of alignment
the two beings genuinely love and respect each other. Both crea-
tures must be within one alignment ‘step’ of each other, and each
radiates their own alignment.
Deformity Templates include such dramatic character changes
they alter every facet of the character. Deformity Templates
may usually only be chosen at first level, and some Deformity
Templates offer so much additional power to the deformed char-
acter they actually include a level adjustment.
Ability Scores: Both sides of the Gestalt share a single set of
ability scores when they are in close proximity. However, when
the two halves are separated by more than a single 5 ft square,
each side is limited to what attributes it can access. The best way
to think of the ‘mind’ component of the Gestalt is as a ‘wearable
magic item’ what increases the brute’s mental abilities. When the
brute is not in contact with its master, it can barely think or plan,
and is little more than a humanoid animal.
All deformities ( in addition to all their other bonuses and penal-
ties ) include a Disguise check penalty. All Deformity Templates
have a –10 Disguise penalty, while all Deformities and Deformity
Feats incur a –4 Disguise penalty. These penalties are in addition
to attribute penalties ( if any ). Deformity Feats and Deformi-
ties with the “Internal” qualifier do not inflict any penalty; their
effects on the person are not obvious to the naked eye.
Immobile Brains & Unthinking Brawn: The Carrier Gestalt
Each side of the Gestalt receives separate attribute score modi-
fiers, which alter the character’s rolled statistics. When the two
sides are together, their weaknesses and strength balances the
Gestalt. If an attribute is marked by a dash “- “, that attribute is
reduced to 0 for that part of the Gestalt. When within 5 ft of each
other, the Gestalt uses which ever attribute is higher among the
two; when the creatures are separated, the two sides use their
own attribute scores.
From Master/Blaster in Mad Max to Hodor and Bran’s relation-
ship in George RR Martin’s Game of Thrones epic, the concept
of a crippled genius borne on the back of an unstoppable physical
juggernaut is one of the most interesting archetypes in sci-fi and
fantasy, but one of the hardest to ‘pull off’ using the D20 system
rules. This unique deformity can be applied to any character ( in
one of several different manners ), creating a memorable, unique
Saves: As the base creature, modified by attributes. When the
two halves of the Gestalt are in close proximity, the creature uses
the better save of its two halves. When the Gestalt is separated,
each half uses its own saves, modified by attributes.
The Carrier Gestalt is a study in extremes. One component of
the Gestalt is physically helpless, crippled and nearly completely
immobile, and utterly dependant on the other component to
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Accidents of BIrth: Deformities and Deformity Feats
Table: The Carrier Gestalt Attribute Modifiers
Mind Component
-8 ( Min 1 )
-8 ( Min 1 )
Body Component
-8 ( Min 3 )
-4 ( Min 3 )
-4 ( Min 3 )
Speed: As base creature. The Master component is para-
lyzed, and at best can drag itself along with its weak arms at a
maximum speed of 1 ft per full round action.
Two Minds, One and a Half Bodies:
Conjoined Twins
In the womb, a zygote divides, and divides again, but some-
thing goes wrong. Where there should have developed a pair of
identical siblings there is a bizarre hybrid. Instead of two twins,
each with their own limbs, mind and soul, there is an ungainly
hodgepodge of limbs and commingled organ systems. Two minds
develop, sometimes with stunningly different personalities, but
they are forced to coexist in a body barely developed enough to
sustain one of them.
Skills: As base creature. When combined the Brute can perform
even the most delicate tasks under the Master’s directions. The
Carrier Gestalt is considered a single character, and chooses a
class (or classes) just like any other character. Each portion of the
gestalt shares the same mix of classes and skills that the whole
does, but how effective the separated halves are on their own is a
matter of debate.
Feats: The mental component of the gestalt cannot move enough
to make physical attacks, and if the Gestalt is a spell caster, the
mental portion is dependant on the brute to make the somatic
gestures necessary to cast the spell. However, the mental compo-
nent is adept at watching the Gestalt’s back, giving the pair the
Improved Initiative feat.
Conjoined twins may be linked skull to skull, sharing brain tissue
and face like melted wax, or others might share a torso, each with
their own pair of arms, additional legs, even obscenely doubled,
vestigial sex organs. Until relatively recently most conjoined
twins died in utero, or during birth, and many often killed their
mothers during the complicated, bloody delivery. Very few
conjoined twins ever survived to adult hood.
Special Qualities and Disadvantages:
Fragile Little Body ( EX ): The mental component of the Gestalt
is a physical weakling, all too easily slain. If the Small or Tiny
mental component of the Gestalt is killed, the physical compo-
nent becomes nearly catatonic or mindlessly violent, and no
longer suitable for use as a player character without its partner. If
both halves of the Gestalt are slain, both must be raised or resur-
rected before the Gestalt can function again.
Conjoined Twins are considered a single character for most
purposes. A few unique roleplaying complications aside, the
Conjoined character is a single humanoid that has been trans-
formed into something almost inhuman. This template may be
added to any first level humanoid, or to virtually any variety of
Conjoined Twins (Deformity
Challenge Rating: +0
Level Adjustment: +0
The mental component only has a single hit point for each HD
the brute possesses. While the Gestalt can select any class, any
feats or class abilities that increase HP or durability apply only to
the brute, not to the mental component. A carried mental compo-
nent may be targeted by an adversary that makes an attack roll
at a –4 penalty, and the mental component is treated as a ‘worn
magic item’ for the purposes of saving throws.
Hit Dice: As the base creature.
Practiced Communication ( EX ): As long as the two halves are
within 5 ft of each other, they can communicate instantly, and
silently, with each other as a free action through a combination
of body language, instinct and a near telepathic bond. The brute
does cannot speak, though if it has a high enough Intelligence
score it may understand languages, however, the mental compo-
nent can always understand its brute.
Allegiances/Alignment: As the base creature. While the
Conjoined Twins are effectively a single character each twin has
his or her own alignment/affiliation, and each radiates its own
alignment. The creature’s alignments must be within one step of
each other.
Ability Scores: -2 Dex, Int +2, Wis +2, Cha –2. Having an addi-
tional mind and personality means the Conjoined Twin is a little
smarter, cleverer and more perceptive than ordinary mortals,
because the Conjoined character essentially has two brains
working on any problem. However the Conjoined Twins are
hideous, visually disturbing and prone to self loathing, limiting
their effectiveness as orators, leaders, and sorcerers. Their
unusual limb placement means that most Conjoined Twins move
stiffly and painfully, at best.
Share Spells and Effects ( EX ): Due to their close physical and
spiritual bond, any spell or supernatural ability ( positive or nega-
tive ) that affects one portion of the Gestalt affects them both. The
Gestalt can share spells by touch, are both affected by a single
spell or by drinking one dose of a potion and both suffer the ill
effects of combat magic.
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Accidents of BIrth: Deformities and Deformity Feats
Saves: In addition to attribute bonuses, the Conjoined Twins
receive a +1 deformity bonus on all WILL Saves, because if one
brain is affected by a spell or mind influencing effect, the other
brain can ‘take over’ and begin directing the body to break the
really interesting roleplaying challenges. Bi-cephalous warriors
aren’t the smartest, but they’re naturally cunning and have keen
senses. The Bi-Cephalous deformity template can be added to
any humanoid character or to any monster that the game master
wants to ensure is ‘ahead’ of the game.
Speed: Reduce the base creature’s land speed by 10 ft. If the
creature has a fly or swim speed it is also reduced by 10 ft, and in
the case of flight speeds, the creature’s airborne maneuverability
class can never be any better than poor. Conjoined Twins are
chaotic masses of twisted limbs and deformed organs.
Challenge Rating: +1
Level Adjustment: +0
Hit Dice: If lower, increase to D8. Bi-cephalous mutants that
survive to adulthood are usually fairly tough and hard to kill.
Allegiances/Alignments: Bi-cephalous mutants can be of any
alignment, however most are short tempered and cataclysmically
stupid, a combination that means most turn to evil sooner or later.
Each of the creature’s heads has its own alignment, with means
the creature can radiate two different alignment auras, depending
on which side the ‘viewer’ stands on, relative to the creature.
Alignments can be identical, similar or dramatically opposed.
Skills: Having two pair of eyes gives the Conjoined Twins a +2
deformity bonus on Escape Artist, Perform, Spot, Search and
Sleight of Hand.
Feats: Regardless of how many functioning limbs the Conjoined
Twin has ( usually 2-3 ) it has one primary hand, and 2 or more off
hands. The Conjoined Twin receives the Multidexterity feat for
free, even if it does not meet the prerequisites.
Ability Scores: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence,
-4 Charisma. Bi-cephalous monsters are brutally strong, but
are among the stupidest, most disturbing two-legged creatures
walking the planet.
Special Qualities and Disadvantages:
Conjoined ( EX ): The Conjoined Twin’s unique anatomy means
that while their reach and fighting space is unchanged, their
additional arms and unusually placed skulls mean they can react
to attacks from the sides or rear as easily as they can to frontal
assaults. A pair of Conjoined Twins cannot be flanked, and
receives a +2 deformity bonus to armor class
Saves: Bi-cephalous mutants are exceptionally weak willed and
mentally confused, resulting in a –2 deformity penalty to all
WILL saves.
Speed: As the base creature.
Conjoined Twins receive a +4 deformity bonus on all grapple
checks, and attempts made to resist overruns and trip attempts.
Their multiple limbs and increased bulk makes the conjoined
twins difficult to best in a wrestling match.
Skills: The bi-cephalous creature’s two heads give it a +2 defor-
mity bonus on all Listen, Spot, and Search checks. The creature
also gains an additional +2 bonus to Spot and Listen checks from
the Alertness feat.
All armor and gear used by the Conjoined Twins must be
specially made to accommodate their deformity. Such modifica-
tions double the price of all armor, clothing and worn gear used
by the Conjoined Twins, as if such gear was created for a nonhu-
manoid creature.
Feats: The bi-cephalous creature gains Alertness as a bonus feat.
Special Qualities and Disadvantages:
Schizophrenia ( EX ): Each of the Bi-Cephalous creature’s heads
has its own rudimentary intelligence, own personality and own
goals. Any time the creature rolls a natural one or two on any
attack roll, saving throw or skill check, the creature must make
an immediate WILL save ( DC 18 ). Success indicates the creature
can act normally. Failure indicates the Bi-Cephalous creature
suffers the effects of confusion for 1d6 rounds as a result of
internal squabbles as the creature’s two personality’s fight for
Because they share major organs, if one of the twins is killed,
both twins die. A single raise dead or resurrection spell can
restore both twins to life. Despite the fact that both twins have
their own personality, name and alignment, the Conjoined Twins
are effectively one character.
Two Skulls, No Brain between Them:
Occasionally an animal or even an exceptionally unlucky
humanoid is born with two heads. In the real world, these aber-
rations rarely live for more than a few minutes, with most dying
only a few hours or days after their difficult births. In a fantasy
world, however, two-headed, dim witted brutes are a fairly
common sight. From the nameless hordes of ettin barbarians
slaughtered by the dozens by decades of adventuring parties, to
Skeletor’s dim witted thug Two-Badd, bi-cephalous monsters
provide a unique challenge on the battlefield, and also offer
Two Mouths, Two Minds ( EX ): The Bi-Cephalous creature can
attempt to carry on two conversations at the same time, though
neither of its dull witted heads is ever likely to have very much
of value to say. Bi-Cephalous spell casters can cast an additional
quickened spell each round.
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Accidents of BIrth: Deformities and Deformity Feats
species. Once chosen, the character’s favored class can not be
Warmed by the Sun, Fed on Blood:
Occasionally a warm-blooded parent gives birth to a genetic
throwback, a living reminder of the reptilian genetic heritage
common to all life forms. Like most natural mutations, reptilian
children are often slaughtered soon after birth by their terrified
families. These horrific mutants are often viewed with suspicion,
fear and hatred; in many cases even blameless reptilians are
believed to be the spawn of powerful evil entities like dragons,
yaun-ti and even worse aberrations.
Armored Carapace (Deformity Feat)
The mutant’s entire body is covered by a tough, chitinous
exo-skeleton, the appearance of which can vary wildly. Rather
than having conventional lungs, a series of hundreds of tiny
spiralacles ( airholes ) runs the length of the creature’s torsos.
Unfortunately, this means the character’s circulatory system
is relatively primitive and the character is more susceptible to
airborne toxins and fatigue than an ordinary humanoid.
Benefit: The mutant receives a +10 natural armor bonus,
meaning it is one of the toughest, most durable creatures occur-
ring in nature. The way the character’s muscles are fixed to the
exoskeleton give the mutant great strength; the character receives
a +2 inherent bonus to strength.
The reptilian template can be added to any first level character
or non-reptilian monster. The creature’s type and species are
unchanged, but this mutation brings incredible physical change.
Reptilian (Deformity Template)
Challenge Rating: +0
Level Adjustment: +1
Drawbacks: The character’s fingers are crude and poorly
designed, meaning he or she suffers a –2 deformity penalty on all
Craft, Forgery, Escape Artist Sleight of Hand and any Perform
checks requiring manual dexterity. The creature suffers a –8
racial penalty on Swim checks, due to his great weight and the
fact it’s impossible for the armored mutant to hold its breath
while swimming. The armored mutant automatically fails all
FORT saves made to resist the effects of inhaled poisons and
Hit Dice: As the base creature.
Allegiances/Alignment: Reptilians can be any of any alignment.
However, many reptilians prefer not to show overt displays of
emotion, and to avoid the extremes of both law and chaos, good
and evil. Many become neutral and display such patience and
foresightedness; it can be mistaken for serenity. It is not.
Albino (Deformity Feat)
An albino’s skin lacks pigment, and regardless of the normal skin
tone for the characters race and species, his or her skin is a pale
milky white. Blue veins are just barely visible under the albino’s
skin. True albinos also lack pigment in their eyes, meaning their
pupils are a soft pink. Among the common folk, albinos are
rightly feared; their pale skin marks them as powerful witches
and sorcerers. The delicate beautify of albino courtesans is
revered in certain parts of the world.
Ability Scores: +2 Wis. Reptilians are strong minded and have
keen senses, especially their eyesight and sense of smell.
Saves: As the base creature.
Speed: Increase base land speed by 5 ft. The creature gains a
swim speed equal to one half its base land speed, and can charge
while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Skills: Reptilians receive a +4 deformity bonus on Concentra-
tion, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently and Spot checks.
Benefits: +2 Charisma. Albinos are physically attractive, and
their air of mystery and grace gives them powerful personal
magnetism. An albino character can choose Bard or Sorcerer as
a favored class, or can choose the normal favored class for their
species. Once chosen, this selection cannot be changed.
Feats: All Reptilians gain the Combat Reflexes feat as a bonus
feat even if they do not normally meet the prerequisites.
Special Qualities and Disadvantages:
Cold-blooded ( EX ): The Reptilian cannot internally regulate its
body temperature and can easily succumb to hypothermia or heat
exhaustion. The Reptilian suffers a –4 deformity penalty to all
FORT saves made to resist extreme environmental conditions.
Reptilians are fatigued after succumbing to a heat or cold based
attack if they fail their save.
Drawbacks: Daylight Sensitivity ( EX ): Since albinos do not
tan, and their eyes lack the protective pigment common to most
humanoids, they are uncomfortable and suffer a –1 penalty on
attack rolls and saving throws in sunlight or within the radius of a
daylight spell.
Bacteria Colony (Deformity Feat: Internal)
Dozens of strains of lethal bacteria incubate in the monster’s
saliva, and even if a victim survives a bite or claw from the
mutant, they still might fall prey to the deadly disease the crea-
ture carries.
Slow Metabolism ( EX ): The reptilian requires less food than
a similarly sized human. A reptilian can survive by eating only
once every 4-5 days without discomfort or ill effect. A reptilian
requires as much water as a normal humanoid. Reptilians are
immune to all mundane and magical poisons.
Serpentine Soul ( EX ): A reptilian character can choose Rogue
as his favored class instead of the normal favored class for his
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