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Sourcebook for Bards, Rogues and Assassins
Written By Richard Farrese
Sourcebook for Bards, Rogues and Assassins
Written by
Richard Farrese
Cover Art, Graphic Design,
Layout & Logo:
Louis Porter, Jr. Design
Interior Art
Ig Barros
Devil’s Workshop was created by Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Inc.
Louis Porter, Jr Design
350 NW 87th Terrace
Plantation, FL 33324
Devil’s Workshop, Image Portfolio, Devil’s Workshop Logo, Image
Portfolio and Louis Porter, Jr. Design Logo are Trademarks of Louis
Porter, Jr. Design. Copyright 2002 Louis Porter, Jr. Design, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
All text on pages 3 - 48 is Open Game Content as defined by the Open
Gaming License. See page 49 for more information.
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Benefit: A character with this bardic music song and 9 or more
ranks in a Perform skill can use his music or poetics to help an
ally succeed at almost any task. The ally must be within 30 feet
and able to see and hear the performance. The performer must
also be able to see his target. The targeted ally gets one free re-
roll on any one skill check with a skill of the performer’s
choosing. The target can decide if and when to use the re-roll,
but he must do so before the result of a previously rolled skill
check takes effect, as he continues to hear the character’s music.
Certain uses of this ability are infeasible. The effect lasts as long
as the performer concentrates, up to a maximum of 1 minute. A
character cannot bestow luck in himself. This bardic song is a
mind-affecting ability.
This sourcebook presents all kinds of new and unusual types of
artists and performers. While many of the prestige classes
described therein focus on a character’s ability to deliver
masterful performances in a variety of arenas — from reciting
poetry and dancing to singing and playing a musical instrument
— some members of these classes use their uncanny abilities to
perform as simple guises, while others consider their art to be
their sole interest and indeed their only true passion.
Using a combination of charm, guile, and a myriad of talents,
the members of the fifteen prestige classes presented in this
sourcebook are extremely gifted and versatile characters. While
Bards, Rogues, and Assassins are naturally more attracted to
these prestige classes, anyone who meets the requirements can
become a member of any of these classes. Some of these pres-
tige classes, in fact, are especially well suited for characters
hailing from other professions, such as warriors and spellcasters.
Special: This feat bestows a new bardic music option to the
character. It does not provide him with the ability to use addi-
tional bardic music songs each day.
You can use your bardic music ability to temporarily daze a
certain amount of creatures.
New Feats
What follows is a list of new feats especially interesting for
Bards, Rogues, and other characters relying on stealth, agility,
and cunning. These feats are available to all characters who meet
the listed prerequisites ( if any ).
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music and Perform 3 ranks.
Benefit: A character with this bardic music ability and at least 3
ranks in a Perform skill can use songs or poetics to cause one or
more creatures to become dazed. Each creature to be affected
must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the character.
The character must also be able to see the target. For every five
levels a character attains in a class with the bardic music ability
( such as the Bard class ), he can target one additional creature
with a single use of daze ( thus a 5th level Bard could target two
creatures with this ability, while a 15th level Bard could target
up to four ). To use this bardic music ability, the character makes
a Perform check. His check result is the DC for each affected
creature’s Will save against the effect. If a creature’s saving
throw succeeds, the character cannot attempt to daze that crea-
ture again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the target takes
no action during the following round. Creatures with more Hit
Dice than the character using this bardic music ability are not
affect by it. Daze is a mind-affecting spell-like ability.
You were schooled at a prestigious academy of learning. Your
higher education allows you to acquire knowledge skills easier
than most other characters.
Benefit: For the remainder of your career, all Knowledge skills
are considered class skills for you, regardless of the character
class in which you advance. You also gain 1 rank in any two
Knowledge skills of your choice.
Special: You must take this feat as a 1st level character. At the
discretion of the Game Master, you may take time to study at an
institution offering higher education at a later time in your career
( typically between adventures ) and thus acquire this feat.
Special: This feat bestows a new bardic music option to the
character. It does not provide him with the ability to use addi-
tional bardic music songs each day.
You have innate talents towards the arts.
With your bardic music, you can demoralize one of your foes.
Benefit: You get a +1 bonus on any two Perform skills of your
choosing. Furthermore, Perform is always considered a class
skill for you, even if you progress in a character class that does
not list Perform as a class skill.
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music and Perform 6 ranks.
Benefit: A character with this bardic music song and with 6 or
more ranks in a Perform skill can use songs or poetics to demor-
alize one of his foes, instilling doubt and fear into his heart. To
be affected, an enemy must be able to hear the performer sing.
The effect lasts for as long as the foe hears the performance and
for 5 rounds thereafter. An affected creature receives a –4
penalty on saving throws against charm and fear effects as well
as a –2 morale bonus on all attack rolls. Demoralize is a mind-
affecting ability.
You can use your bardic music ability to provide good fortune to
a target of your choice.
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music and Perform 9 ranks.
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Master Preformers
Page 4
Special: This feat bestows a new bardic music option to the
character. It does not provide him with the ability to use addi-
tional bardic music songs each day.
You can use your music or poetics to instill powerful and devas-
tating fits of rage in your allies’ hearts.
You can bestow great courage and defensive capabilities to one
of your allies with your bardic music ability.
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music and Perform 15 ranks.
Benefit: A character with this bardic music ability and with 15
or more ranks in a Perform skill can use song or poetics to instill
rage in one of his allies ( including himself ). To be affected, an
ally must be able to hear the performer sing or recite poetry. The
effect lasts for a number of rounds equaling 1 + the Charisma
modifier of the character triggering the effect. An affected ally
temporarily gains a +4 bonus to Strength, a +4 bonus to
Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but he also
takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution
increases the target’s hit points by 2 points per character level,
but these hit points go away at the end of the rage when his
Constitution score drops back to normal ( these extra hit points
are not lost first the way temporary hit points are ). While raging,
a character cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or
Intelligence-based skills ( except for Balance, Escape Artist,
Intimidate, and Ride ), the Concentration skill, or any ability that
requires patience or concentration, nor can he cast spells or acti-
vate magic items that require a command word, a spell trigger
( such as a wand ), or spell completion ( such as a scroll ) to func-
tion. He can use any feat he has except Combat Expertise, item
creation feats, and metamagic feats. At the end of the rage, the
target loses the ability modifiers and restrictions and becomes
fatigued ( he takes a –2 penalty to Strength, a –2 penalty to
Dexterity, and loses to ability to charge or run ) for the duration
of the current encounter. Instill rage is a supernatural mind-
affecting ability
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music and Perform 12
Benefit: A character with this bardic music ability and with 12
or more ranks in a Perform skill can use songs or poetics to
inspire one of his allies ( including himself ) to adopt a bold
defensive posture. To be affected, an ally must be able to hear
the bard sing or perform poetics. The effect of this song lasts for
a number of rounds equaling 1 + the Charisma modifier of the
character triggering it. The target gains a +4 enhancement bonus
to Constitution, a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and
a +2 dodge bonus to Armor Class. The increase in Constitution
augments the targets’s hit points by 2 points per character level,
but these hit points go away when the Constitution score drops
back to normal ( these extra hit points are not lost first the way
temporary hit points are ). While this bardic music song is in
effect, the target cannot use skills or abilities that would require
him to shift his position. If he chooses to move, he may try to
break the effect with a Will save ( DC equal to the Perform skill
check of the character who triggered the energetic defense ).
When the effects of this ability end, the target is winded and
takes a –2 penalty to Strength for the duration of that encounter.
Energetic defense is a supernatural mind-affecting ability.
Special: This feat bestows a new bardic music option to the
character. It does not provide him with the ability to use addi-
tional bardic music songs each day.
Special: This feat bestows a new bardic music option to the
character. It does not provide him with the ability to use addi-
tional bardic music songs each day.
You can use your music or poetics make one target ignore
effects that would normally restrict his movement.
You are an expert at using a specific bardic music ability and can
use this special song one more time each day.
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music, Perform 6 ranks
Prerequisites: Ability to use bardic music and Perform 15
Benefit: When you select this feat, you choose one bardic music
ability that you already know. The first time you use this bardic
music ability on any given day, it does not count toward the
number of times you can use your bardic music talent each day.
Benefit: A character with 15 or more ranks in a Perform skill
who is familiar with this bardic music ability can use songs or
poetics to create an effect equivalent to the Freedom of
Movement spell ( caster level equals the character’s level ).
Using this ability requires 1 minute of uninterrupted concentra-
tion and music, and it functions on a single target within 30 feet.
A character cannot use hymn of free motion on himself. This is a
spell-like ability.
Normal: Each use of one of your bardic music ability counts
toward your daily bardic music limit.
Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not
stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new bardic
music song.
Special: This feat bestows a new bardic music option to the
character. It does not provide him with the ability to use addi-
tional bardic music songs each day.
You are attentive and always pay attention to what goes on
around you, even while concentrating on a task.
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Prerequisite: Alertness.
fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack and weapon
damage rolls.
Benefit: You get a +4 bonus on any Listen or Spot skill check
made to avoid being surprised.
You are naturally adept at speaking, understanding, and deci-
phering languages.
You are naturally eloquent and completely at ease when
speaking to other people.
Benefit: You receive one additional bonus language and gain a
+3 bonus on all Decipher Script skill checks.
Prerequisite: Diplomacy 8 ranks or Perform ( oratory ) 8 ranks.
You are so talented that when you use your bardic music ability,
the effects of your songs or poetics linger after you end your
Benefit: Once per day, when making either a Diplomacy or
Perform ( oratory ) skill check, you can decide to re-roll your
check result. Use of this feat can be declared after the result of
the initial check has been revealed, but before it actually takes
effect. You must accept the result of the re-roll, even if it is
worse than the original.
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability, Perform 12 ranks, and
Extend Bardic Music.
You are exceptionally gifted at bardic music and have an innate
talent for prolonging the effects of your special songs or poetics.
Benefit: When you trigger a bardic music ability that you can
maintain for a limited number of rounds ( such as countersong or
fascinate ) or which effects continues for a short period after you
stop performing ( such as inspire courage ), the effects of your
bardic music ability is automatically maintained for an additional
number of rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability and Perform 6 ranks.
Benefit: Any time you use a bardic music ability which effects
you can maintain for a maximum number of rounds ( such as
countersong, which lasts for up to 10 rounds, or fascinate, which
cannot normally be maintained for more than 1 round per Bard
level ), you can maintain the song for an additional amount of
rounds equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier.
Special: When you have this feat, you can willingly choose not
to maintain a bardic music effect after your performance ends
( thus ignoring the normal benefits granted by it ).
You have honed your voice into a delicate, harmonious, and
touching instrument, which you can use to enhance your bardic
songs or poetics.
You are uncannily gifted at persuading and misleading others.
Prerequisite: Bluff 8 ranks or Intimidate 8 ranks.
Prerequisites: Bardic music ability and Perform 6 ranks.
Benefit: Once per day, when making either a Bluff or Intimidate
skill check, you may choose to re-roll your check result. Use of
this feat can be declared after the result of the check has been
revealed, but before it actually takes effect. You must accept the
result of the re-roll, even if it is worse than the original.
Benefit: Whenever you use a bardic music song that allows one
or more targets a Will saving throw to resist its effects, the
Difficulty Class of the save is augmented by your Charisma
modifier ( a minimum of 1 applies ).
You have sharpened senses, good instincts, and fast reflexes,
which allow you to react quickly to danger.
You are especially talented at inspiring others. When you trigger
your inspire courage bardic music ability, you boost the morale
of each of your allies to new heights.
Prerequisite: Alertness
Benefit: You get a +2 bonus on initiative checks as well as a +1
bonus on all Reflex saves.
Prerequisites: Ability to use the inspire courage bardic music
ability and Perform 12 ranks
Your reflexes are so well honed that you are uncannily quick to
react to danger.
Benefit: When you use your inspire courage ability, each
affected ally receives a +2 morale bonus on saving throws
against charm and fear effects as well as a +2 morale bonus on
attack and weapon damage rolls.
Prerequisites: Alertness, Quick Wit, and character level 7 or
Normal: An ally affected by inspire courage normally benefits
from a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and
Benefit: During the initiative round, you roll two d20 to deter-
mine your initiative check. You keep the highest result and
ignore the lowest.
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